Friday, June 29, 2012

What love is this? (song)

So, i was on youtube, and this video was on my recommendation list!! LOL and I really like this song!!
This is my first time listening to Kari Jobe!! well i think i've heard her before, but yeah!! i like her!! and they lyrics are so true!

You never change
You are the God you stay you are
When I'm afraid
You calm and still my beating heart
You stay the same, when hope is just a distant thought
You take my pain
And you lead me to the cross

What love is this, that You gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess You're always enough for me
You're all I need

I look to you
I see the scars upon Your hands
And hold the truth
That when I can't You always can
I'm standing here beneath the shadow of the cross
I'm overwhelmed that I keep finding open arms

What love is this that You gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess, You're always enough for me
You're all i need

Jesus in your suffering you were reaching your thought of me
Jesus in your suffering you were reaching your thought of me

What love is this, that You gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess, You're always enough for me
You're all I need

What love is this, that you gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know you
And i confess, you're always enough for me
Always enough for me
Always enough for me

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rest day

Today is my rest day!! i really need to rest, but at the same time i don't want to!!! i want to workout!! haha but, if you constantly workout without rest ever... esp if ur doing like.. crossfit, it's sort of bad i think!! unless ur body is crazy! but at least for me, I need rest or my performance just goes down and I become more prone to injury!!! so i don't want that!! And, i know i have cheer practice tomorrow!! so i need to rest my shoulders so that I may be able lift girls tomorrow!! Even though they feel not to sore today, i know they are, cos i worked them out like.. 3-4 days in a row! AHAH whoops! oh well! and think i did handstand pushups one day, then pushpress and push jerk the next day, then stunted the day after and yesterday i did shoulder press LOLOL so yeah... today i need to rest them so they can get stronger!

Yesterday, I felt superly convicted again to read the Bible EVERYDAY again.  Not just when i think i should or w/e... and not just one verse per day either.  I need to really read the Bible everyday! seriously and let God take over my life again! i was convicted of this about 2-3 weeks ago as well, sort of, but yeah!  or last time, it was more like, i realized that God is just always there for me and He loves me! and stuff and that all i need to do to get close wtih Him again was to just spend time with Him because He's always free to chill with me! Anyways, from now on, i need to make sure I spend time with Him daily!!! haha even if it's a struggle i thiink!!! having intentional faith is very important! and i'm realizing that more and more! like i realized it before and did something about it, but then, my relationship with God became too...emotionally based.. which was good, but bad!  I need to love God with more than just my heart!  I need to love Him with all my mind AND soul as well!!

Anyways, today is such a nice dayyyy! it lookes sooo pretty outside!!! i sort of wish i lived close to a park!!! even thoug my backyard is sort of like a park... cept there's too many mosquitos in my backyard!!! there are less in parks!
I need my girl to like nature! I want to be able to go on a date with my DG one day and JUST sit and look at God's wonder! like.. watching a sunset/sunrise.. and just watching it with me and not get bored! AHAH or just sitting in a park with me and watching little kids play and enjoying that!! haah iunno! okay obviously we can talk cos there may be stuff we'd wanna say to each other, but, mostly just enjoying each other's company and enjoying stuff like that together!! iunno! just being still and relaxing!! haha! i know.. maybe a lil weird, but i like doing that myself! so...i hope my DG will like doing that too!!! :D or something! iunno!!!

So, this is a pic of my and my sis!! this is not an example of what I'd want to do with my dg or anything!! just a nice pic of a sunset at a beach!! and believe it or not, the "cradle" position is not that comfortable if you have to hold it for extended amounts of time! haha But yeah! God's creation is pretty cool eh?!!?



Tuesday, June 19, 2012

fun tuesday!

wooow today was funn!! and intense workout!!
I essentially worked out all day!! and studied in between!!! okayyyy

10am @ Crossfit Markham
5-5-5 Deadlift @265lbs
21-15-9 of the following:
Deadlift @ 225lbs
Pushups (chest to ground)

Time was 2:39 for that workout!!

