Monday, December 31, 2012

Christ pursues me!!

I am so glad!!! HAHA because no matter what, Christ is always pursuing me!  Even though I don't deserve it, as long as I want Him, He is ALWAYS there for me! ... Like always!  It's actually funny because it's actually super duper easy...yet at the same time, it's not...because you don't always feel like pursuing it!  But then when you do pursue Christ, you realize that it's so much better!  He gives you hope, love and joy!! and so much more!

Today i was reading James 1 and all I can say is that I really needed to read that! (I haven't read James in a while cos I read is so much before and I'm like i wanna explore new passages, but i felt the spirit nudging me to read it! LOL so i was like... okay! and He really spoke to me through it! and really comforted me!.. though I already knew the stuff it said, it was such a great reminder!  I can feel Christ pursuing me!) even today's sermon spoke to me today!!! It was about what it takes to be a disciple of Christ! and it's really not easy! it truly is all or nothing! and it actually is "the best or nothing" haha! all being the best LOL just incase u guys didn't catch that!  There were some things in the sermon that I really liked and really helped encourage me!

Christ is so amazing!  He always loves me, even when I don't feel like loving Him back!  His love for me is unconditional and purposeful...super intentional! I pray that one day, I will be able to love like Christ loves!  That I will be able to pursue the same way He pursues! And that in everything, I may do everything to glorify God!  I pray that I will truly love my wife like Christ loves me/the church.  It's such an amazing parallel!  I pray that I will never complain...that I will never blame my wife for anything, but to love her like Christ loves me...unconditionally! and continue to pursue her patiently and gently yet firm just how Christ continually pursues me!

okay i was chilling with jeff and brian! so I forgot my thoughts! LOLOl oh well!!!! haha!



Monday, December 3, 2012


Mannnn LOL sometimes, I wish I could just like.. think something, then have blogger post everything i was thinking!! haah cos myyyy i have so many things i want to talk about but i'm just tooo lazy to type it all out! LOL basically what happene,d whas my laptop sort of broke, so i couldn't type anything more than a sentence so i just saved my thoughts for when my comp got fixed/back to normal! and now that it is back to normal... mannnnn i just don't want to blog!! lol okayyyyy here are the potential topics i'll be blogging about.. this is just notes for the future so i know what to blog about LOL

1. last last saturday (best day ever..cheer in the morning, coras after, sleep, keg, 007) (nov 24)
2. God is sovereign! I'm not my own, I'm His! - God can do anything He wants... (nov. 26)
3. and stuff? (Dec 2)
4. being in the world but not of it (john 17) (Dec 3)

and i think that's it for now! the dates in brackets are the days i was supposed to blog about it/had the idea to blog about it! haha

i'll start blogging later! LOl but yeah! just needed to write this down somewhere cos I don't really have time atm to legit start blogging!!! haha i might get too carried away! haha maybe i'll do one a day .. starting tmr! lol but we'll see!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Your will, Your way, ALWAYS!

Recently I've been feeling a little bit down!! and I was looking for some encouragement so last night, I went to my handy dandy DailyBible app on my phone!! haha and the verse of the day was the following:
Psalm 27:14
"Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."
and oh my!!!! LOL i don't know if you understand the feeling of when things happen EXACTLY when they need to happen!! but that's what it was last night for me!!! I was thinking about my dream girl and just girls in general and was feeling anxious!! i was like ... "GOD, what's your plan for me?? When will I finally be united with my dream girl?" and just like those kind of thoughts...and things just didn't always go the way i wanted! I'd rely on my own powers instead of God's and when I read this verse...."Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."...wooow!! I really needed to hear that verse at that exact time!! "take heart!!" haha have faith!! TRUST IN HIM ALONE!! "don't rely on your own strength Jireh!! or your "lucky boxers" LOLOL! TRUST IN ME!!!" I heard God telling me this through that verse!!! and then one of my new fave songs started to come into my head!...Lay Me Down by Chris Tomlin! here are some of the lyrics: "I lay me down I'm not my own, I belong to You alone"!!! and woww!!! that is so powerful!!! I am God's! He CHOSE me!! yet, sometimes i want to take things in my own hands when I should rely on God because His way is the best way!! and becasue I belong to Him!! He's adopted me!! I have inherited sonship and will be coheirs with Christ!!! that is just so amazing!..."there's no life apart from you" yeah!! it's just so true!! I've been trying to do some things wiht my own strength and try to live my life without the need or trust on God!  I need to pray more!! and yeahh!! the bridge of the song! "It will be my joy to say, Your will, Your way, ALWAYS!" that's amazing! because I really just have been thinking about this too!! You can always say, "yes God, you are sovereign, do whatever you please" but to say, "God, YOUR will for me is my joy! You alone are sovereign!" is sooo different! becasue for me, when things I want to happen don't happen the way I personally want them to, I get upset/sad (mostly sad)! BUT, "It will be my joy to say YOUR WILL, YOUR WAY!" so i shouldn't be sad!!! because the fact that God has a plan for me is a privilege!!! it's amazing!!! because He alone is all knowing!! I don't know anything!! if I had to live my life with my will, and my way, I would probably just fail!! but God's will for me is a privilege!! I am Lucky to have been chosen by Him and His will for me is sovereign and I will take joy in knowing that I and trust in Him!! and I can wait for Him and know that his will, his way is the best for me!  I can wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for Him alone!


Saturday, November 10, 2012


So today, I went to my grandmother's funeral cos she passed away last week!! (okay, yes, it's a sad thing, BUT a happy thing!! :D haha cos she's with Christ now! so it's a good thing! and she's lived a long life and stuff!!!) but it got me thinking about my funeral! :D haha

OKAY! sooooo for my funeral I want it to be like a wedding! haha! okay ideally, i think it'd be cool if my wife and I died at the same time, but that's pretty unrealistic!! lol but yeah!! okay dream funeraal:
My wife and I die at the same time and we have like a wedding thing instead of such a sad awkward thing!! but yeah!!!! as christians/the body of Christ, we are Christ's bride!!! and when I die, I am reunited with Christ!!!!! I want my body to be walked down an ile of a church as if I'm getting married with Christ!!! because I am!! sort of!! it hink!!! cos i'm being reunited with him!!! Also, I want my wedding to be joyful!! yes, i know people will be sad and stuff (hopefully ppl will miss me!! LOl and I'll miss you guys too but i know i'll see you guys in the future), but mourn before!!! LOL when ur at my funeral, I want you guys to be happy for me and know that I'm with Christ!! but yeah!! thats what I want! I feel like I had so much more ideas but i forgot them all!! LOl all i can think about now is my stomach ache!! :(:( i'm dying! AHHA it legit hurts and stuff!! i think i have intestinal problems or something!! :(:( oh well
hmm!! with my body, I want my organs donated!!! and....I want to be cremated!!! and with my ashes, I want to have a tree planted wiht them!!! HAHA instead of a 10k gravestone, I'd rater have a tree planted for me instead!! i think that'd be so much cooler!!! cos trees are happy!! they are like.. life!!!! and it can symbolize my life iwth Christ!! but yeah!! i think it'd be so cool if I could die with my wife!!! so that no worries!!! haha but yeah!!
shoot i forgot everything else I wanted to say!! HAHA!



