Thursday, March 29, 2012


okay.. so my friend wants me to blog about something! LOL about my cheer team LOL anyways, since I don't really know exactly what's happening at the moment! so i wont say anything until it happens LOL which won't be till 2013 LOL just saying!

anyways.. when it does happen, i'll def blog about it! lol


6km today!

SO i ran 6km today! oh mannnnnn!! it was probalby the worst 6km i've ever done LOLOL even though there was downhill at the very end, it started off  uphill.. it was like.. gradual uphill and then.. steep uphill.... LOLOLOL so like after the 1st km, i was tired.. like actually lol and then the going down hill at the end caused more impact on my joints and shins so that didn't help my developing shin splints LOL either way, i need to get physio this weekend! AHAH luckily my dad is a physio! ahah sometimes i sort of take that for granted! LOL i just realized how much money I'd spend on physio if my dad actually charged me each time! HAHA i go so often cos its free and stuff! lol

another random thing i noticed... "safe and sound" by taylor swift wasn't in the Hunger Games movie!!!! or... at least i didn't hear it!!!! :(:(:( when I was waiting for the movie.. after reading the book .. i listened to it a lot! LOL and i would imagine Katniss in the the games...tied to a tree and trying to fall asleep at night or something! haha but yeah! AHAH iunno! oh well! movie was still good though!  Back to the song! I don't know why, but it's so nice.. like.. it's not a lullaby.. its like.... comforting, but with tension.... or something! it's weird.. and it is nice.. i'm bad at analyzing music! LOL that's why i'm in science.

okay.. time to get a haircut LOL my housemates tell me to get a haircut like David Beckham or like.... a faux-hawk LOL and i'm like.. uh no LOL for now, i don't care that much about my hair.. LOL just need it to be shorter and look clean and neat! AHAH that's all that matter to me for now! and if i get a gf one day, since she'll have a better sense of style than me, i'll trust her if she'd want to change my hair lol

SMILE and be happy! :)


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's so much easier to think and relax ... and just think deeply about anything when I'm sitting on a sofa, feeling comfortable...or lying in my bed under my comforters with my pillow.  Essentially, when you feel comfortable it becomes a billion times easier to think about life, girls and whatever! LOL When you're biking for 74 mins... NOT SO MUCH! haha  The first bit all you can think about is biking cos the beginning is the hardest part.. and then after a good 30mins, all you can think about is your butt pain! LOL and trust me.. time does NOT go by quickly when biking... it goes by rather...slowly! and topics that you can think about for hours lying on a sofa goes by in 1 min! not lying!  You know how sometimes you think about ur crush or how you might ask this girl out or play scenarios in your head and stuff and it's just really interesting? (maybe i'm the only person who does this.. but yeah w/e! LOL) usually i can do this for.. lets just say.. a long time and usually, i'll fall asleep and then dream about stuff... generally happy things!  But yeah.. today, when I was biking for 74 mins.. nope! that did not help kill time..and everything i wanted to think about I finished thinking about in 1min! LOL was weird... all i could really think about was how much my butt was hurting and random chaffing around my body! LOL

Anyways, i've been thinking about this girl thing.. it's really too complicated!  Every time I put a lot of effort/thinking into it i find that it doesn't work out! LOL change of topic! lol

I was thinking... it's too bad that older women don't go for younger guys like me! LOL well.. obviously I wouldn't go for a girl that's like 4-5 years older than me! LOL thats like.. going for someone my bro's age.. LOL thats weird! LOL but 1-2 years older? i think its okay! LOL but then.. most girls like older guys i guess.. cos they are more mature! that's actually the really only thing i can think about... mature and i guess they have more of an idea of what their career is! lol like.. i guess if i was a girl, i'd rather date a guy in med school vs. a guy in undergrad science who still has no idea of what he's going to do! LOL but yeah! I still think it'd be okay for a guy to date an older girl as long as he's ready to take a relationship seriously and can be a man!

anyways, i'm gonna go now! LOL going to run with my friends! LOL 3.73km! so it's pretty short! LOL (i told my friend its 3k.. but yeah! i don't think he'll notice! LOL)

darn.. i didn't get in any studying today! LOL for some reason, i'm so much more busy than i thought i was.. i haven't done anyhing unproductive today.. except for sleepin .. but i didn't even skip class or anything.. whole day booked! :( lol hopefully tomorrow i can find time to study for at least 2 hours!.. thursday should be good though! cos i'll go to the class on wed so that i don't need to go to the thursday class and get it over with fasster!! :) ahah

kk bye for now!

