Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 18, 2011

The "bird" LOL pretty fun stuff

21 pullups
400m run
18 pushups
400m run
15 burpees
400m run
12 burpees
400m run
9 pushups
400m run
6 pullups
400m run

THENNN 8 hours later LOL

Deadlifts 315 lbs

TABATAS 8 rounds
sledge hammers (both left and right side)
box jumps
wall balls/ball slams
1 min break
45 v-ups
1 min of as many tire flips as possible.. (big tires LOL)

LOL this was tiring LOl and yeah.. i punched the tire hard for fun kind of and now i regret it.. cos my hand is ccreweeedd i swear.. my metacarpals and carpals have shifted or something.. LOLOL

anywasy this was SO FUN! :) haha
Smile and be happy ppl! :D

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