Monday, November 5, 2012


it was fun! :)

friends came over! and tried somee!! :D makes me happy!!!! I THINK they liked it! i can never tell if ppl are lying! but i do think they did! haha

Fun times!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012



this week has been super bible study week for me!!! monday i did a prestudy on Col. 3:1-17 and it was soo much fun!!!! it's just like doing a bible study.. but for some reason it's more fun! or maybe it's more fun for me now than it was before.. but it was fun! and then yesterday (tues), I made a bible study on Col 1:1-23!! fro my koin!!! and it's just so much fun making bible studies!!! may think this sounds boring, but let me tell you, God teaches you/reveals soo many things to you when you are truly willing to let him do his stuff!!!  Anyways, it's been decided! I want to do this with my girlfriend/DG one day!!!
Maybe make it a monthly thing!! where we just slowly go through a book!!! and just keep going!! probably start in the new testament!! but, i really wanna do this!!!! we can have like a notebook or a laptop with a word document that says "pre studies" and we can write down all our notes and just have bible studies in our minds!! before, i thought it was really good to have a verse in your mind (which it is) but i find it so much more rewarding when you have like.. a full bible study in your mind!! why? cos you know that passage pretty well (maybe not memorized...)BUT, you know the jist of it, you know the background, and you can meditate on like.. a full out passage!! it's just really awesome!!! and say in the future, my gf/DG or I have to lead a bible study on something we already did, we can refer to our notes if needed!!!!
Just excited for this!!
God, I'm really excited to get to know you more, and i'm also really excited to do this with the one you have chosen for me!! :D:D I can wait, but I can't wait!!! hahaha!


first black eye!

LOL so yesterday, I got my first black eye!! LOL honestly, i've never got one before!! cos i've never been in a fight, I've never got punched in the face... and etc!!! like... it's just never had to happen!! haha i'm a pretty peaceful man!!!
Just thought you'd like to see my eyeball!! :D ahah

Anyways, so yesterdaay at cheer, I threw a girl in the air with my friend and i'm like.. okay now i just catch her like normal! haah and i think i just misjudged where she was.. big time!! HAHA i was like.. closer than i needed to be and essentially her hip bone hit my bone that right underneath my eye and boom! ahaha everything happened! LOL i blacked out for second, felt a gush of blood or something flow from my eye (which made a huge bump in my face), had a huge headache, and my eye was impaired for a good 20-30 seconds! lol someone asked me how many fingers they were holding up... but my right eye was fine so i answered them correctly LOL but yeah!!! my left eye was lagggged big time for the first bit and it hurt when i moved my eye! but yeah!! all is good now!.. eye is still poofy, bruise looks way worse than it did yesterday, still have a headache.. but its all good! i think i should be fine! :)



Wednesday, October 10, 2012

i'm a science nerd...

LOL so today, i was walking to the gym and some girl passed me and she was on her phone! she was talking to her friend or w/e and was like "I want to get some of those jeans...yeah from Abercrombie" and stuff!! LOL what I heard "I want to get those genes"!!!!! AHHAAHA in those 2 seconds of her pause, i thought about how she's probalby some intelligent scientist who studies genes and genomes and stuff!!! i LEGIT thought she was doing research and just wanted to get some genes to manipulate/do tests on or use it for other random experiments! LOL then i heard abercrombie! LOl and even didn't sink in!! LOL at first, LOL i thought abercrombie was like some sort of gene research place where you can purchase different genes from differnent species or w/e!!!! and i was like... oh that's interesting!! and then it dawned on mee!!!! LOOLOL iw as like.. waiiitt abercrombie.... LOL lik A&F!! AHHAHAHA and i was like SHOOOOOTT OMGGG!! she was talking about JEANS not GENES!!! LOLOLOL

anyways, yeah!! that was my awkward nerdy moment of the day!!! haha so weird!! did not expect that! LLOL

anyways! Smile guys!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

cheerleader or crossfitter?! LOL

LOLOL so funny!! cos when I think about, "Am I a cheerleader or a crossfitter?" I sort of don't know what to say!! obviously atm i'd say i'm both...but if I had to pick one, it depends on context! HAHA When i'm with my cheer friends i FEEL like they think of me as the weird crossfitter! LOL (cos no one else really does it) so when i'm at cheer, i'm a crossfitter! and when I'm at my crossfit gym at home (markham), people know me as the cheerleader! LOL (mainly cos i just wear my free sponsored cheer shirts...even though half the time, i'm working out wihtout a shirt cos its so much easier to breathe that way! HAHA) but yeah!!!! i just thought it was interesting how when i'm at cheer, ppl think i'm the crossfitter, and when i'm at crossfit ppl think i'm the cheerleader! LOL

hmmm but yeah!! lol i have i had to chooose one of them.. i'd say i'm a crossfitter! LOLjust cos i feel like i can see myself doing that 5 years down the road!! lol so its more of a long term thing! i'm PROBABLY NOT going to be a cheerleader 5 years from now LOL sure i'll know how to do stuff, but i'm pretty sure i'm not going to still be one!! my cheerleading stuff will probalby end after I'm done undergrad! LOL (sad, but true)... okay not THAT sad! LOLOL but it is sort of sad! LOL

oh yeah! so yesterday.. i tried leg press for the first time in my life LOLOOL! sooo jokeess!!! my backsquat is around 335lbs i guess ( i can do 315 for 5 reps).. so i was like... hmmm i heard leg press helps ur backsquat so i went to the leg press machine nad i'm like.. okay! LOL i'll start off with 2 plates each side... and i do it and i'm like.. what the! OL i felt nothing! LOLOLOL!! so then i just kept on increasing by increments of 2 plates each side until we got to 10 plates each side! (okay tbh, i didnt feel anything until 8 plates each side LOL) so yeah 900lbs later...i'mlike oohh i see this is harder now! LOL i went for 1000lbs, but honestly, it hurt my back! LOLOL like even though there was a cushion... i could feel my bone pressing against the metal behind it! LOLOL too much weight mannnn! LOL but yeah!! honestly, i sort of think leg press is dumb cos most ppl who do it don't even do full range of motion (i did yesterday) but yeah! i guess there are some good things.. like it will help with strength and stuff but i'm much more into the squats! DO SQUATS!! its so much harder! even though leg press makes u feel strong... well i guess u are strong.. but squats are more beneficial in my opinion LOL

anyways....okay man.. i'm so bored!!! i had to kill an hour and i still have 20 mins left to kill! :(:(ahhhhh!!! oh yeah!! i watched this video a while back and i thought about it again recently!! cos i realized that it's trueeee!! which is why i stopped drinking coffee...and coffee makes my mind go crazy! LOL like i get restless and want to die and feel stressed and stuff! HAHAHA so yeah!! no coffee=happier jireh!!
i actualliy love this song! its so funny!! hahaa



Monday, October 1, 2012

this feeling!....

Ahhhh! right now i have this weird feeling in my body!!!!! don't reallly know what it is!!! but its like a mix of sad/happy/weird/nervous/scared/dunno LOL it's a weird feeling!!! but what i've realized is that maybe I am an extrovert! LOLOL like, i do like alone time and stuff, but I REALLY love being around people!!!! and just chilling!!! even if we don't do anything!! i like the presence of my friends!!! This weekend was pretty lonely!! even though i only had to be alone for like.. 5 hours LOL, it was lonely!!! for those who don't know, this weekend was ACF's fall retreat, and also Western's homecoming!! anyways, since i am a cheerleader, I had to cheer all day saturday...legit from 9:30am until like 5pm!  I got an empty house cos my 4 housemates were out on retreat...then i took a really fast shower then hit the sack!! and fell asleep for a good 2-3 hours!! LOL i was actually so tired/dehydrated/burnt from the sun! LOL so yeah!! that sleep felt soo good!! but then when i woke up, no one was home still!! it was sort of sad!!! and the place i live, A LOT of my neighbours are from ACF and they were all gone!! (or so i thought) i didn't even bother leaving my house... just stayed and did some homework and stuff.. but it was so lonely! :( and sad!! LOL i could have went to a party, but it was just too far and stuff..and honestly, i wasn't in the mood for that kind of stuff!! i just wanted to chill with friends/talk/be happy! LOL I ended up watching the matrix! LOL it was interesting!!! i think the last time i watched it, i had no idea what was going on!!! LOL now i actually get it!! HHA so funny!! but yea! that was interesting! but yeah!! all in all, my saturday was tiring and lonely!
Anyways, my friends came home today, and i had the opportunity to chill with them!! :D made me pretty happy!!! :D they told me about their retreat and stuff!!! and I'm really happy for them!! I really wish i could have gone too, but it's okay i guess!! hopefuly i can go to the winter retreat!! i was able to go last year!! so yeah! HAHA *crossing fingers*

