Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 21/22, 2011

Okay so my internet died yesterday so i couldn't post this! haha
yesterday's workout was this...

4 rounds for time:
40 jumping lunges
20 Kb swings with 35lbs
10 burpees
20 pushups
40 russian twists

It was fun! :) and i did this with 1 quart less of blood than normal cos i donated blood yesterday! HAAH OOOH YEAH!!! haha you know those horror stories ppl say about donating blood?They are actually partially true! HAHA so yeah yesterday, the nurse put the needle in and i felt like.. sharp pain.. and i'm thinking.. it usually doesn't hurt that much when they put the needle in... oh well! HAHA and yeah! after liek..1 min shes like.. ur blood stopped draining.. hmm.. wait.. so she takes the needle and pulls it out a little and you can see the blood flowing again.. and she's like.. there you go! the needle just went too far in and hit the veins wall.... LOL and i'm like.. okay.. i def wanted to hear that LOL 5 mins later shes like.. umm.. ur blood is like.. just dripping out so she like.. takes the needle and starts playing around with it! LOL moves it around, in and out, (well not totally out), trying to feel for my vein with her other hand.. and i'm like. this is weird. LOL
ANYWAYS, after 15 mins in total, i finally finished filling up that sack of blood. and i'm like.. wow.. that was long LOL usually it takes me like.. 4 mins and done! haha
oh well.. she was a nice nurse though so yeah! :) haha so jokes though!  sometimes i get like.. nerve pains i think in my left arm now but yeah w/e! LOL

OKAY and now for todays workout...
4 rounds for time:
15 body rows
30 windshield wipers (i used 95 lbs)
100 single skips (it was supposed to be 45 double unders but yeah... for some reason, i couldn't do them today LLOL)

This workout was more fun and not too bad! lol like itw as managable.. i wasted alot of time though on my first round tryign to do double unders... LOL but yeah... after i switched to single skips it went by much faster LOL

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