Thursday, March 31, 2011


Okay guys! I'm gonna try to write something in CODE and tell me if you can understand it.. okay? ahha cool! thanks guys!

"w9 59eq6 2qw q h8d3 eq6! 23oo, h95 43qoo6 dw9 8 dqh5 t9 59 wo330!!!!! 63qy, 5y8w 8w 590 bqe! yqyq!  8 2qh5 59 w990... t73ww h95 59h8ty5! zxcvbnm,./  oq oq oq!  9iq6, 8 5y8hi 5y8w 8w 3h97ty r94 h92.... 9iq6...5y3 j99h 8w t433h! o9o u9i3w!"

Okay let me know if you have any idea of what that is saying! ahah its just a random code i just made up now! LOLOL!
if you know.. try commenting below a "translation"! ahah

Smile and Be happy! :D

Monday, March 28, 2011


He is jealous for me...
it's the beginning of a worship song if ur confused LOL... but it's so.... WOOW! and it gets me every time!
seriously, if there was a word crazier than wow.. i would say that! ahah! cos it's actually so crazy just thinking about it!
I don't even know what to say anymore! but yeah!

Smile and be happy! :D

Sear up those NECKS! lol

Laziness is seriously a really bad thing to have!  It's like ... a bad thing that...heals itself!! so its bad!  like that hydra thingy that grows back 2 heads after one is cut off!
I'll explain this forever failing loop!
1.  You realize you are lazy and complacent
2.  You know you should fix it by being proactive
3.  You start to try being proactive
4.  You start thinking about all the hard work that is needed to be proactive
5.  You don't want to do it all, so you get lazy
6.  You start being lazy again
7.  Your laziness costs you something in your life (marks or relationships or w/e)
and the cycle repeats!
seriously, i came to the same epiphany couple months ago! and guess what happened? LOL steps 3-6!  This time, i skipped 7 and am back to step 1.. this time i need to make it right!
thats how hercules killed the hydra right? cut off the head then seared the flesh!
I have to cut after step 3! lol and yeah... just not think about it but just do it one day at a time!
LOL tbh, i dont know if im going to just repeat this cycle again, but I really hope not because, im literally done school in 1 month! haha yeah thats right, 30 days!!! woow!!
Anyways, if you read this, please pray for me! Pray that I can... Just do it by the grace of God!
Thanks! haah

Smile and be happy! :D

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dream Guy!

LOL so this isn't about what you guys think! i'm NOT going gay.. trust! ahah!
I need to take a step back and reflect...

Today during ACF something stuck out to me a lot.  something to do with.. I can always keep looking for my dream girl forever and maybe even find her... BUT, will I be the kind of guy she'd want to date and marry? tbh, right now, I DONT THINK SO!! LOLOL just being honest... I don't think i'd date myself! ahah like.. if I was a girl... u know what I mean...but yeah!  I need to be the Dream Guy my Dream Girl wants! oh yeah! :)  When I was younger, I used to always try improving myself so taht i could do this!  LOL tbh, the only reason I'm nice now is cos in like.. gr 6 or something, my mom was like.. "Jireh! you know girls don't like mean guys? or guys that annoy them?" and i was like oh dangg! i need to be nice so that i can get girls! AHAH I think that's what I thought.. i don't really rmb... but now, I'm pursuing to be the dream guy my dream girl wants!  To do this, i really need to straighten up my relationship with God! *sigh * like actually! haah sometimes i feel close, nd like.. litereally 10 mins later, i can feel super far from Him!  I need to love God so much more than I do now before I can start being the man i need to be because our relationship has to have a strong foundation on Him.... LOL not on like.. "ur pretty"feelings or w/e
Anyways, Dream Girl, I pray I can be a man that honours and loves God and you (and yes, that is in order of priority!) and be your Dream Guy!

Smile and be happy! :D

Thursday, March 24, 2011

So, I'm just chilling here in UWO rec centre!  finished a nice work out!  which was MOSTLY wasn't that intense.. but i was here for a long time!
I cycled, ran, squatted, tried benching but failed epicly, double skipped, and ran again! ahah seems like a lot, but i did it over like.. 2-3 hours LOL cos i did a lot of chilling here!

*sigh* i feel great! haha! now i am waiting for my lovely friends to finish up so we can walk back home to sleep and go to chem tmr! aha

anyways, I was thinking...I really feel far from God sometimes!  I just don't feel the Spirit moving, i fall into temptations so often, and I just like.. live a life that doesn't glorify Him! ... it really bothers me!  I feel like I'm being a hypocrite all the time!  haah actually! haha its weird!  like i say something, but then i do the opposite sometimes! HAAH so jokes! hah but not! Anyways, I really miss those times where I felt closer to Him! ahah okay yeah! i dont know where i'm going with theis.. it hink all I want to say is this:  I feel far from God.  i miss being close to Him.  I want to get closer to Him!

