Wednesday, June 1, 2011

teeth tightened!!

so yeah! yesterday i got my teeth tightened and my orthodontist moved the things that you glue on your teeth around so THIS time when he tightened my teeth, it felt like it was the first time i got braces! it hurt like CRA|ZY and i can't even like.. bite down totally properly! HAHA so weird!
anyways, today i was eating and mannn it hurt so much! i had some sugar snaps in my dinner and mannn! that crunchiness was good but MANN it KILLED! haha my teeth are dying! HAHA
you know what i thought of though? since tightening my teeth slows down my eating like crazy, i should probably just tighten my teeth before i go on a date! AHAH cos I eat super fast, if you guys don't know and most girls can't keep up with my sppeeed! lol anyways, it would probalby slow me down to their level LOLOL iunno! or i could just eat super fast and make her feel weird by staring at her while she eats LOL that would be jokes lol iunno we'll see i don't think it will matter in the future though! HAHAfor some reason, i feel like thing teeth thing made my tongue to work out! cos my tongue is tired! LOL anyways,

Smile! and be happy!

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