Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1st

Sooo today, i lost a job, because of some weird asian man.. LOL anyways.. he didn't understand me when i said.. "i'm not ready to paint yet" LOLOL! oh wellls AHAH it was a small job anyways and i gave him a discount taht i shouldn't have cos yeah! lol anyways! besides thattt, i did crossfit again today! :D ahah it was fun! heres the workout:

2-2-2-2-2 Deadlift 90% 1RM (I just did 225lbs and for fun i did 320lbs)
4 rounds Clean 135/95 for one minute 
Sledgehammer right side one minute 
Sledgehammer left side one minute 
200 meter sprint for one minute 
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Anyways, it was fun! :D and then i washed windows with my bro! HAAH and got free vitamin water! :D oh yeahh! :D thats good! anyways, i'm off! i have to go to my dad's clinic cos i injured my neck LOL i was practicing tripod handstands for fun yesterday. so i can do that nigahiga move.... LOL thing Ll anways...

Smile and have a nice day! :D

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