I am happy now, but I know that I will be happier!
its like... someone who gives you a cake.. ur happy, but then.. that cake is missing something.... like a flower! and you need taht flower to be COMPLETELY happy! haah!

*sigh* anyways, i am really happy i went to the gym today! it made me feel productive! LOL

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I am waiting for you, faithfully!

Just for clarification, my Dream Girl is my future wife (the one girl I will marry one day if I get married).  She is not the person I like right now or anything like that...although it's possible they might be the same person...but very unlikely!  I do not know who she is yet haha! :)

Anyways, this is a song for you, Dream Girl! I know i didn't write it, but it has everything i wanted to say to you in it!  I can't wait for the day I will know for sure who you are!

"Faithfully" by Eric and Leslie Ludy

Hope you all enjoy this!
Smile and be happy! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I feel that Happy people are like light! they light up darkness when it is dark! :D  so like.. if ppl around them are not so happy/or if they are sad, they are a light to them and yay! :D light + darkness = light! AHAH right? cos that light in the darkness will make it light! :D i think that makes sense LOL!

BUT there are those ppl...ppl who are like.. always angry/irritated/I HAVE NO IDEA! haaha just negative feeling person LOL and they are like a black hole... its not even darkness its like.. DARRRKNESS! AHAH wait.. def from hole is a region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. SO yeah! it is trueee! HAAH when you aare reallly happy and you meet someone who can't be anything BUT negative.. WHAOAOOO!! ahah like.. ur happiness gets sucked out of you! HAHAH liike.. a black hole sucking in light and matter! haha! danngg!! but yeah! most ppl aren't black holes all the time.. i guess it's just when they have those bad days....
I dont really get angry though.... im just usually happy or... sad... or sad (but acts happy) or sometimes annoyed (this is not common)... but i dont think i ever turn into a black hole! HAHA If i do.. tell me.. nd i'll go to sleep and wake up happy! AHHA jkjk but yeah.. im pretty sure i'm not like that.. but yeah! w/e! AHAH

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

La dee da!

it makes me happier than what i normally am! :D :D haha
Je suis TRES HAPPY! :D

Anyways, HOPE you guys are all having a great day! :D ahah i was so happy i cleaned my room! :D ahah so now i can actually study in it! :D hah time to do calc now! :D yay! :D 

Smile and be happy pplss! :D

Monday, March 14, 2011


I guess some ppl really do click better than others! LOL but why? esp when I know for sure its not a personality clash?  Some people i understand! LOL others.. Je ne sais pas...

in ways, it is good that there are clicks if you think about it!  cos if everyone was good friends with everybody.. it would be complicated! HAHA cos you can't really be best friends with 1000 ppl LOL u can only really be best friends with those few ppl who click with you! aha  and thats good in a way! :)

*sigh* i hope that one day I will be able to click really well with my dream girl! ahah and i hope i become really good friends with her before i start liking her/have strong feelings towards her! or else yeah! haha we probably wont be able to click anymore! AHHA


that was a disappointing shower! haha It was supposed to be a hot steamy beautiful shower.. but it was not! HAHA it was hot and nice at first then all of the sudden.> BOOM COLDNESS! AHH i was like WHAT THE! and then yeah if got hot.. then it got cold! then hot.. and yea.. thats what happened the entrie time! AHAH anyways.. it's good for your muscles though i think...haha w/e! AHAH at least i feel nice and spicky clean! : D

Smile and be happy! :D

Running partner! :D haha

So this morning I woke up.  I look outside and im like.. NIIICCCEEE!! then i go outside to feel the weather and im like.. SUPER NICCCEEEE! :D so i was like.. i need to go for a run today! haha So i pick up my phone and text my friend named... for privacy purposes i'll call him Special K... so yeah SK!  so we set a time and stuff and he comes to my house and i'm ready to go running with that friend.. so i open the door and see my friend who wasnt my friend! HAHAHA like he was my friend but not the same person I was thinking HAHAH DANGGG!! what i learned from this is that you need to put last names on contacts esp if you know more than one person with that name! HAHA SOO FUNNY! AHAH and yeah! AHHA so he saw my expression and was like.. "am I the wrong person?" ahah nd i was like.. "yep" LOL but then i immediately felt bad so i was like.. "but you're cool too! AHHA lets go and run! :D" ahah so weird! I got to know that friend better through our 7.5 km jog but yeah! .. I feel so bad for him! haah oh man.. right now... my sweat on my shirt has cooled down and im getting shivers LOL! AHHA dang i need to take it off.. LOL
anyways.. I'm gonna go an take a nice steamy hot beautiful shower! :) hope u guys had an awesome day! :D