Smile and be happy! :)


Monday, March 26, 2012

stupid runs! LOL

MAN! i actually had a lot I wanted to talk about!!! but then, i went for a run! LOL 10.3km run! (for you americans, that is 6.4 miles) LOL but yeah! i did it cos i'm trying to help train my friend for a half marathon! LOL but yeah! he was pushing me more than i was pushing him! HAAH jokkkeess! but yeah.. all i can say, is that most of it is mental! ANNDD, you forget everythign you were thinking about before!!! that's why before, if i was sad about a girl or something, I would run for a while and i'd feel a lot happier cos i'd forget! but...when i forget about things i wanna talk about.. like happy things, *shakes head* makes me sad LOLOL JKJK well, i'd be happier if I remembered but i'm definitely not sad atm! haha!

hmm, well, yesterday I went to watch Hunger Games! it was goood! :D haah not as good as the book, but still good!! HAHA it was actually the first time ever for me to read a book BEFORE watching he movie! it was good, but it felt like...weird cos i knew everything.. and was like....waiting for things to happen and see how the ppl who made the movie interpreted the book and stuff!  I guess it was good!  It definitely gave me a different perspective on things! all i can say is that it was interesting and yeah good! :) haah i shall not spoil it for those who haven't watched it yet!
OHH another thing! LOL I watched it in IMAX!! and that was a first too!! haah i think! it seemed SOOO COOOL in the begining cos they were doing the "BEYOND CRYSTAL CLEAR IMAGING" thing with that cool deep voice and talking about the amazing speakers and the coolness of IMAX and how it's the "ULTIMATE MOVIE EXPERIENCE" and so on! lol but yeah! LOL honestly, for me, i just found the screen to be biggner and besides that.. not that impressed! but it is nicer! LOL i like omnimax theatres!! like in the science centre!! lol that stuff is cooooool!!! hahaa

okay now i lost my train of thought again cos my friends are talking to me! LOL
time to eat lasagna soon!! :) so excited! :D haah

SMILE and be happy!


Sunday, March 18, 2012


I know I already made a post about this way long ago, but I just want to say it again!  I love dreaming! ...any kind of dreaming, really! It's really fun, relaxing and for me, all my dreams end happy! I've only ever had one dream where I almost died, but that was even pretty stupid! haha! For that dream, I got shot multiple times in the chest and fell off a cliff and into a dark ocean.  Then, I tried to swim to the top to try to survive, but then I look down, LOL and I see the bullet holes in my chest and see water going through them and I was like... well, I'm going to die no matter what, might as well enjoy my last few minutes! So I stopped swimming to the surface, looked up and let my self sink and just relax! haha it was not that bad actually! it felt good! but then, this was a dream and obviously getting shot in the chest will not FEEL good! haha!

Anyways, last night was not that dream! it was a mixture of a lot of just, fun and good dreams!  Things I wish happened, things that make my happy, and all my problems with anyone I knew were resolved!  It was just like, so ideal!  But then sometimes, dreams can make you unhappy, LOL because when you wake up, you realize those thing didn't happen and some of them never will because some things in life aren't your choice to make...

Honestly though, the weather here in London is just getting more and more awesome everyday!  And i'm not exaggerating!  I woke up today, after having some happy dreams and then, also woke up to birds chirping, with the sun out and it being like...warm (16C)!

Oh yeah, I sort of feel bad for not going to church today! :( but then, I did sleep kind of late last night...but then that really isn't a good excuse!  I'll definitely go next week!  I need to feed my spiritual stomach!!! haha! LOL I just thought about you my DG,! LOL haha, just realized that you're probably in church right now! (unless you aren't a christian yet...or aren't born yet LOL..but i'm pretty sure you're living now...oor, you could be like me and just forgot to go! or you could be writing an exam... okay yeah i think you get the point)  Honestly still can't wait to marry you and grow old with you! haha but yeah just saying.. after i see all my grandkids and stuff, I feel like I wouldn't mind dying! lol ... like I wouldn't mind dying between 60-80! haha I just don't want to get TOO old and wrinkly! HAHA and after I feel like i'm done everything in life, I think it doesn't matter if I die!  And also, I hope we die together somehow! like.. one day in bed, we both fall asleep and never wake up or something! cos yeah...ANYWAYS, this is a weird topic! i don't know how I got here!

