Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My brothers wedding

So yeah! I was supposed to post about this like.. on Sunday when everything was like.. FRESH in my head, but i just haven't gotten to do it yet. LOL
anyways, the feelings and thoughts and everything that came into my head that day are a little faded but its okay.

So,one thing about me, if you don't already know, is that i realize things later than normal people.  My brother got married last saturday (the 25th) and yeah! it was awesome! :D haha probably my favourite wedding i have ever been to!HAAH and yeah! trust me, i've been to like.. a billion weddings cos i used to play cello for weddings! ahah it wasn't like.. a huge one or anything, it was just.. FUN! and HAPPY! ahaha! that's how its supposed to be andyeah! i liked it! I got to know the bridesmaids kind of well but yeah.. too bad all but one is from singapore... so yeah.. i'll never like.. see them again! :( oh well! but for some reason, i like meeting people like that! esp girls! AHAH like.. when you are forced to "socialize" with them, i find the bonds you create with those people are different, esp if you guys end up "clicking".  trust me! HAH you'll understand what I mean if it ever happens to you! HAHA! but yeah! it was a really fun night!

Anyways, back to reality.  The next day, i wake up (on sunday) and my perspective on life changed... literally.  I guess just seeing my bro get married made it seem like i would be getting married soon or something.  but i suddenly felt like I should start being more responsible in everything I do.  I felt like I wanted to just move on from this stage in life and get a job and get married and get an awesome family and just live happily ever after! i remembered when I asked this girl once what one of her goals in life was and she was like... "to have a family" or something along the lines of that... and at the time i was like thinking "meh..thats cool i guess and i respect that... but my goal would be more like... doing an ironmen!lol"  but yeah.. coming back and thinking about it, one of my goals in life IS to have a family and ALSO be an awesome husband and a great role model for my kids and an awesome father!  I feel like that is something I really want to do!  i guess, everything just really hit me at the same time! all these other stuff too.. its hard to explain.. like. overnight i was immediately over granola barres.. like.. even if i see them.. i'm not tempted one bit... just cos it is so useless and being addicted to them was.. i dont know.. anyways yeah.. that is gone for good... for sure!

Anyways, more in the present, i need to start working harder in school if i really do want to have that nice lifestyle and have an awesome family.  i need to do my best in school so i can get a good job and i need to work hard to become that dream guy my future wife wants.

Honestly, i can't really explain what happened but when i really did realize my brother getting married, it changed my perspective on life and stuff and yeah... cool stuff! haha!

Anyways, i am happy!

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