Smile and be happy! :D

Saturday, March 12, 2011


So last night during BS, LOL (that means Bible Study), the bs leader asked us what we pray about the most... like.. what's usually on our hearts and if we could ask God to do ONE thing for us, what would it be?  So I thought to myself (pretty quickly) and the first thing that came to my mind was my DREAM GIRL! ahah Yeah i know it's kinda selfish, but honestly, i pray about her all the time! haha! and I said that yesterday! and my one thing was to know who she was so I wouldn't have to go through all the heartache and drama of trying to find her! HAHA so yeah! i know it was selfish!  likkke... in my HEAD, i know praying for WORLD PEACE or that everyone could know God or being able to feel God, like how Adam did and stuff.. would have been theoretically better answers, but those arent things I pray for the most often.. i just decided to be honest yesterday! AHA w/e Je ne care pas what ppl think because at least i know that what i said was true! haha
Anyways, the bs we had yesterday was on prayer.. and communicating with God.  If you think about it, praying is pretty much like talking to God right? and somethign my bs leader said that finally hit me was that it is really important! AHAH like.. i know that.. but then he kinda gave an analogy which i could kind of relate to! AHA.. so he was like... Say you liked this girl.. A LOT, but you never really talked to her.. you'd only talk to her by saying "hi" randomly or just "how was ur day" because you guys "know" each would you really know who she is?  sure you can read about her on facebook, watch her interact with other ppl to get ideas of who she is, but you don't know her personally and that's what really matters!  So yeah.. when my bs leader put things into perspective like that.. i was like.. danggg...because iunno.. that analogy really hit me! haha probably cos I always think about my dream girl or just yeah...ppl HAHA  I used to think that you could know God by just reading the bible... well you can! but you can't on that close level!  *sigh* anyways, i think i had more to say, but yeah! HAH its all gone :D i'm not good at rmbering things for a long time.. LOL

Anyways, I love superhero movies! esp animated ones! i dont know why! ahha I watched Wonder Woman the other day, and im like WHOA! cool movie! cos i find the greek gods so cool and what not! hah!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

waterloo! LOL

Man! so this weekend is pretty intense! I have seminars to go to and they are pretty much ALL day every day!  Plus i have a midterm on Sunday.. LOL so yeah! I relaly hope i get more studying done tmr!  I didn't do enough today for sure....

Today, I spent some time with friends that i really missed and I guess... u don't really rmb how much you miss ppl until you meet them again! ahah some of them i havent seen for years, some of them just for like a week! but yeah! they are great ppl! :D ahah

I'm not gonna lie, UWO is DEF better than UW LOL, but there are some nice things here i guess! haha like the ppl... and the food plaaza they have! haha its soo useful! AHAH but yeah ppl here are so nerdy! HAHA jkjk iunno w/e.. im too tired right now to blog! haha w/eee maybe i'll blog about this later... or not LOL! we'll see...

Oh yeah! haah i met a new friend! his name was alex! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

4-D Fitness! LOL

So this is kinda a steal off my bro's blog! HAHA you can read it if you want! it's on the side <--- aha!

Anyways, this reading week really got me thinking! I really need to get FIT!  And by this, I don't mean, just <5% body fat... LOl i mean like.. FIT! haha!
So in my brother's blog, he talks about being 4-D fit!  This includes your mind, body, heart and spirit! ahah i don't really understand exactly what he means.. but I'm just going to interpret it the way I think he means it to be!  ahah

I feel like this means I need to get my mind straight.. LOL yeah i know I'm bad at explaining things, but thats what I'm trying to do!  If any of you guys know me, you probably know just how lazy and complacent about life I am(was)! AHA I'm trying to fix that and become more motivated to do work and just be proactive and stuff!  I actually wrote Colossians 3:23 in BIG Pink words and posted it up in my wall! HAH "Whatever you do, work at it with ALL your heart as working for the Lord, not men"

Body lol!
Well, I think im beautiful... LOL JKJK but yeah! I feel like i've been slacking off and i'm not physically fit, so I'm going to start going to the gym more or just run outside because the weather is getting nice again! :)  haha! today I was about to go to sleep and take a nap about an hour ago and i'm like. NO! I'm not even tired! cos i wanted to sleep ONLY cos it feels comfortable... LOL so I was like.. nice.. i see a dumbell.. so i changed my clothes nd stuff and started doing swings, push-ups and squats!
Anyways, a goal of mine is to run my first full marathon under 4 hours in October for my 19th birthday! :)  if anyone wants to join me, it'll be the Niagra Falls one! HAHA If you're my friend, tell me and we can probalby hang out or something! :)

Heart! <3
I'm not sure what this means.. i'll just assume this could mean emotions and stuff!  For now, I feel kind of emotionally stable! haah some situations can induce brief heartaches, but i just need to get over those things! HAHA  For now, I just need to really not worry about who my dream girl is or w/e! And just leave that to the Author of Love.. and trust Him because *sigh* yep!  LOL w/e!
This could also be Cardio! haha jkjk but yeah that probably falls under body!

I guess this could be my relationship with God!  After all, the Holy Spirit lives within me, so I guess I should spend more time chilling with Him! haha! I'm not doing terrible, but not that good either I think! lol  The thing about this, and like all the categories i guess, there is ALWAYS room for improvement! :)

Smile and be happy! :D