Anyways, I have to continue reviewing for cell bio now!  I really hope it goes well!

SMILE and be happy!


LOL st. patty's day!

LOL like i said.. college/uni students take this thing way too seriously.. and actually go crazy! LOL

so this actually happened last night in London (where I live atm because i'm at Western University) lol soo jokes!

Anyways, hope none of you guys got into too much trouble and were safe last night!!!

SMILE and be happy!


Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patricks Day!

So, if ur in Highschool right now, you think st. patty's day isn't a big deal (that was me 2 years ago) but yeah! trust me ppl!  once you hit university, st. patty's day is an excuse for every student to go out there and get drunk! haha It's good in a way! cos for ppl like me, its a day where i just wanna chill and have fun!! have some beer and chill with friends! (personally I don't get drunk.. or i try not to) so yeah! but drinking is still fun and stuff! BUT today, nope i'm not chilling, not drinking beer not doing anything! LOL just studying cos i have an exam tmr! haha and i had one today! LOL

haha my friend and I were talking about how ppl drink on st. patty's day! lol ppl drink the night before to get drunk.. then sleep to recover .. then wake up early on st. patty's day to drink again and use the afternoon to recover..ish.. LOL and then drink at night! essentially, stay drunk for 1.5 days LOL! it's pretty jokes! LOL  I don't rmb what I was thinking anymore.. i was tryign to do this for my friend who is tstudying.. but he's talking to me so i forget what i'm saying! LOL jkjk but yeah i forgot what i wanted to say... and this blogging thing isn't helping him so i'm going to stop soon...

Oh yeeah.. i made awesome ribs today!.. tastes so good! :) haha

Smile and be happy!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cant study at home!

LOL okayyyy I admit it now! I'm TERRIBLE at studying at my place! especially at this time of the year when everything is SOO beautiful outside!! like...  16C and sunny with a warm breeze nice! lol so yeah! All i want to do is literally go outside and chill in a park!  Or BBQ some ribs and steak and drink beer with friends/family and stuff!! like actually!! i want to stroll around outside and just enjoy the smell of spring! and just like... take in the suns gentle rays! and feel super relaxed! LOL NOT TODAY JIREH! today, after class, I'm going to the library and studying for the rest of the day! legit!!!! because I can't afford anymore.. "waste" days!  Today is not as pretty is yesterday! so i'm not feeling as inspired! LOl i had so many things i wanted to say, but now i forgot! oh well! thats good i guess. .now i can study for genetics! haha

Smile and be happy!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

a lot of random stuff!

So, I really should be studying right now ... not blogging! lol and I don't even have thoughts at the moment so this blog will probably be really random! lol

First of all, i just wanted to say that God answers prayers if you ask earnestly! lol! I'll tell you why later... maybe when some part of my character has solidified more! but yeah!

Another thing, I wish i could understand how girls think.. but then i guess all men would sort of like to know! HAHA honestly, I think it'd be very useful, then I'd understand why they do things and it would make more sense to me... cos sometimes, girls do things and I don't understand why.. it sort of seems illogical sometimes.. but it makes sense to them for some reason! haha whatever!  I thought i used to understand them.. cos way back when, my closest friend was a girl!... this was back in gr 8-10ish? yeah! haha w/e!

Anyways, something i read today! from utmost! really stuck out to me!

But salvation is so much more! It means that the Spirit of God has brought me into intimate contact with the true Person of God Himself. And as I am caught up into total surrender to God, I become thrilled with something infinitely greater than myself.
In our surrender, we must give ourselves to God in the same way He gave Himself for us— totally, unconditionally, and without reservation. The consequences and circumstances resulting from our surrender will never even enter our mind, because our life will be totally consumed with Him.

