Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 17, 2011

Yay! today was a good day!@ :D i'm just really tired now so i cant say much LOL here is the waht i did for fitness

Team WOD (teamed up with Josh)
Run 2 laps (500m total)
60 Box Jumps (30 each person)
95lbs Overhead walk (~100m)
60 Power Cleans - 95lbs (30 reps each)
Run ~150m
40 Burpees (~20 each person)
~100m Sprint
That is a copy and paste from my bro's site coes i w was too lazy to write it out LOL. but yeah I replaced Jireh with Josh.
BUT YEAH for the burpees, LOL i only did like.. 10 or 15 or 10.. I don't rmb.. i jsut rmb Josh doing like.. most of it cos i was dead LOLOL anyways, we finished it in 11 mins something.... i forget the seconds.. but yeah w/e! between 11 and 12 mins LOL ahaha it was fun stuff!! :)

*sigh* i am tired now.. oh yeah i signed 3/3 jobs today so thats good :) anyways life is going pretty nice now. i jsut need to keep working hard1 :D

SMile and be happy! :D

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