Wednesday, June 8, 2011

angry drivers LOL

So yeah! today was interestingn! AHAH so much fun! haah but yeah! LOL i'm just gonna talk about my morning.. cos that was interesting enough! here is a picture for you all for me to help you explain what happened! LOl so jokes btw!
OKay so that blue dude (car) is me this morning on the DVP.  SO i was driving on the dvp this morning while there was like.. SUPER HEAVY traffic.. and at this point, it seeme dlike. no one wanted to let ppl get in front of them.. but so yeah.. i look beside me and theres this weird dude (the red guy) creeping the innocent green dude.  so im like. .thats so weird! cos the red car was LITERALLY 2 INCHES behind the green dude. so im liek.. thats a weird driver.. and i keep driving along
Then.. i see the orange dude.. who's like.. a truck thing.. thats pulling along a metal thingy... like.. its not even part of the car.. its just.. metal... and the orange guy was driving on the shoulder.I think he was trying to get in front of the red dude, but the red dude kepts like.. super speeding so make sure the gap between him and the green car was not existant... LOL and the orange truck kept on trying to get in. LOL so jokes! LOl then the red guy starts going crazy.! LOL he starts honking, yelling and stuff.. then a couple seconds later... he opens his window and starts HITTING the truck with his hands! LOLOLLOL and i'm like.. uhh.. thats weird... i was really hoping, at that moment, he wouldn't look at me.. cos i was like... giving them an awkward smile !LOl cos it was so funny! but not! LOLOLOL so weird! anyways.... Somehow, the truck got in and went in front of the red dude. and i was like.. well .. i guess thats over.. then.. CRASH ahaha the stupid red guy literallly ran his car into the .. METAL of the truck.. and i'm like.. thats so stupid.. why whould you even do that? lol its like.. running into a pole... thats metal... and yeah.> LOL i saw fumes come out of his engine or somethign LOL! i still can't believe he did taht cos thats so stupid... LOL then.. he somehow .. parks his car somewhere.. i dont relaly know where.. but yeah.. somewhere on the highway during rushhour and got out of his car and ran in front of the orange dude, got pissed, spazzed, and i think he copied his license plate.. LOL im like. thats dumb.. cos if he reports what happened, he'll just get in trouble becasue as a person looking into what happened.. the red guy just made the situation bad! LOl sureeee the orange guy was in the shoulder.. but you didn't have to HIT his car with you hand then RAM ur car into the back of the truck... LOLOL anyways.. that was just funny.. and i'm happy it didn't happen to me....

Btw the thunderstorm today was nice! so much lightning ! lol and it was soo cool! cos it was so bright! LOl i like it! LOL it was a lil scary cos i was driving home and stuff.. but it was nice.. and then after the storm it becomes really calm.. and thats nice too! except for the mosquitoes.. they aren't calm.. they are.... intense....

SMILE and be happy! :D

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