Wednesday, February 15, 2012


WHOOPS! i sort of forgot about Valentines Day in my blog!!! LOLOL
Like all day i kind of knew about it!! but i only remembered when I saw couples together and stuff or when ppl told me "happy valentines day"! LOL then i went up to a friend and was like, "next year, I'm gonna wear a shirt that says, 'Free hugs to single ladies!!'" LOL and she was like... "Jireh...if you were a girl, would u be attracted to urself?" lol and i was like. "oh.. no... LOL!.. maybe hand out flowers?" and she was like "yuep thats a good idea" and i'm like.. "actually.. no..that's too expensive! LOL" so after thinking we decided chocolates might be the best! LOL cos girls like them and they are cheaper! LOL

*SIGH* anyways! then later that night, i found that one of my friends gave roses to our single lady friends in ACF!! and WOOOWW .. impressed! :) haha I've always thought about doing something like that, but doing it... respect man! :D haha just wanted to say that! cos i think it was cool! :D

Anyways, i don't even know why i didn't think about V-day yesterday when i was blogging!! cos of my DG and stuff! haha so jokess!!

I used to always love Vday cos of the love in the air!! and i love that feeling!!! but..iunno.. i realized the christmas is just so much better! because the love there just seems so much more.. genuine and unconditional! HAHA iunno why!.. just the feeling you get when ur surrounded by people at that time!

Anyways, last night I had a dream about this girl...I don't remember what happened in the dream.. except for the fact that I friggin miss her!! *sigh* kind of makes me sad sometimes! oh well! HAHA don't ask me why i laughed cos its not that funny! lol haha oh well!

There are so many girls that I think are beautiful, that have great personalities..that are just great people in general.. but so few girls i could imagine living my life with...:/ it's weird *sigh*

Hope you guys had a great V-day!!

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