Anyways, back to this weird feeling i have!! no idea what it is!! it's just weird! and i can't really explain it!  Sometimes I think about my DG...and honestly, I have no idea who God has in mind for me, but I wish I could meet her soon!

mmm u know what i just thought about? I don't think i spent a lot of time with God this weekend! :(!! shooott!! that could also be a reason why i felt so lonely! LOLOL oh wow! its October now!! my birthday is coming up!! danngg!!! i'm sort of excited!!! but at the same time, i'm going to be 20.... soo old! i won't be a teen anymore!! its sort of sad!!!  haha i feel like i'm so sad right now! LOL but yeah! maybe cos i actually legit haven't been spending enough time with Him!! cos i find that there is a very positive correlation between my happiness/joy and the time i spend wiht God daily!!! need to get back on top of that!!!! oh man!! such a weird feeling!!! omg!! i think i'm starting to understand this feeling now!!! its like hunger...but not!! i thought it was cos i missed my friends! mmmm interesting! lol!  anyways, i guess this weekend, i didn't focus enough on the right things! this is interesting!! lol this is legit why i blog!!! it helps me realize things! HAAHA

ANYWAYS! hope ur all doing welll!! :D haha


Friday, September 21, 2012


Chestnuts Roasting Over an Open Fire!!

OH MYYY!! i'm  sooo readyy for christmas right now!!!!! okay.. i know it sounds kind of stupid cos its like September LOL and we've only had like 3 weeks of school...but right now, i'm in a super christmassy mood!!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!! it's actually my fave time of the FAR!  I love how everywhere is playing christmas music and it's just SOO relaxing AND happy!!!! *sigh* but yeah!!! my 2 fave moods are happy and lovy!!! and christmas is a mix of BOTH! and SOO NICE!!  I also like walking around at night time!!! esp in the city!! or something!! cos it's nice, everyone is happy,  there are nice big snowflakes coming down slowly and beautiful...the air is clean and crisp and ur holding a nice hot chocolate from starbucks or something!!!...oh myyy!! and spending that time with friends/family is soo niceee!!!! like.. no lies!!
Sometimes, I wish i just had a girlfriend/wish I already met you my DG!! Cos I just want to share this happiness and joy with her!!! I could walk around with her at night!!!! and it'd just be so funn!!! iunno.. at least in my head, I just imagine it being the most awesome and FUN time everrr!! haha but then, maybe not this year.. we'll see though!! but yeah!! don't want to rush it!!! cos once I find my DG, from then on, I will be able to spend the rest of my Christmas' with her!! EVERY YEAR!! for the rest of our lives!! :D *sigh* soo much fun! :D haha
but yeah! no lies.. every christmas, i get in a very lovy mood!!! LOL just cos there's so much love and happiness everywhere!!!! *sigh* :)

anyways, that is all!



Friday, September 7, 2012

Phys 3140

YAY! :) haha! so i'm in phys class right now and there's nothing happening! i knew i should have slept in today! but its okay!! i'm not tired now! so i feel pretty great! :) ahah shoot i forgot what i wanted to say.. :( ummm apparently we have to learn physics for physiology! :( ahah and its like.. the electrical current stuff that I dont like! AHHA so faill!! should have studied harder for my MCATs so ti'd be easy for met HAHA whatever! today, i shall understand it all so that I can do well in this course!...and do my best on the MCAT i have next week! AHAH

Talking about MCATs and stuff, I'm actually just at a tug-of-war game against myself!! sometimes I just want to be a physio but then sometimes i think its better to just be a doctor then sort of specialize into sports medicine cos its just cooler sometimes cos you can do things physios can't do and can assess and deal with sporrts problems at a deeper level.

Anyways, this year, i know i say this every year, I'm going to really try my best in school.... okay this might sound a bit contradictory cos i'm writing this post in class! AHHA but yeah! don't worry! i'm stilll listening! we are tlaking about a ball rolling down a hill and how its analogous to electrical potential and current. Anyways, yeah!! one of my close friends had a talk with me and asked me, "Jireh, fill in the blank.  God has put me into University to be a ________" and he asked me to fill in the blank.  He only waited like.. 2 seconds so i didn't really respond! AHAH he said.. "well I hope your answer is 'student'" and to be honest, that was actually not the first thing that came to my mind! sounds so obvious, but for some reason it wasn't the first thing that came to my mind! but it really should have been!! God has def given me the opportunity to be in school and I need to glorify Him through doing my best and not slacking off! haah! :) anyways, I feel like I always realize things multiple times and when after u realize it a lot, it like sticks better! and itb becomes more.. OHHH I GET IT! haha so yeah! anwyasy thats it for now!
next class is starting soon!! :D


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


So i'm in sudbury!!

and i'm leaving at 4am! LOL in like.. 3 hours!


I SAW A BABY BLACK BEAR TODAY RUN ACROSS A ROAD!! AHAHh it was actualy so surreal and cuttteee!!!!!!! omggggg i want a bear for a pet now or osmething!! they are so cutttee! esp the cubs!!!


that is all! :)



Sunday, August 12, 2012

God's Perspective!

Sometimes, when I talk with people, they just don't get things.  They live their lives unconvicted of their problems, see things and think its unfair and just a lot of other things!  This is not going to be a long post, because all I have to say is very simple.  Perspective! ... To be more accurate, God's perspective!  If you live your life looking at things through your perspective, things may not make sense, things may not seem fair, things may seem fine...

Okay, I sort of dislike getting into sensitive topics, but this is what I believe.
If you are a Christian, and you think God is unfair, you are sort of not getting the whole point of who God is.  You are never higher than God. NEVER!  And if you think that your reasoning is superior to God, someone whose wisdom and reasoning is essentially infinite, you're just wrong! (yes, I'm assuming you believe in a God) If you think God is unfair, He's not! He is just and merciful.  Which is a complicated concept...but the more you think about it, the more it'll make sense. :)
Alright, so I was thinking this too, after talking to a friend of mine!  You might think sin is "not that bad".  For example, some people may think that a lie isn't all that bad!  But you are comparing this to God, who is holy and perfect...someone who just can't stand sin!  Maybe you might think your sin wasn't too bad, but you are looking through the wrong lenses!  Look through God's!  Get His perspective, understand who God really is!!  Then you will truly understand the ramifications of your sins.  I almost feel stupid saying this because I sin all the time (and I'm not proud of it!).  It sort of sucks...this sinful nature we have.  My mind wants one thing, yet, my sinful nature wants another!  Going back to God, I feel that people nowadays stress too much on the fact that God loves us.  Don't get me wrong.  God loves us so much that it's crazy, but people get too caught up in that and think that since He loves us, He'll do whatever we want or something.  People have to also understand that God is holy and perfect!  If you understand that, then I think you'll get a much better perspective on things!  Okay, I don't even fully understand it, but even though I don't understand it, God's perspective makes sense in my mind.

Anyways, this post was just things that were on my mind! I hope it makes sense...I'm not sure if it does because things in my head make a lot more sense until I have to write it out! haha!