ALL THE TIME IN BETWEEN I WAS STUDYING!! and running errands! :) (so i was productive)

5:15pm @ Toronto Chinese Community Church
Work on handstands
15 min AMRAP (as many rounds/reps as possible) of the following (in order):
1 length of gym running (there and back)
15 Taters @ 24kg
30 double unders

Score was 6 rounds + 1 length +15 Taters

8pm @ Pulsars Gymnastics place
So this wasn't really a workout, but it was really fun!! :) this is sort of what i did:
Work on round-offs
15 back tucks
Stunt - toss to hands and then extension several times
Watch ppl do crazy things!! I'll show u the video when i find it!!! but its SICCKKKK!!! there was this one thing they did.. so they like. ran to each other and jumped... then pushed off each other's foot and did a back tuck!!! so cool! and funny cos they also screwed up a lot!!
Then i tried doing lib... which was fail!! because i'm not used to it, but when a spotter put his hands on it... it became like so good! haha anyways, hopefuly i get better!
then we ended off with a circle of tucks!! where everyone is in a circle and its like... a wave!
in the end, EASILY
50+ back tucks!! and my tucks surprisingly got bettter as i got more tired! LOL

OKAY!! i found it!!

anyways, that was an ultimate ab workout!! my abs are so tired now! and i know tmr morning, i'll do a sit up out of bed, and regret it!! HAHA

Fun day!! and i'm pooped! shoot.. i just realized i have to go downtown tmr! :( for MCAT course!! anyways goodnight all and see u later!

Smile and be happy!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

encouragement for my sis!

LOL so, today, after father's day dinner, we gathered as a family in my living room and "commissioned" my sister....essentially, we gave her encouragements because she's going on missions this summer.  She'll be part of CEF and helping share the gospel with children! :) FUN and really rewarding stuff!  anyways, i was first up for encouragements and LOL honestly had nooo idea what to say.  and i didn't wanna jsut give her a verse! LOL so i was like "When the road is bumpy..." and everyone started laughing.. and... they obviously don't understand i was being serious! LOLOL JKJK but yeah! i was trying to be profound! LOL and i just yeah... couldn't think of what to say next so i started a new one! LOL "when the storms of life come...*long pause*...let them come" *family started laughing* but obviously i was trying to be deep LOL! and i continued "cos then you'll get into the eye of the storm and it'll be calm" LOLOL or somethign lame like that! and my bro was like.. yeahh.. deep! lol anyways, you guys probalby don't think this is funny, but yeah, it's one of those experiences you need to be at to understand! LOL anyways later, my bro showed us a song/gave it to her LOL which is jokes because it was essentially totally about my "profound" words!! and when i listened to it, it sort of explains better of what i was really trying to get at !LOLOL! so yeah here it is!

And yeah!! For those brothers and sisters out there in Christ, I want to give this to you as an encouragement as well!! To follow Christ no matter what! He always knows what is best for you, and even though it may seem like you are walking into a storm, He as a plan, and He will be in that storm with you...protecting you all the way!

Anyways, sis, if ur reading this, I'll be keeping u in my prayers and if u ever have anything specific you need me to pray for, I'm always here!! so send me a msg or a text! :) or call!! haah doesn't matter! :)

Smile! and be happy! :D

Friday, June 15, 2012

one day

I watched this video, and thought of you (i'm talking to my dream girl btw)
I don't really know what to say! cept that I love you and I can't wait until the moment God brings us both together!  Watching this video really made me wish i could get married to you tmr! lol but i know in my heart that this day will come! And I know that I'm not ready to meet you yet!  I need to get my act together! LOL but yeah! still, i can wait,  but i'm excited for the day! i'm bad with words! but i hope you get how i feel!!

Smile! :)


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Sooo...Honestly, I'm so grateful to God!!! okay grateful already sounds/looks weird to me so i'll use thankful!! My back has felt "broken" for the longest time and recently it's been getting better and better!! Last year, I injured my lower back from being stupid while doing snatches!! (i didn't bail when I was supposed to!!) and my back got messed for a couple of weeks!! and my dad said I may have slipped my disc a little! like a very minor slip, but a slip nonetheless! so i was like crap! but then it healed and i was back doing crossfit and then eventually got into cheerleading!  Cheerleading was a really fun time! :) not gonna lie! got much stronger and made friends with people I probably would not have been friends with if it wasn't for cheer! but...for those of you who know my love for crossfit and stuff, for the 8 months back in school, I didn't really get the chance to do crossfit so i sort of missed it a lot!! haha I still did compound movements in the gym, but...its different when ur doing WODs for time and competing against fellow strong people!! Anyways, I went back to crossfit immediately after i came back from school and screwed my back over ... AGAIN! The first WOD back for me was a regional WOD from last year! 21-15-9 of 315lbs Deadlfit and like 30in box jump or something.. it might not have been 30 inches, i don't rmb! but yeah!the frist 21 deadlifts were alright.. it was the remainder! and iw as like... "NO! i have to RX'd this" in my head! and i kept on going...rounding my back and crap just so i could finish when I should have scaled it!  Just to make it clear, Crossfit promotes people to scale when needed, so if i were to listen to them, i would have scaled it... it was out of pride that I didn't scale it! The fact that I thought i could do it.. and i did do it! lol but the consequence was that I screwed myi lower back for like.. 2 months! literally! It wasn't until last week was my back starting to feel significantly better! I told God and my brother (I guess to keep me accountable) that if i couldn't do a backflip by next practice (which was last sunday), I would quit cheer! and thankyou God! I literally didn't feel better until the day before practice! and during practice I was able to whip out 3 decent back tucks! the rest were fail, but my back didn't hurt while doing them whereas last time it would!