Oswald Chambers

I jsut realized how true it is!! *sigh* yeah iunno it just really stuck out to me

OH YEAH! i wanted to talk about Rich Froning Jr.!! he's like my new hero!  He came first in the Crossfit games last year and is in 1st place atm in the Open!  but the thing is.. He's a Christian!  yeah yeah! there's Jeremy Lin who's also a Christian! and yeah he's cool! but yeah i don't do basketball! LOL but i do crossfit! and Froning is so cool! and i have a lot of respect for him! *sigh* even though he doesn't have a profession that an asian parent would approve of, i think to be in his position atm, it'd be pretty awesome! well. obviously i guess.. cos he's the best in the world at his sport! LOLOL but yeah! besides that! working as a fitness trainer... doing crossfit as a living and doign firefighting as well...iunno it just seems pretty awesome!!  And then also, I look at Julie Foucher! another crossfitter!  She's like in the top atm and guess what? She's in med school! haah friggg! honestly don't know how she does it! but I'm impressed! like really impressed! cos its hard to do taht! lol But yeah, if u don't know these people, you should google them! or soemthing! i dont think theres a wiki on them, but yeah! they are crossfitters i look up to!

Now, back to my life....I feel so blessed! honestly! God blessed me with a mind that is functional, and smart! Like I know i'm not a genius, but my mind def has the ability to do A LOT of things if i but my mind to it and actually work.  He has also blessed me with a fully functional body! and i'm grateful!  I can do crossfit, i can run half-marathons (sort of) and yeah...but then.. sometimes.. I feel liek when there are sooo many doors open in ur life, it's hard to choose which one to go through.. and ur sort of just stuck in the limbo because you don't know wher eyou want to go ... u just can't decide what to do with ur life! lol like.. do i really wanna be a doctor? should i be a dentist? physio? police officer? fireman? part of the army? personal trainer? crossfitter? musician?  I just feel like i could do so many things and I just don't have a huge passion of any of it yet!!  All I know is that I cannot go into law, business or teaching! cos i'm terrible at them! HAHA.. teachign might be possible, but yeah! iunno! so many things ... I need a passion though! I want a desire for something!  I sort of have a desire to get into med school now though.. but it's not a really good reason! LOL i was thinking back to a convo i had with my crush back when I liked her... and i told her how i wanted to get into med school and my best friend would get into law school and we'd go to the same school cos most unis that have a med school have a law school! haah and then her response was "if you can do it" LOL or something like it! like doubt! haha and even though i'm over her now, i still wanna prove to myself that I can do it! so for now.. that is my reason for a desire for med school!.. i know! it's bad! obviously i wanna help ppl and stuff! and all that standard stuff.. i'm just talking about stuff taht would be special to me.. not something everyone can say! haha!  I guess i do have a passion for crossfit, but it's not something i wanna just do for a living! this asianness is sort of engrained into me.. and i want a professional job first before i do crossfit or soemthing.. like open an affiliate or something! but thats like wayyyy down the road from now so yeah! no need to worry about that for now i guess!!

DANNG this was LONG! but also really random! i had al ot of random ideas in here! LOL

SMile and be happy!


Thursday, March 8, 2012


VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED! for the first 2 paragraphs!

Man...not today.. but a couple days ago.. i saw some older dude in the gym doing clean and presses.. but the weird thing was.. that.... LOL he had a boner or something! LOL

Okay.. so i was just chilling ... doing some shoulders at the gym when some old dude just comes up in front of me.. and i'm like.. wow! he looks intense!!! LOl doing some clean and presses with dumbells!! and he was sweating and stuff then.. all of the sudden.. i see a weird.. thing protruding out of his pants at his groin level.. and i'm like.. okay. .theres no way he has a boner. .maybe its just his shorts are on weird.. but NO! he adjusts his shorts and low and behold.... some.. THING sticking out! and i'm like.. how is taht even possible/ LOL like.. when i'm going alll out and intense.. the last place my blood wants to be is .. u know where! LOLOL so weird! but maybe he just has a lot of blood to go around! LOL meh! haha

oh wells! fun stuff!

Oh yeah! i haven't been blogging much recently but yeah!!! last week i did the snatches workout and got 60 reps in! which is actually not that bad.. even though i could have done more.... LOL! oh well!!

This 12.3 WOD is gonna be bad though! LOL 15 box jumps @24inches, 12 pushpress @115lbs and 9 TTB... AMRAP of 18 mins.. so thats pretty hard! LOL i think i'm gonna die after like.. 3 mins of this stuff! LOl oh wells!

Smile and be happy!