4 Rounds for Time:

Run 400m
10 Burpees
Run 400m
15 DB Thrusters 25lbs per arm

Time was 19:30 ish! LOL i have slow running.......

it is now 12:52am! LOl just finished the WOD! LOL at least now i know all the food i ate today wont be converted to pure fat! LOl

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


So, I’m honestly just really bored again and at the moment, all my cheer friends are sleeping in the car so…it’s boring! LOL I COULD talk to my coach or whatever, but yeah!!! Not really in the mood!  For those that don’t know, I spent the past few days in Nashville, Tennessee!  SOO CLOSE to Rich Froning, but oh well!! We travel as a team!... Or else I totally would have checked out CrossFit Cookeville or something!
I guess I’ll just take this time to outline what I did this weekend! Lol…actually, I have a PDF, so if I can, I’ll load it! If not, whatever! Yes, I am typing this in the car ride! And yes, there is no internet! LOL I’m just typing on Microsoft Word and then copy/pasting it into my blog later! LOL

Here is a team pic! :)

I’ll just outline my Highlights!
-I got and go extension with my friend, who I don’t normally stunt with! :) which was good!
-I did a pretty decent standing full into a foam pit! LOL FUNNEST thing EVER! I don’t think I twist fast enough, but I can work on that…just need to pull harder!
-I went to a restaurant where there are peanuts EVERYWHERE! Like, there would be buckets of them and people would just eat them and throw the shells on the ground! I felt like such a rebel the first time I threw the first shell down! HAHA but it was cool!
-Pool parties were always good!  We did a catfight battle! (where girls get on guys shoulders and fight with other girls until one of us falls) My girl and I lost! :( So sad! OH well! The opponent was apparently a monster LOL She’d grab hair like craziy and stuff! LOL my girl was scared she’d loose hair! AHHA so funny!  I also tried doing like…a Handstand thing into the pool, but I kept on “back flopping” and yeah…it just feels like a big slap on your back! LOL
-Although the hills were really hard, I sort of enjoyed them!  Sure they were tough, but I sort of like doing intense things! The arches in my feet are sort of in pain from all the hops up the hill we did! :( oh well! It’s like that good pain I think.  When I say good pain, I mean, pain that you know isn’t bad for you and shows that you are actually productive and active!
-My back is getting better slowly! For those that don’t know, I re-injured it 2 weeks ago doing Yoga….I think yoga re-opened things in my back and loosened to many of my lower back muscles that everything went back to as before, but not AS bad!  I could still do back tucks this weekend! Granted, not as good because I couldn’t pull as hard or it’d hurt!
-I like how I started to bond a lot more with my teammates without the need of partying and drinking my head off! LOL (No, I’ve never partied with my cheer friends…there was this one time, but it was not optional because it was after Nationals.  Even then,  I still didn’t really party…I just stood there! LOL)
-Sleeping in bed was so good especially after a long day of work and stuff!

Here is a pic of us after we do our crazy long hill runs and jump in a circle to finish off the day!...
"1, 2, 3 STANGS!!!"

So yeah, I think that’s enough stuff!  I’m sure there’s a lot more stuff, but they aren’t coming to my head atm, and yeah, I don’t want to bore you people to death! Haha this is a long post!  I will post my other ideas in a new post later!



Wednesday, July 25, 2012

God provides!

The more I think about it, this weekend (Sat-Wed), God provided for me so much!

Background information:
My parents and brothers were out of town (on sat) and all the cars were gone with them.
My plans were to spend sun-wed in london.
I realized my WALLET was in the bmw...which my mom took.
I borrowed $100 from a friend on Saturday to survive from Sat-Wed (and i eat a lot btw)...this included money for food AND transportation
I bought a new 5lbs of protein the day before and it was with me :)

His grandma buys us lunch
Dinner - potluck for men's cell (only bought 2 pineapples and deo using the money)

Breakfast - 2 scoops of protein LOL
Get driven down to london.. my friend wanted $20 for the one way transportation.. but yeah whatever
Lunch - 1 scoop of protein LOL
Dinner - After cheer practice we had a pool party! and the host decided to make us all burgers and hot dogs! so free BBQ for dinner

Breakfast - 1 scoop of protein
Lunch - (I go to loblaws to buy apples, peanut butter and croissants) so it was like 2 scoops of protein, 2 apples with peanut butter and 2 croissants
Dinner - my friend's mom cooks me dinner! (God really provides)
Night snack - Crepes with my friend!  She decides to make crepes and we made them together then went over to my friend who treated me for dinner's place and she also provided some fruit for the crepes! SO GOOD!

Breakfast - 2 scoops of protein and 1 croissant and 1 apple
Lunch - 2 scoops of protein and 2 croissants and 2 apples
Dinner - POTLUCK and i just brought the remainder of my apples and peanut butter and it was so good! There was pork steaks, bok choy, meat stuff, rice, meat balls and my apples and peanut butter! lol and at the end, we ate crepes again for dessert!

Breakfast - 2 scoops of protein and 2 apples
Then i had to pay for greyhound which was like. $30 so yeah

Honestly, EVERY dinner was free or very cheap... and all I can say is that God truly provided for me because i sort of knew sat that $100 wasn't enough for me to surivive!! LOL I thank God so much for my friends for being so hospitable and kind to me this weekend!!



Tuesday, July 24, 2012

LONGGG but fun Saturday

So this past saturday was superr intense! LOL My day was like wayy more fun than i expected it!  Both my parents, and bro were out! Bro was in montreal and my parents were in sudbury and they took all the cars cos my parents needed to leave sudbury at diff times... So i was left home alone with zero cars lOL anyways.. my only plan that day was to go to my friends place and do some workout and do paintballing which was.. actually pretty good! :)


So My friend picks me up and we go over to his place and we do swimming WOD! AHAH so here is the Rx'd version we made up

Swim 10 laps
50 pushups
Swim 10 laps
50 sit-ups
Swim 10 laps
100 Squats
Swim 10 laps

LOL I scaled it by making the 2 middle swims only 5 laps LOl because i'm so bad at swimming! but it was actually REALLY fun!! and it felt good! cos like.. whne u start to sweat, u swim! :) lol

okay so that was in the morning


My other friend picked me up from my friend's place and then we went paintballing cos he had a groupon!!! so it only costed 7.50! haah so it was cheappp!! :)
Paint balling was fun! but yeah.. i dont like how the masks smell nasty and i'm always sweating and everything is just slimy and nasty LOLOL i think we did taht for like 2 hours... and then we went to his house and i'm like.. I need to kill more time so he's like.. okay! lets either workout or go mountain biking LOl and I'm like .. MOUNTAIN BIKING! lol cos i've never done it before

4:30 pm

We go mountain biking and i thought i was GOING TO DIE!!!! my feet kept on getting stuck on random roots or rocks.. i actually fell off my bike multiple times and yeah! LOL there were like.. so many logs that were splintered and pointing towards u when ur biking downhill! LOL i actually felt like if i fell off and hit one of those things, it would plunge into my body and i'd totally die! LOLOL

Also, there was this one area where it was grassy and there were potholes so we had to walk our bikes and there were a MILLION mosquitoes.. actually... and i would breathe in.. and like.. 2 mosquitoes would follow.. so i had to breath carefully cos it was nasty! LOLOL i actually fell cos i tried biking in that area and when i got up, I was like.. sort of covered with mosquitoes!!!

