Tuesday, August 21, 2012


So i'm in sudbury!!

and i'm leaving at 4am! LOL in like.. 3 hours!


I SAW A BABY BLACK BEAR TODAY RUN ACROSS A ROAD!! AHAHh it was actualy so surreal and cuttteee!!!!!!! omggggg i want a bear for a pet now or osmething!! they are so cutttee! esp the cubs!!!


that is all! :)



Sunday, August 12, 2012

God's Perspective!

Sometimes, when I talk with people, they just don't get things.  They live their lives unconvicted of their problems, see things and think its unfair and just a lot of other things!  This is not going to be a long post, because all I have to say is very simple.  Perspective! ... To be more accurate, God's perspective!  If you live your life looking at things through your perspective, things may not make sense, things may not seem fair, things may seem fine...

Okay, I sort of dislike getting into sensitive topics, but this is what I believe.
If you are a Christian, and you think God is unfair, you are sort of not getting the whole point of who God is.  You are never higher than God. NEVER!  And if you think that your reasoning is superior to God, someone whose wisdom and reasoning is essentially infinite, you're just wrong! (yes, I'm assuming you believe in a God) If you think God is unfair, He's not! He is just and merciful.  Which is a complicated concept...but the more you think about it, the more it'll make sense. :)
Alright, so I was thinking this too, after talking to a friend of mine!  You might think sin is "not that bad".  For example, some people may think that a lie isn't all that bad!  But you are comparing this to God, who is holy and perfect...someone who just can't stand sin!  Maybe you might think your sin wasn't too bad, but you are looking through the wrong lenses!  Look through God's!  Get His perspective, understand who God really is!!  Then you will truly understand the ramifications of your sins.  I almost feel stupid saying this because I sin all the time (and I'm not proud of it!).  It sort of sucks...this sinful nature we have.  My mind wants one thing, yet, my sinful nature wants another!  Going back to God, I feel that people nowadays stress too much on the fact that God loves us.  Don't get me wrong.  God loves us so much that it's crazy, but people get too caught up in that and think that since He loves us, He'll do whatever we want or something.  People have to also understand that God is holy and perfect!  If you understand that, then I think you'll get a much better perspective on things!  Okay, I don't even fully understand it, but even though I don't understand it, God's perspective makes sense in my mind.

Anyways, this post was just things that were on my mind! I hope it makes sense...I'm not sure if it does because things in my head make a lot more sense until I have to write it out! haha!




4 Rounds for Time:

Run 400m
10 Burpees
Run 400m
15 DB Thrusters 25lbs per arm

Time was 19:30 ish! LOL i have slow running.......

it is now 12:52am! LOl just finished the WOD! LOL at least now i know all the food i ate today wont be converted to pure fat! LOl

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


So, I’m honestly just really bored again and at the moment, all my cheer friends are sleeping in the car so…it’s boring! LOL I COULD talk to my coach or whatever, but yeah!!! Not really in the mood!  For those that don’t know, I spent the past few days in Nashville, Tennessee!  SOO CLOSE to Rich Froning, but oh well!! We travel as a team!... Or else I totally would have checked out CrossFit Cookeville or something!
I guess I’ll just take this time to outline what I did this weekend! Lol…actually, I have a PDF, so if I can, I’ll load it! If not, whatever! Yes, I am typing this in the car ride! And yes, there is no internet! LOL I’m just typing on Microsoft Word and then copy/pasting it into my blog later! LOL

Here is a team pic! :)

I’ll just outline my Highlights!
-I got and go extension with my friend, who I don’t normally stunt with! :) which was good!
-I did a pretty decent standing full into a foam pit! LOL FUNNEST thing EVER! I don’t think I twist fast enough, but I can work on that…just need to pull harder!
-I went to a restaurant where there are peanuts EVERYWHERE! Like, there would be buckets of them and people would just eat them and throw the shells on the ground! I felt like such a rebel the first time I threw the first shell down! HAHA but it was cool!
-Pool parties were always good!  We did a catfight battle! (where girls get on guys shoulders and fight with other girls until one of us falls) My girl and I lost! :( So sad! OH well! The opponent was apparently a monster LOL She’d grab hair like craziy and stuff! LOL my girl was scared she’d loose hair! AHHA so funny!  I also tried doing like…a Handstand thing into the pool, but I kept on “back flopping” and yeah…it just feels like a big slap on your back! LOL
-Although the hills were really hard, I sort of enjoyed them!  Sure they were tough, but I sort of like doing intense things! The arches in my feet are sort of in pain from all the hops up the hill we did! :( oh well! It’s like that good pain I think.  When I say good pain, I mean, pain that you know isn’t bad for you and shows that you are actually productive and active!
-My back is getting better slowly! For those that don’t know, I re-injured it 2 weeks ago doing Yoga….I think yoga re-opened things in my back and loosened to many of my lower back muscles that everything went back to as before, but not AS bad!  I could still do back tucks this weekend! Granted, not as good because I couldn’t pull as hard or it’d hurt!
-I like how I started to bond a lot more with my teammates without the need of partying and drinking my head off! LOL (No, I’ve never partied with my cheer friends…there was this one time, but it was not optional because it was after Nationals.  Even then,  I still didn’t really party…I just stood there! LOL)
-Sleeping in bed was so good especially after a long day of work and stuff!

Here is a pic of us after we do our crazy long hill runs and jump in a circle to finish off the day!...
"1, 2, 3 STANGS!!!"

So yeah, I think that’s enough stuff!  I’m sure there’s a lot more stuff, but they aren’t coming to my head atm, and yeah, I don’t want to bore you people to death! Haha this is a long post!  I will post my other ideas in a new post later!