Just yesterday, I was able to power clean&jerk 225lbs! and front squat 295lbs!! and honestly, I'm happy with those lifts!!  I can say that my back is at least 90% back to normal!  because cleans and front squats require strong core and back! and my back didn't hurt yesterdday!! i'm not going to lie though, there are still some positions where my back will hurt and the occasional sneeze will cause slight pain to my lower back! and putting on pants and stuff still sort of hurts, but thank GOD its SOO MUCH better!!! literally, i couldn't even round my back at al lbefore.. even getting out of bed hurt, putting on pants was a mission and if i had to pick up something from the ground... LOOL yeah that would suck!! but yeah! :D i'm just so happy that i'm healed!! and I will not abuse the fact that I actually healed! cos honestly, during the last 2 months, i felt soooo handicapped! and it really sucked.. and i honestly thought i was gonna be like that forever! LOl so i'm just happy! Thanks God!

Smile! and be happy!


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dream Girl, i need to love you!

DREAM GIRL! make sure you know that I love you!! like.. a lot! and I am working hard to love you as Christ loves the church!  I guess this post is for you in the future..after we are happily married! HAHA but yeah!! Make sure I obey Ephesians 5:25-33!!
"25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[b]her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”[c] 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."
I want to love you like that! haha...having unconditional love and at the same time, having love for God and submitting to His authority and word!  It is my theory that if I do my role as your husband (verses 25-33), your role as wife will be much easier (verses 22-24) haha

Anyways, hope you're doing well!!

Smile and be happy!


Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday evening well spent!

WOOW!! so today, after crossfit, my bro and i decide to stay home and lOL NOT got to fellowship!! just cos my sis didn't wanna go and I didn't really wanna drive 20 mins to go jsut for me.. and stuff! lol but yeah!! TIME WAS SPENT WELL!!! LOL! okay so everything below here is a copy and paste from my bro's blog! Everything in RED is an add-in by me
5 p.m. @ CrossFit Markham

Good mornings: 4x45lbs, 4x95lbs, 4x135lbs, 4x165lbs, 3x4x185lbs, 2x4x165lbs

- Then -

12 min AMRAP
10 Strict Pull-ups Even though i used a band, this was definitely my SUPERB WEAKNESS!!! like yeah.. screwed me over! HAHA
20 Side Plyo Jumps This was a joke!
10 KB Swings (eye-level), 72 lbs
Josh: 5 Rounds + 9 Pull-ups
Jireh: 4 Rounds + 9 Pull-ups So I didn't Rx'd the pullups! LOL I used a purple band because my lats are very bad! HAHA and I need it cos i suck!!!
Something my bro forgot to add in, which was essential to our fitness today:
7:00 p.m. @ Home (inside)

We watched "The Myth"!! a Jackie Chan movie!! :) it was good! I like the song! and I like the korean actress! she's really beautiful! :)

9:15 p.m. @ Home (inside)

Workout of the Week (WOW), for Harvest Bible Chapel's Tough Mudder Team
30 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes)
50 squats for those that know i love squats, this was my active rest
40 jumping jacks This was so jokess!! it was my ACTUAL rest!! haah!! but yeah.. i got a blister on my foot cos of this!! :(:( cos i did this workout barefoot!
30 mountain climbers
20 plank push-ups UM.. THIS WAS THE WORST!!! i thought it was a joke at first, but definitely the limiting factor in this workout! and my elbows are like.. messed up from hitting the ground!
10 military push-ups
Josh: 6 Rounds + 9 Squats
Jireh: 6 Rounds + 43 Squats
10:20 p.m. @ Home (outside)

5 Rounds for Time
10 DB Thrusters (25 lbs dumbbells)
20 KB Swings (55 lbs)
(Jireh and I just did it to complete it, alternating between exercises. The time reflects the slowest person ... which was me of course :P) "me" here refers to my bro ;) hahah jkjk!! i would have been the slowest if i ended on the KB swings, cos they always take longer...cos its 20 reps!

Time: 10:10

All in all, GOOD WORKOUT!! and fun stuff!! :D my goal is to be like Rich Froning.. who does this kinda stuff on a regular basis.. but harder! LOLOL

SMILE and be happy! :)