Anyways, i'm in a lot better shape than i thought i would be! All iw as thinking aobut was west nile! and how i might die! LOL Oh yeah! btw, I WAS SHIRTLESS the entire time! :) haha but yeah! i think the fact taht i sweat sooo much, it sort of almost made a protective layer on my skin so that i got less bites than i could ahve! LOL so yeah! i'm glad i sweat like crazy! LOL

so after taht, I was like.. shoot i need to kill more time but my friend had to go.. so i called up another friend and he's like.. yo.. there's men's cell today! and i'm like.. OH YEAH! lol can u give me a ride? lol and he's like yeppp! so i'm like yay! :D

6 pm

I go to his house and he drives me over!! at this time, i smelled nasty and was totally sweaty! LOL so when we got to my other friends house for mens cell, i asked my friend to hose me down LOL so i was shirtless for the rest of the night! lol oh yeah! i also bought deodorant! so i wouldn't smell so bad! and i think it was effective!! I bought pineapple for the potluck! and yeah!! potluck was soooo good! it was like a pro BBQ so i was really happy! :) and i got FULL!  then we had time to share and pray for each other! I really enjoyed that! i found it very edifying and great just to bond with the's brothers in Christ!


I get a text from my friend from the morning and he's like.. yooo wanna watch batman? and i'm like SURREE so yeah


movie started! and it was really good! i'm not going to spoil anything! I'm not realy a picky person when it comes to movies.. or really anything i guess! so yeah!i thought it was good! haah but the movie ended at like.. 2:30 or something so yeahh LOL

3 am

I'm at my friends house and do a sleepover! tried to sleep, but for some reason, iwasn't tired.. but i was SUPER tired at 11pm! i rmb!! but yeah! hahaaa

and then sunday was cheer practice!! thats a whole other story! but in short, it was fun, SUPER HOT, hill was gravel and afterwards it was a pool party! (with cheerleaders)! the pool was a salt pool which made me disgusted at frist cos i thought it was salty cos our sweat.. but in the end it was just a salt pool LOL!

sorry for the longgg post!!

Smilee! :D


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Answer this question? :)

Hey people! i know i don't have a lot of followers, but i wanna ask you this question! i just thought of it for some reason! ... it's not something i'm actually thinking about, but it popped into my head! cos i haven't thought about it in in SO LONG!

How do you know when you truly love someone?  I guess in contrast to lust?

I just wanna know what u ppl think! if I get 7 diff comments for 7 diff people I'll make a post on what I think! (but that never happens.. i think the most comments i've ever gotten was like.. 3) LOL

btw.. they need to ANSWER the question.. it cant be 7 comments of like.. "hi! :)" or w/e !LOLOL In my answer, i'll also respond to your comments whether i agree or not and stuff!

Kay! :)



Why i workout (not profound)

LOl so i woke up this mornign and i felt fat! so i felt my belly and i'm like.. dannggg so fat! LOL and i looked at it.. and i noticed it getting bigger! LOOL so i'm like.. okay i neeed to control my diet now.... my "dieting" will be eating clean food! so like.. maybe instant noodles sometimes.. LOL but in general, just like.. fruit, veggies, meat, eggs, bread, pasta and w/e.. but in like good quantities! LOL like.. i should stop eating ALL the time and whatever i please! LOL

Oh wait.. actually i sort of came up with a new plan.. scrap everything i said.. i guess i said all that earlier cos i wanted to tell u what i ate for breakfast LOL and that was the following: 1 tomato, 1 avocado, 1 orange, 1banana and beef LOLOL it was surprisingly filling enough and it tasted good! haah but yeah

Anyways, now i think i need to workout more!!!! WORKOUT MORE TO EAT MORE!!! :D hahaaha but then, at the same time, eat clean! i'm keeping that part!!! LOL when i was writing the first paragraph, i was like.. yeah i wanna eat clean.. then for some reason i wrote "but in like good quantities" and then i'm like... "NOOOOO!!" LOL i dont actually wanna restrict my eating!!! i like eating a lot of food!! and honestly, that's why i sort of started working out in the first place! (or continued to work out) I started cos i wanted to get strong enough for the cheer team believe it or not LOL lame reason but w/e! now i love it and a pretty big motivation right now for me to work out is the fact that i can eat a lot of pretty much w/e and not get too fat! LOL There are some things, that i would just avoid cos my belly doesn't like it... like....2 mama burgers and a large fries LOL had that last week and my stomach felt sooo nasty.... i felt like i ate ball of grease...and it was like.. stuck in my gut! anyways, some junk food just isn't that appealing to me cos of that feeling.. but i'm not going to lie... i do splurge at McDonalds sometimes and get like.. 2 mcdoubles and 2 jr chickens witha large drink and fries LOL it's just tasty but i do regret it afterwards LOLOL

I was driving my mom to work today and realized how fail my life is!  although I'm SUPPOSED to be studying and working hard,  i'm not...and it's bad! past 2 days i've been waking up at like.. 11am LOL soooo late!! starting today i'm going to sleep at 12am and wake up at 7:30am. and do a morning jog!

I'm actually so serious about this. even though i know tmr i'll wake up at 7:30 and really not wanna do this!! if ur a friend of mine and u read this post, try to keep me accountable and txt me (only if ur up that early normally) Honestly, it will help a lot.. IF NOT, its okay!! i have SOME motivation in me i think!!
THEN, i'll do like.. Julie Foucher stuff. Come home, shower, eat breakfast, study for 3 hours, eat lunch, study for 3 hours then do whatever for the rest of the day including crossfit at 8pm!!  I think this way, my days will feel more.. full... Recently, they've been feeling pretty empty.... talking about that, maybe I should try starting my mornings with God! I tried it before and failed, but i wanna try it again.. so maybe, i'll wake up... read my daily verse, try memorize it, Run and think about it, come back and read a chapter of whatever book i'm trying to go throough! atm, i'm going through Hebrews.. and i'm not going to lie.. its not as straight forward as i thought it was gonna be! LOL i might redo it after i'm done LOLOL!

Anyways, sorry for the long post, just random thoughts kept flowing so i kept writing! okay bye now!

Smile! :D

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ice Creme and Granola Barres

Sometimes, when u see someone, they look sooooo happy all the time and fun! but when u are with don't feel happy... or as happy as you thought! and being with them isn't as fun as u'd imagine...

Sometimes, when u see someone, they look sort of miserable and depressing! LOL but when u are with them, they make u happy and it's fun... and for some odd reason, you like being with them!


Anchored 2012

“We who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” Hebrews 6:18-19.

That was the theme of our grade formal we had yesterday! :)  I cannot explain how blessed I feel to have a group of people I know I can count on anytime.  I'd consider every single person here at least a very good friend! (range is from very good friend to best friend) And...just the fact that we've been together for so long and have seen each other grow so much especially in the past 4 years!

So, this was our first formal ever (and younger grades will copy...LOL)!  But the formal was with people from my grade at church!  I guess it all started back when we started our first grade event and then just kept on meeting up together...and eventually...bonded I guess! haha!  I think every year we will be doing these events so that by the time I'm 90, I'll have 70 of these group photos on my wall! HAHA!  I don't know...but I know this sounds weird, but i hope we grow old together!! HAHA like actually! and I hope our kids become awesome friends and can share the same kind of friendship we share now (or even better)!

Let me explain what happened...
A couple months ago, these to girls, Zoro and Candy (and probably other girls), were complaining that they would never be able to wear their prom dresses ever again!! So, BOOM, we decided to make a formal event.  Initially, it was called "Revisiting Prom" but, we thought it sounded too dumb so we called it "Anchored" with a nautical theme to it!  And honestly, everything turned out so good!!! i really liked it! 

