Saturday, December 14, 2013

Chivalry LOL

LOOL alright, here is my quick rant on chivalry and girls and blah!

Okay, just wanna say that I don't enjoy it how some ppl say that chivalry is dead one day and the next day, when I'm trying to be nice to them, or chivalrous, they are like, "No! what I can do this myself" or blah blah! and like SUPER insist on it! I get it if they are just trying to be polite and stuff, but honestly, no wonder chivalry is dead/dying! the girls don't let us be chivalrous no morree!! so it's selected towards it dying! not saying that all girls do this...and not to say that all guys are nice too, but yeah!! it definitely doesn't help if I open the front door of a car for a girl and she assumes it's not for her and opens the back door for herself.  OR, when I go and ring the doorbell and wait for a girl at her front door and she texts me, "be out in 5 mins, wait in the car" OR when I pick up heavy bags for a girl and the girl goes like "I want to carry those heavy bags" and actually gets angry/irritated when you insist to carry it.  THen like later, there's a facebook post or something of an old couple being all cute and they are like THIS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER, and be like "chivalry still exists!!" as if they are mindblown.. >LOL they shouldn't be!!! if you really want chivalry to exist still, the next time a guy does something nice for you, just say, "Thanks" :)