Monday, February 27, 2012

Being "cross"fit!

I really love crossfit! lol the "sport of fitness"! haah I recently started doing it in june/july of last year and i honestly feel a lot fitter and stronger! so, i think it's effective!  Recently, i've read my bro's article on living a cross-centred life.. and what it means and i just thought about this idea...of being "cross"fit!  Are you strong enough to carry the cross? What does it mean to be fit enough to carry the cross?  If you want to read somethign that makes sense, click my bro's article.. LOL if you wanna read my summary of it, keep reading! HAHA

Essentially, as Christians, we want to live with Christ being the centre of our lives. Philippians 1:21..."For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain"  He should be put first...above all things.  If you look at what Christ did for us, it's actually pretty crazy...from what I think, God imputed Christ's righteousness on us and our sin on Christ.. and if you think about it.. it's amazing.. just thinking about God's grace, mercy, love and justice! if you wanna read more about this imputing thing, read another one of my bro's articles  on mercy and justice... pretty interesting! But honestly, if you really understand what Christ did for you, it's amazing and I don't know how you wouldn't want to rejoice all day and live your life around Him!

Now going back to this.. are you strong enough to carry the cross and what makes you fit enough to? (obviously i'm not talking about physical strength) You have to surrender yourself! Luke 9:23 "Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." so yeah! i guess that's all you have to do! LOL to be "cross"fit, you have to be living a Christ-centred life which includes desiring God and surrendering to Him by being obedient to His will! But then you ask, why would I want to surrender and obey Him? and it's because you love Him and desire Him. John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commands"!

I know this blog post was pretty poorly written, but i hope you guys get the point.. if not.. just read the 2 articles in the post.. it will probably clear things up... maybe!

SMILE and be happy! :)

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