Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13, 2011

So.. apparently I injured my back worse than I thought..> LOL its weird!  soo.... apparently, i could have broken a bone in my spine or something.. or fractured it or something like that because one of my spinal plates slipped forward a little.  well.... not a lot, but apparently, the only way it slips is if you break a bone or something... Luckily it was a small slip, and the only way to really verify if it actually slipped is if you get an xray or something.  so yeah! HAH from now on, i have to take an easy on my workouts... cos i todnt want my plate to slip more or w/e LOL

anyways, today for crossfit, it was supposed to be 1 rep max of back squat, shoulder press and deadlift.

Since i didn't want to injure my back too much, i did...
295lbs of back squat
95lbs of shoulder press
and 315lbs of deadlift

I know its not that much.. but yeah.. its all i could do wiht like.. super perfect form... cos i didn't wanna push myself LOL its good enough for now i guess...
my shoulder press is really bad though AHA cos if I try too hard, i tend to arch my back, and that makes the slip worse.  so iyeah.. i dont do it LOL

whatever! i hope everything heals up sometime cos that would be good.

1 comment:

  1. the problem is called Spondylolisthesis if any of you were wondering LOL google it for more info~ lol
