Thursday, June 16, 2011

Black Bears

So the other night i fell asleep and had a quite scary dream! AHHA
okay so it all started in my backyard.  I was chilling near the riverbed minding my own business looking at the stream. then i saw like.. 2 cute llittle bear cubs! so i'm like !NICEE i always wanted a bear as a pet or something! so i kinda started to play with them a little! HAH they were cute and cool! LOL but then... i rmbed about what my mom told me about bear's moms and how they get pissed off when humans or w/e play with their cubs or w/e.  so yeah.. then this GIANT moma bear popped out of nowhere and got pissed at me LOL so i'm like.. SHOOOT must runnn!!! lol and yeah that was scary! LOL
I ran home luckily before the bear caught me and i closed the door and locked it LOLOL! for some reason, the bear didn't care about breaking down anything.. all it did was like.. walk around my house on its hind legs sniffing me out! OL oh yeah I forgot to say that I left my flip flops outside cos they were slowing me down. and yeah.. the bear then tore them apart and sniffed it to get my scent... after like.. 2 hours or something of taunting I'm like... wth can I do?! i'm stuck here! so i'm like...oooooo she's trying to sniff me out!! LOL so i took a shower and washed myself with herbal essences and old spice bodywash and I was a  new person! HAHA
Literaly after i did taht, i went outside and the bear didn't recognize me cos i didn't smell the same LOLOLOL or something and we became friends.  and. . i swear the bear spoke english or something.. but yeah.. we became pals even though i never saw her cubs ever again LOL and yeah... i woke up feeling guilty i lied about my friendship. cos she asked me wehre "I" went and I was like.. I dont know.  yeah... if she found out I was actually the person playing with her cubs, she'd probably get pissed LOL anyways! that was a scary dream at first! SERIOUSLY the taunting and her tryingn to smell me out was sooo freeakky! AHAH but yeah ahah turned out alreight in the end! LOL so yeah lesson learned is to take showers often! LOL jkjk i do that already.. i think

anyways! Smile and be happy people! :D

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