Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 28, 2011

Warm Up 
20 Abmat sit ups 
10 Ring Dips 
5 Handstand pushups 

Shoulder press 85% of 1RM 5x5 (i just used 95lbs) 

WOD "Josh" 
21 Overhead squat 95lbs 
42 Pull-ups 
15 Overhead squat 95lbs  
30 Pull-ups 
9 Overhead squat 95lbs 
18 Pull-ups

YES! I FINALLY MADE MY NAME TO THE BOARD!! LOL cos i RX'D it! AHA! cept near the end.. i had to like.. do twice as many pullups cos i wasnt getting my chin over the bar sometimes so i'd have to redo it! :(:( lol

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