Thursday, June 2, 2011

Best post-workout food!

so today i had crossfit again LOL I just finished LOL
it was this:
4 Rounds for time
10 Wall Balls
15 SDHP 95 lbs
20 Box Jumps
25 Burpees

and yeah.. it was terrible.. it doesnt look that bad.. but its BAAADD! LOl
btwww.. SDHP stands for SUMO DEADLIFT HIGH PULL!! HAHA! so jokes! LOl anyways heres a link if you wanna see it lol yeah! LOl
anyways! that was fun! LOL but super tiring.. the burpees is what slowed me down the most... LOl

ANYWAYS, best post-workout food is WATERMELON! OMGGGG! SOOO GOOOD! i just finished eating a third of a big watermelon after drinking a litre of water... which was dumb.. i should have jsut ate the watermelon cos now my belly feels bloated! LOL  but yeah. when ur super hot and tired and stuff.. that cold, sweet and tasty watermelon is the BEST! :D ahha anyways my teeth still hurt, which is too bad cos i really wanna eat crunchy food again... and enjoy it.. not like.. *bite* OW that hurts but tastes gooood OWW and yeah

Smile and be happy! :D

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