Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My spot

So this morning, before orgo and biochem, I went to my thinking/peaceful spot.  Just sat there and thought, prayed and had my quiet time.  It was actually so peaceful!  Not many people know where my spot i find it quite peaceful!  Everytime i go there, it's quiet and just...relaxing.  Honestly, I don't like being alone usually.. i like having company with me. but sometimes, having that spot where you can just relax and God is your only company is nice.  i was sitting and looked at this chimney thing with smoke coming out of it.  Watched the smoke slowly disperse in the air, but wasn't thinking about diffusion! LOL rather ... just thinking about how funny/cool it looked.. seeing the smoke rise and slowly disintegrate into thin air.  It reminded me of when I was young...when I used to look at smoke rise and slowly disappear!  It gave me this warm peaceful feeling in my heart.  Whether you are a christian or not, i recommend having times where you just do nothing (obviously dont do it all day or you waste ur time, but do it for like.. 30 mins a day or something).  Take time off to relax and be amazed by the Creator! the one who made everything! and just spend time with Him.

LOL i saw an ant today on the grass.. walking around!  It reminded me not to be too lazy.. but to work hard... like an ant!  Sometimes ants seem to amaze me! they live with a purpose and they don't let things get in that way! I want to live my life like that! But with my purpose being serving God..and letting His love and joy flow through me to the world!  Part of that is working my hardest for Him and at the moment, doing my best in school!

I want to go to my spot sometime in the morning! to watch the sun rise! and just spend that morning with God the peace and quietness!

This is a verse from my bro's fb profile pic...just bringing it up because it is true! (well everythign in the Bible is true LOL but yeah! this verse kind of related to my spot"
Psalm 46:10 
"Be still and know that I am God" 

Anyways, Smile guys! :) and be happy! haha

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