OH YEAH there were rules (mainly 2):
1. MUST wear prom gear or w/e can still fit LOL
2. No dates (so it's not awks)
And it turned out to be really fun! :D

Here was what we did:
Took pictures
Worshipped together
Ate :D
Took more pictures (most pictures were taken here)
Worshipped a bit more 
Shared and wrote encouragements to each other (which lasted a LONG time)
Chatted and discussed intense topics

And that's it! 

Smile! hope u enjoyed!!


Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy together!

So I heard this song the radio a couple days ago and i woke up hearing it in my head so i wanted to blog about it!!!  I actually like the lyrics!!! its so cutee!!! and this is like a song i want to say to my dream girl!!  When I am with you, I want to be happy!! and i want us to be happy together!! like yeah, i'm already usually happy, but when i'm with you, i'll be happier? LOL *sigh* It's sort of one of those qualities i really look for when I date a girl.  If i find myself becoming more miserable when i'm with her (in general), then iunno if it'd be able to work out!  YEAH, there wil be times when i'm miserable because of disagreements and etc.... but I want the overal net relationship to be happy! and I want us BOTH to be happy.  If I'm making u more miserable, then i dont think it can work out either! :) SURE, i know this sort of sounds like a super surface quality, but I find it important! When I hear the lyrics "I cant see me loving nobody but you, for all my life" I truly thought about you DG! And that is what I want! haha

Anyways, i feel like i got sick randomly! sort of sucks, but i feel like i should be albe to recover soon! LOL



Monday, July 9, 2012

So i'm sore

So I woke up today super sore! LOL
Saturday i did that competition thing! and that sort of killed my body to be honest!! cos it was 3-4 workouts in one day.. in a fairly short span of time!.. I feel like MOST ppl would take the next day to recover? or something? lol NOT ME!!!!

Well, i wanted to rest, but yesterday, I had cheer practice! LOL so i woke up in the morning to go.. and boyyyy was my body stifff and just sore everywhere!! I was literally drinking BCAAs all day... and one thing i found out, is that the side effect to drinking too much BCAAs is that you get a lot of gas! LOL i farted a lot i think! LOL
Anyways, this is what my cheer practice consisted of (it was 3 hours btw)
1 hour of stunting (aka throwing a girl into ur hands and push pressing her above ur head and doing that kind of stuff and holding it)
after taht, we did this circle thing where we have to do stunts again and if u miss/drop or w/e, u have to do 5 clapping pushups or 3 back tucks.  I ended up doing 20 clapping pushups i believe
then we did basket tosses for a bit
Standing tumbling.. so all i did was back tucks mayb around 5-10 of them
then we worked on pyramids where i was a base for a 2-1-1 and that sucks LOL and i based other things, but i just didn't liek the 2-1-1 pyramid LOL
We also did corporate standing tucks.. it hink we did 5 together?
and yeah! that was the end of the cheer portion of our practice (3 hours long) and honestly, my muscles were soo burnt out from the day before that it wasn't even funny anymore LOL

Oh yeah!! forgot to say.. there was this one pyramid where i base its called 3-2-1 and there are 2 girls standing on my shoulders.. most ppl hate it cos their feet are like grinding into ur shoulders...which they were doing to me yesterday but i LOVED IT!! my shoulders were sooo sore for the workouts and stunting, that it was like a tough massage and it really helped me feel better!! HAAH my teammates thought i was retarded LOL but yeah HAHA i liked it!

So then, its like.. 31 degrees celsius outside and we gotta do hill runs.. :( yesterday we ended up doing 36 ups... i'll list it for you below
1 forward sprint
2 jumping split lunges SIDEWAYS up the hil
3 small hop, small hop, small hop, BIG hop, squat...etc.. up the hil
4 hops up the hill (2 forward  2 backwards)
5 quick feet things.. (short quick steps and every 3rd step you bring ur knee high)
6 karaokes (like some sideways movemnt where ur feet criss cross and u bring ur knee high when its in front)
7 backward sprints
8 forward sprints (last 3 were randomly extended so it sucked)

and after all that, we had to push our coaches truck up the hill... he put it on neutral and we had to was harder than i thought it was gonna be!

so yeah i thought iw as gonna die cos my body was so screwed! LOL but i'm glad i'm still alive.. today was mostly a rest day for me.. i might go to the gym today and do a few light things.. but def no cardio and no super heavy weights!!!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Crossfit comp!!

So, i really should be sleeping now, but i'm waiting for my dad cos he has to do something for me and yeah! i hav enothing better to do!! so i'll explain what happened todayy!!

Today i did a crossfit comp! i'll do more.. commentary stuff later! but for now.. i'll just tell you what we did and how i did LOL

Basically my goal was just to get into Top 5 for the last event!

Event 1

Squat clean and Jerk Ladder
so I did squat clean and jerks up to 225lbs after that, i attempted 235lbs twice..failed and then did an AMRAP of burpees for a min for a tie-breaker! i did 27! :) haah
Rank: 3rd in workout

My squat clean and jerk @225lbs

Event 2A and B

8 min AMRAP
30 Lunges with 45lbs plate overhead (no resting on head)
50 Double unders
20 Kettle bell swings @24kg

I did 2 rounds and 30 lunges and 5 double unders
Rank: 1st in workout (by 1 double under LOLOL)

3 min break

8 min AMRAP
Run 250m
7 handstand pushups

I did 4 rounds + 3/4 of the run
Rank: 3rd in workout

And that put me in 1st place overall!! :D:D haah

Last event was for top 5 only! :D:D and iw as going in first...

Event 3

For time:
3 rounds of:
1 Muscle up
3 cleans @165lbs

2 rounds of:
21 toes to bar
21 wall balls (20lbs)

10 snatches @115lbs

I failed...LOL i did one round of the first thing and couldn't do my second muscle up... so i got 6th place... :(:(

In the end, i finished 3rd overall so i'm happy! :D haah

LOL i probalby should have flexed LOL oh well! HAHA

but yeahh! :D

SMile and be happy! :D

Friday, June 29, 2012

What love is this? (song)

So, i was on youtube, and this video was on my recommendation list!! LOL and I really like this song!!
This is my first time listening to Kari Jobe!! well i think i've heard her before, but yeah!! i like her!! and they lyrics are so true!

You never change
You are the God you stay you are
When I'm afraid
You calm and still my beating heart
You stay the same, when hope is just a distant thought
You take my pain
And you lead me to the cross

What love is this, that You gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess You're always enough for me
You're all I need

I look to you
I see the scars upon Your hands
And hold the truth
That when I can't You always can
I'm standing here beneath the shadow of the cross
I'm overwhelmed that I keep finding open arms

What love is this that You gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess, You're always enough for me
You're all i need

Jesus in your suffering you were reaching your thought of me
Jesus in your suffering you were reaching your thought of me

What love is this, that You gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess, You're always enough for me
You're all I need

What love is this, that you gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know you
And i confess, you're always enough for me
Always enough for me
Always enough for me

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rest day

Today is my rest day!! i really need to rest, but at the same time i don't want to!!! i want to workout!! haha but, if you constantly workout without rest ever... esp if ur doing like.. crossfit, it's sort of bad i think!! unless ur body is crazy! but at least for me, I need rest or my performance just goes down and I become more prone to injury!!! so i don't want that!! And, i know i have cheer practice tomorrow!! so i need to rest my shoulders so that I may be able lift girls tomorrow!! Even though they feel not to sore today, i know they are, cos i worked them out like.. 3-4 days in a row! AHAH whoops! oh well! and think i did handstand pushups one day, then pushpress and push jerk the next day, then stunted the day after and yesterday i did shoulder press LOLOL so yeah... today i need to rest them so they can get stronger!

