Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 25, 2011

So yeah !! today was my bro's wedding! HAAH and yeah he's married now! HAAHA and its crazy! LOL *sigh* i'm happy for him! it just feels weird thinking that he's married now! HAAHA but its cooL! seriously! :) ahah
Anyways, before the wedding, which started at 1pm, most of the groomsmen and guys went to crossfit thsi morning! HAA WITH my bro! HAAH so jokes, we tried killing his muscles before he gets married! anyways, here is the what the WOD was (Work Of the Day)

"EVA" 3 Rounds or 5 (RX'd) (so yeah I only did 4 rounds... LOL) 
800 Meter Run 
30 Pull-ups (used a little assistance here, but yeah not too bad!) 
30 KB Swings 75/55lbs ( LOL there was no way i could do 75 lbs.. LOl i tried.. and i was like.. dannnngg lLOL so yeah i ended up just using 55lbs LOL for 75lbs, i need more like.. technique practice or something.)

ANYWAYS, this was a fun WOD and the wedding today was amazing! :D i got to know a lot of ppl taht i probalby wont ever see again but they are all cool and nice and i'm happy i met them! :D

Smiel and be happy! :D

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