Monday, December 5, 2011

Nationals Day 2

HAHA so yeah! i didn't have much time to do anything this weekend so i'm talking about it now! LOL

ANYWAYS, NATIONALS WAS A LOT OF FUN!! :D we pretty much went there and competed and won! LOL i kind of felt weird cos there were a billion of ppl way better than me that weren't on the western team! LOL but yeah! it was a cool feeling though! winning a national championship! HAHA! ohh yeah! HAHA heres the video if ur interested in watching it! :D haha
Don't look for me though! just watch it! haha and be impressed! :)

anyways, I don't know if this is like this for everyone, but for me, whenever i'm SURROUNDED by Christians, I grow spiritually because i learn from everyone and i just want to spend more time with Him! there's fellowship and personal growth! ... generally, it's pretty amazing and i love seeing people who truly love God! it encourages me!
On the other side of the spectrum, i find that being SURROUNDED by non-Christians and people with different morals (very different btw) makes me rely on God THAT MUCH MORE! and it can be a period where i grow personally with God!  obviously, there isn't much fellowship cos there aren't many other christians!, but thats just makes u really appreciate it when you go to church or fellowship!

Anyways, Last night, during the party, i didn't do anything i regret! and I truly thank God for that!  It really did help having one Christian friend with me! this way, we could keep each other accountable and be there for one another! For sure, it would have been a lot more difficult to resist temptations without that other spiritual friend there! :) but yeah, living with my cheer friends, really helped me understand how much i DON'T want to be like them! LOL (in terms of their drinking, sex, partying, etc...) and it just kind of made me draw closer to God, because i realized that God is so much more worth it and is better!
Some of my friends were like... if you've never tried it, how will you know other things are better... or stuff like.. only ppl who don't drink say they find other things more fun... but for the first one, there are a lot of things I know i WON'T enjoy before i do it! like...jumping into a fire, or cheating on my wife, or iunno jumping off a building or w/e! lol u kinda get what I'm talking about!... in terms of the drinking comment,... sure, i've never been super drunk where i black out and stuff, but I honestly find doing other things so much more fun!  I'd way rather have a serious heart warming talk with a good friend, than get drunk with them! or just have fun, chilling with them! or sharing with them! i find joy in many things other than partying! LOL iunno! maybe it's not a good argument, but I dont find it(getting drunk) worth do things things that you would regret sometimes, it's not good for your body...thats why you puke, puking is NOT cool, its NASTY! and... it doesn't even taste good! LOl w/e lol

I'm just glad God didn't put me into any temptation that i wouldn't have been able to get out of!
It is so true! 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

It's so funny how for morning devotions on that day, i read Ephesians 6 and the night before, i read Ephesians 5! a lot of good stuff in there.. wont talk about it now though! read it on ur own time if you time and you may see why i liked it a lot!

Smile and be happy! :D

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