Yesterday, I felt superly convicted again to read the Bible EVERYDAY again.  Not just when i think i should or w/e... and not just one verse per day either.  I need to really read the Bible everyday! seriously and let God take over my life again! i was convicted of this about 2-3 weeks ago as well, sort of, but yeah!  or last time, it was more like, i realized that God is just always there for me and He loves me! and stuff and that all i need to do to get close wtih Him again was to just spend time with Him because He's always free to chill with me! Anyways, from now on, i need to make sure I spend time with Him daily!!! haha even if it's a struggle i thiink!!! having intentional faith is very important! and i'm realizing that more and more! like i realized it before and did something about it, but then, my relationship with God became too...emotionally based.. which was good, but bad!  I need to love God with more than just my heart!  I need to love Him with all my mind AND soul as well!!

Anyways, today is such a nice dayyyy! it lookes sooo pretty outside!!! i sort of wish i lived close to a park!!! even thoug my backyard is sort of like a park... cept there's too many mosquitos in my backyard!!! there are less in parks!
I need my girl to like nature! I want to be able to go on a date with my DG one day and JUST sit and look at God's wonder! like.. watching a sunset/sunrise.. and just watching it with me and not get bored! AHAH or just sitting in a park with me and watching little kids play and enjoying that!! haah iunno! okay obviously we can talk cos there may be stuff we'd wanna say to each other, but, mostly just enjoying each other's company and enjoying stuff like that together!! iunno! just being still and relaxing!! haha! i know.. maybe a lil weird, but i like doing that myself! so...i hope my DG will like doing that too!!! :D or something! iunno!!!

So, this is a pic of my and my sis!! this is not an example of what I'd want to do with my dg or anything!! just a nice pic of a sunset at a beach!! and believe it or not, the "cradle" position is not that comfortable if you have to hold it for extended amounts of time! haha But yeah! God's creation is pretty cool eh?!!?



Tuesday, June 19, 2012

fun tuesday!

wooow today was funn!! and intense workout!!
I essentially worked out all day!! and studied in between!!! okayyyy

10am @ Crossfit Markham
5-5-5 Deadlift @265lbs
21-15-9 of the following:
Deadlift @ 225lbs
Pushups (chest to ground)

Time was 2:39 for that workout!!

ALL THE TIME IN BETWEEN I WAS STUDYING!! and running errands! :) (so i was productive)

5:15pm @ Toronto Chinese Community Church
Work on handstands
15 min AMRAP (as many rounds/reps as possible) of the following (in order):
1 length of gym running (there and back)
15 Taters @ 24kg
30 double unders

Score was 6 rounds + 1 length +15 Taters

8pm @ Pulsars Gymnastics place
So this wasn't really a workout, but it was really fun!! :) this is sort of what i did:
Work on round-offs
15 back tucks
Stunt - toss to hands and then extension several times
Watch ppl do crazy things!! I'll show u the video when i find it!!! but its SICCKKKK!!! there was this one thing they did.. so they like. ran to each other and jumped... then pushed off each other's foot and did a back tuck!!! so cool! and funny cos they also screwed up a lot!!
Then i tried doing lib... which was fail!! because i'm not used to it, but when a spotter put his hands on it... it became like so good! haha anyways, hopefuly i get better!
then we ended off with a circle of tucks!! where everyone is in a circle and its like... a wave!
in the end, EASILY
50+ back tucks!! and my tucks surprisingly got bettter as i got more tired! LOL

OKAY!! i found it!!

anyways, that was an ultimate ab workout!! my abs are so tired now! and i know tmr morning, i'll do a sit up out of bed, and regret it!! HAHA

Fun day!! and i'm pooped! shoot.. i just realized i have to go downtown tmr! :( for MCAT course!! anyways goodnight all and see u later!

Smile and be happy!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

encouragement for my sis!

LOL so, today, after father's day dinner, we gathered as a family in my living room and "commissioned" my sister....essentially, we gave her encouragements because she's going on missions this summer.  She'll be part of CEF and helping share the gospel with children! :) FUN and really rewarding stuff!  anyways, i was first up for encouragements and LOL honestly had nooo idea what to say.  and i didn't wanna jsut give her a verse! LOL so i was like "When the road is bumpy..." and everyone started laughing.. and... they obviously don't understand i was being serious! LOLOL JKJK but yeah! i was trying to be profound! LOL and i just yeah... couldn't think of what to say next so i started a new one! LOL "when the storms of life come...*long pause*...let them come" *family started laughing* but obviously i was trying to be deep LOL! and i continued "cos then you'll get into the eye of the storm and it'll be calm" LOLOL or somethign lame like that! and my bro was like.. yeahh.. deep! lol anyways, you guys probalby don't think this is funny, but yeah, it's one of those experiences you need to be at to understand! LOL anyways later, my bro showed us a song/gave it to her LOL which is jokes because it was essentially totally about my "profound" words!! and when i listened to it, it sort of explains better of what i was really trying to get at !LOLOL! so yeah here it is!

And yeah!! For those brothers and sisters out there in Christ, I want to give this to you as an encouragement as well!! To follow Christ no matter what! He always knows what is best for you, and even though it may seem like you are walking into a storm, He as a plan, and He will be in that storm with you...protecting you all the way!

Anyways, sis, if ur reading this, I'll be keeping u in my prayers and if u ever have anything specific you need me to pray for, I'm always here!! so send me a msg or a text! :) or call!! haah doesn't matter! :)

Smile! and be happy! :D

Friday, June 15, 2012

one day

I watched this video, and thought of you (i'm talking to my dream girl btw)
I don't really know what to say! cept that I love you and I can't wait until the moment God brings us both together!  Watching this video really made me wish i could get married to you tmr! lol but i know in my heart that this day will come! And I know that I'm not ready to meet you yet!  I need to get my act together! LOL but yeah! still, i can wait,  but i'm excited for the day! i'm bad with words! but i hope you get how i feel!!

Smile! :)


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Sooo...Honestly, I'm so grateful to God!!! okay grateful already sounds/looks weird to me so i'll use thankful!! My back has felt "broken" for the longest time and recently it's been getting better and better!! Last year, I injured my lower back from being stupid while doing snatches!! (i didn't bail when I was supposed to!!) and my back got messed for a couple of weeks!! and my dad said I may have slipped my disc a little! like a very minor slip, but a slip nonetheless! so i was like crap! but then it healed and i was back doing crossfit and then eventually got into cheerleading!  Cheerleading was a really fun time! :) not gonna lie! got much stronger and made friends with people I probably would not have been friends with if it wasn't for cheer! but...for those of you who know my love for crossfit and stuff, for the 8 months back in school, I didn't really get the chance to do crossfit so i sort of missed it a lot!! haha I still did compound movements in the gym, but...its different when ur doing WODs for time and competing against fellow strong people!! Anyways, I went back to crossfit immediately after i came back from school and screwed my back over ... AGAIN! The first WOD back for me was a regional WOD from last year! 21-15-9 of 315lbs Deadlfit and like 30in box jump or something.. it might not have been 30 inches, i don't rmb! but yeah!the frist 21 deadlifts were alright.. it was the remainder! and iw as like... "NO! i have to RX'd this" in my head! and i kept on going...rounding my back and crap just so i could finish when I should have scaled it!  Just to make it clear, Crossfit promotes people to scale when needed, so if i were to listen to them, i would have scaled it... it was out of pride that I didn't scale it! The fact that I thought i could do it.. and i did do it! lol but the consequence was that I screwed myi lower back for like.. 2 months! literally! It wasn't until last week was my back starting to feel significantly better! I told God and my brother (I guess to keep me accountable) that if i couldn't do a backflip by next practice (which was last sunday), I would quit cheer! and thankyou God! I literally didn't feel better until the day before practice! and during practice I was able to whip out 3 decent back tucks! the rest were fail, but my back didn't hurt while doing them whereas last time it would!

