Sunday, March 18, 2012


I know I already made a post about this way long ago, but I just want to say it again!  I love dreaming! ...any kind of dreaming, really! It's really fun, relaxing and for me, all my dreams end happy! I've only ever had one dream where I almost died, but that was even pretty stupid! haha! For that dream, I got shot multiple times in the chest and fell off a cliff and into a dark ocean.  Then, I tried to swim to the top to try to survive, but then I look down, LOL and I see the bullet holes in my chest and see water going through them and I was like... well, I'm going to die no matter what, might as well enjoy my last few minutes! So I stopped swimming to the surface, looked up and let my self sink and just relax! haha it was not that bad actually! it felt good! but then, this was a dream and obviously getting shot in the chest will not FEEL good! haha!

Anyways, last night was not that dream! it was a mixture of a lot of just, fun and good dreams!  Things I wish happened, things that make my happy, and all my problems with anyone I knew were resolved!  It was just like, so ideal!  But then sometimes, dreams can make you unhappy, LOL because when you wake up, you realize those thing didn't happen and some of them never will because some things in life aren't your choice to make...

Honestly though, the weather here in London is just getting more and more awesome everyday!  And i'm not exaggerating!  I woke up today, after having some happy dreams and then, also woke up to birds chirping, with the sun out and it being like...warm (16C)!

Oh yeah, I sort of feel bad for not going to church today! :( but then, I did sleep kind of late last night...but then that really isn't a good excuse!  I'll definitely go next week!  I need to feed my spiritual stomach!!! haha! LOL I just thought about you my DG,! LOL haha, just realized that you're probably in church right now! (unless you aren't a christian yet...or aren't born yet LOL..but i'm pretty sure you're living now...oor, you could be like me and just forgot to go! or you could be writing an exam... okay yeah i think you get the point)  Honestly still can't wait to marry you and grow old with you! haha but yeah just saying.. after i see all my grandkids and stuff, I feel like I wouldn't mind dying! lol ... like I wouldn't mind dying between 60-80! haha I just don't want to get TOO old and wrinkly! HAHA and after I feel like i'm done everything in life, I think it doesn't matter if I die!  And also, I hope we die together somehow! like.. one day in bed, we both fall asleep and never wake up or something! cos yeah...ANYWAYS, this is a weird topic! i don't know how I got here!

Anyways, I have to continue reviewing for cell bio now!  I really hope it goes well!

SMILE and be happy!


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