Saturday, November 26, 2011

Drowning man

Sooo today during ACF, I was thinking about God's grace and His AMAZING LOVE! ... like i usually do! LOL iunno why but His grace an love are just things that amaze me so much! haha! anyways, I thought of this story for some random reason... LOL i don't actually know how it came to my head but it did...

Drowning man
By: unknown

While out to sea, a large boat became shipwrecked and there was only a single survivor. This man prayed and asked God to save his life. Soon thereafter, another boat came by and offered the man some help.

"No thanks," he said. "I'm waiting for God to save me."

The men on the boat shrugged their shoulders and continued. As the man became more deeply concerned, another boat came by. Again, the people aboard offered this man some help, and again he politely decline. "I'm waiting for God to save me," he said again.

After some time, the man began to lose his faith, and soon after that he died. Upon reaching Heaven, he had a chance to speak with God briefly.

"Why did you let me die? Why didn't you answer my prayers?"

"Dummy, I sent you two boats!"

Sooooo This is the typical explanation for this ... parable thing! or just story!

This is actually from a website, i didn't say this stuff

"The Universe is always watching out for the best interests of our spiritual evolution, even when we are too narrowly focused to see all the other opportunities it presents us. Sometimes, all that is needed is a change of perspective."

AND it is a good thing to learn! LOL don't get me wrong! but for some reason, I looked at this story and it just amazed me!! I partially looked at it through a different perspective! LOL okay.. think about i like this:

God is God right? (duh) and He is all-knowing!  He knows EVERYTHING!... okay u see where i'm getting at with this? LOL basically, what I'm saying is that God knew that that man was going to die.  He knew that the man would refuse His help yet He still sent help! ... LIKE isn't like that so much LOVE and GRACE?! like.. even though He knew that guy was going to refuse the help, He still sent the boats anyways, just to give him the chance and choice!  He didn't send one, but 2! haha you know what the probability of that is? LOL i don't.. but its probably pretty small!! BIGG ocean... and one random guy that's treading water... (who is also not flailing to boats asking for help) which means the ppl in the boat would also have to notice him and etc....but that is besides the point. LOL the point is that God, being the God of grace, mercy and love and way more, gave him that opportunity LOL...
anyways, if you guys don't see it already, to me, the story reminded me of the Gospel! and of God's amazing MERCY!  He died for us, when we totally didn't deserve it.  He Loves us, when we don't deserve it. We DESERVE DEATH.  YET, He provides a way out because of His great mercy!  He gives us a choice to love Him and get to know Him...even if He knows that we will not choose Him... HE STILL GIVES US A CHOICE AND THAT TRULY AMAZES ME!.. haha just makes me so happy/emotional! LOL mostly glad that I took hold of the choice and chose Him!

ANYWAYS yup! :D thats what i was mostly thinking! :)

Smile guys! :) and be happy! :D

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