Just yesterday, I was able to power clean&jerk 225lbs! and front squat 295lbs!! and honestly, I'm happy with those lifts!!  I can say that my back is at least 90% back to normal!  because cleans and front squats require strong core and back! and my back didn't hurt yesterdday!! i'm not going to lie though, there are still some positions where my back will hurt and the occasional sneeze will cause slight pain to my lower back! and putting on pants and stuff still sort of hurts, but thank GOD its SOO MUCH better!!! literally, i couldn't even round my back at al lbefore.. even getting out of bed hurt, putting on pants was a mission and if i had to pick up something from the ground... LOOL yeah that would suck!! but yeah! :D i'm just so happy that i'm healed!! and I will not abuse the fact that I actually healed! cos honestly, during the last 2 months, i felt soooo handicapped! and it really sucked.. and i honestly thought i was gonna be like that forever! LOl so i'm just happy! Thanks God!

Smile! and be happy!


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dream Girl, i need to love you!

DREAM GIRL! make sure you know that I love you!! like.. a lot! and I am working hard to love you as Christ loves the church!  I guess this post is for you in the future..after we are happily married! HAHA but yeah!! Make sure I obey Ephesians 5:25-33!!
"25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[b]her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”[c] 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."
I want to love you like that! haha...having unconditional love and at the same time, having love for God and submitting to His authority and word!  It is my theory that if I do my role as your husband (verses 25-33), your role as wife will be much easier (verses 22-24) haha

Anyways, hope you're doing well!!

Smile and be happy!


Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday evening well spent!

WOOW!! so today, after crossfit, my bro and i decide to stay home and lOL NOT got to fellowship!! just cos my sis didn't wanna go and I didn't really wanna drive 20 mins to go jsut for me.. and stuff! lol but yeah!! TIME WAS SPENT WELL!!! LOL! okay so everything below here is a copy and paste from my bro's blog! Everything in RED is an add-in by me
5 p.m. @ CrossFit Markham

Good mornings: 4x45lbs, 4x95lbs, 4x135lbs, 4x165lbs, 3x4x185lbs, 2x4x165lbs

- Then -

12 min AMRAP
10 Strict Pull-ups Even though i used a band, this was definitely my SUPERB WEAKNESS!!! like yeah.. screwed me over! HAHA
20 Side Plyo Jumps This was a joke!
10 KB Swings (eye-level), 72 lbs
Josh: 5 Rounds + 9 Pull-ups
Jireh: 4 Rounds + 9 Pull-ups So I didn't Rx'd the pullups! LOL I used a purple band because my lats are very bad! HAHA and I need it cos i suck!!!
Something my bro forgot to add in, which was essential to our fitness today:
7:00 p.m. @ Home (inside)

We watched "The Myth"!! a Jackie Chan movie!! :) it was good! I like the song! and I like the korean actress! she's really beautiful! :)

9:15 p.m. @ Home (inside)

Workout of the Week (WOW), for Harvest Bible Chapel's Tough Mudder Team
30 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes)
50 squats for those that know i love squats, this was my active rest
40 jumping jacks This was so jokess!! it was my ACTUAL rest!! haah!! but yeah.. i got a blister on my foot cos of this!! :(:( cos i did this workout barefoot!
30 mountain climbers
20 plank push-ups UM.. THIS WAS THE WORST!!! i thought it was a joke at first, but definitely the limiting factor in this workout! and my elbows are like.. messed up from hitting the ground!
10 military push-ups
Josh: 6 Rounds + 9 Squats
Jireh: 6 Rounds + 43 Squats
10:20 p.m. @ Home (outside)

5 Rounds for Time
10 DB Thrusters (25 lbs dumbbells)
20 KB Swings (55 lbs)
(Jireh and I just did it to complete it, alternating between exercises. The time reflects the slowest person ... which was me of course :P) "me" here refers to my bro ;) hahah jkjk!! i would have been the slowest if i ended on the KB swings, cos they always take longer...cos its 20 reps!

Time: 10:10

All in all, GOOD WORKOUT!! and fun stuff!! :D my goal is to be like Rich Froning.. who does this kinda stuff on a regular basis.. but harder! LOLOL

SMILE and be happy! :)


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

i lost my reading list!! :(

Soo.. i've lost it for a while now! but yeah!! i unno why, but all of the sudden, i started following.. NOONE!! LOl so weirdd!! i don't even know what happened!!! just lost my reading list so now i'll have to follow the different blogs again!! and honestly, some of them were hard to get!!! I had to extensively stalk a friend to find my friends blog page!!oh well!! guess i won't be following that person anymore!!!! haha anyways.. if you blog, do me a favour and comment on this post so i may follow you! :) thaannkss!! hahaa


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

the more i think about Julie Foucher, the more i realize I want to have her kind of life!! (okay, i don't have to be like a super good crossfitter) but I'd love to coach crossfit, and become a doctor! actually! If I could be a crossfit coach/owned an affiliate and was a sports med doctor, it would be my dream!

talking about sports med doctor, lol i need my back to get fixed! i feel like i blogged about this before, but honestly, when lifting weights...FORM IS SO IMPORTANT!!! and knowing what ur limits are is super important too! for snatches/jerks and stuff.. BAIL if you need too!!! don't break ur back trying to get it up or injure urself by dropping it on ur head or something!.. and when deadlifting...DONT ROUND UR BACK!!! (just lower the weight or don't do it!!) stuff I've learned from experience which I wish i didn't have to learn from experience!  Honestly, I used to think my body was indestructable! but's not! and when u get a lower back injury, you sort of regret it! you'd think i'd learn to be careful after messing my back up last year from the snatch..but no! still messed it up from doing deadlifts (caring more about RX'ding a workout than safety/form).  Personally, i love crossfit and will probably continue doing it for a long time! but It is so important to listen to the coaches there and make sure ur form is good!  Better to not RX a workout one day than RX it one day and not be able to crossfit again for the rest of ur life!! so yeah!!

okay.. mcat study break is over! need to get back to it! LOL


So I'm studying for my MCATs now! so much more stuff than i expected to know.. and i've covered like nothing so far! but i've decided, I'm gonna study by the book!  ATM I'm doing the Kaplan course and they have review and preview work and stuff! so i've decided I'm going to do all of it!...aka actually do my work and see what happens! (hopefully I do well)  I actually really want to get into medschool now!  I really wanna be a sports medicine doctor!!! lol and i feel like that kind of stuff is what I'm meant to do! but right now I'm struggling with the question "why should"...rather the "why not"! haha like obviously it'd be nice to be a doctor but why should i be a sports doctor? why not a physio? and right now I don't know!  From what I know, doing either profession will make me happy because I like what both do!  I do feel that a sports doctor can do more stuff though, which is good to me because I like to do more lOL like my friend says I say, "the best or nothing!" LOL but in this case, either one for now is good for me!! oh shoot! LOL lost my train of thought! but yeah! Like a diff friend told me yesterday, it is a difficult path and getting into medschool/physio school is not easy! So i need to work hard! and getting into sports medicine is even harder! cos then i'd have to get into medschool first and the be the top of my class to be able to specialize!! LOL ah well!

Today was good though! i got a lot more done than i normally get done! did like.. a billion quizzes and i'm still on physics.. and honestly, this is just the super easy stuff, yet i mess up a lot!! haha like i haven't gotten perfect on any of my quizzes yet! (so fail) even though I know all the concepts, i either make really dumb mistakes or misinterpret the question! okay.. one of the questions i got wrong makes no sense.. so I am just pretending i got it right until someone really explains to me the physics because to me, the situation seemed impossible! we'll see though! haha