Saturday, December 31, 2011

WOD Dec 31, 2011


AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) for 20:12
20 LH KB cleans
12 KB swings
20 RH KB cleans
12 pushups
20 TTB (toes to bar)
12 Burpees

So i did really badd!!! lol first round was like. 3 mins though! LOL ike SOOO FAST! LOl but then...during the second round, i developed and ripped 2 blisters.... :/ on the same hand! LOl so when i got back to the left handed KB swings, it took FOREVER! cos just holding the KB hurt my hand like crazzyyy!! i tried to use just like my finger tips to hold it... FAIL! lol so yeah! lol oh wells! only did 2 rounds plus up to TTB... it was kind of sad LOL my cardio and muscles were fine...Limiting factor was my hand (my skin) LOL :(:( so faiiilll!! oh well!!!


SMILE!!! and be happy!! :D
OOHH btww tmr is this blog's...anniversaryy!~ :D haha cos i started blogging in the beginning of 2011!! :D

Thursday, December 29, 2011

WOD Dec 28, 2011

SO today was funnn!! went snowboarding with bff and bro!! :D haah
thennn did crossfit! :D ahah

here is the WOD for those of you who wish to do it! LOL

5 reps, 3 sets of front squat @205lbs


100 Power cleans @135lbs
every min on the min (EMOM), 4 burpees!

YESS this was TIRING! it was actually brutal! HAHA try it out if you have time! LOL it took me 16:43 to do it! if you try it, post ur time!! :D

Smile! and be happy! :D

Monday, December 26, 2011

Last friday!

Last friday was really interesting!!! :D hahah not gonna blog about it cos it's something i'll choose to share or not in the future!! haha but yeah this post is just here to remind me about it! LOL
umm key words...


Friday, December 23, 2011

Sometimes, I wonder why I ever started blogging in the first place.  Was it so I could let out all my emotions onto something because I didn't write a diary? I don't know.. probably not... LOL!  Before I started blogging, I really really always enjoyed reading other people's blogs.  I only really ever followed this one person's blog...but I remember the first time I read that person's blog!  I always thought it was so interesting!  SUPER honest! lol the person didn't care what the world thought!  It was always interesting and funny to me!  Then I found out my bro had a blog and i was like WHAT?! LOL and then I met another person who blogged a lot from uni and I started reading that person's blogs too and they were interesting! lol  I guess i started blogging so i could ... iunno make people happy? or if people want to know me better than they do atm, they can read my blog and get a better glimpse of my personality? LOL obviously, in terms of personality, meeting up with me and actually chilling with me in person is best! LOL but still, I believe a person's blog gives their readers a glimpse of the bloggers personality! lol unless they don't blog like how they are!
I think another reason why I started blogging is because I had so much random stuff in my head and I just had to get it out somehow! IUNOO w/e! blogging is fun! and reading them is fun too! if you just read them, you should blog too! because honestly, i don't think anyone really judges you or w/e...there is no "dislike" or "like" button on my posts or anything! LOL so yeah .. it doesn't even matter and it doesn't even matter what you say! LOL it can be the most random stuff, yet it can touch other people's lives.. like mine!!! or anyone else who reads them! LOl

ANYWAYS, back to that first blog I ever started i thought about it again and one thing the person mentioned is how that person hates that people don't keep secrets anymore and how some ppl are such open books and w/e... I personally don't really know what that person meant by that.. cos i agree that you shouldn't be going around tell everyone your deepest darkest secrets, but I do think those few ppl that are close to you should know/can know and it's should be okay!  I guess it does depend...cos sometimes, some secrets are not yours to share, and that SHOULD be kept a secret!  But iunno, for me, sometimes, i wonder what should be kept a secret? My best friends know my deepest darkest secrets and w/e and they know it because i trust them... so they can help me with w/e situation it is! whether it's advice on girls, sins i struggle with, iunno w/e! LOl but honestly, I'm thinking of the day I get married to my DG.  Personally, I feel like there really shouldn't be any personal secrets between us...Like we are married? iuno maybe i think that because i'm not afraid of sharing my secrets with people whom i trust and who are close to me! Plus, i don't see how any good can come from keeping secrets from your me, all i see is distrust and complications in the future!  But honestly, I don't mind telling everyone my secrets... i just don't want to/have the need to because they are secrets after all.  iunno! I'm pretty sure the person who said the thing thinks similarly... but I don't really know.. that blog post was written over a year ago! LOL so things could have changed.. may not have.. iuno! w/e!

Sometimes I think about you, my DG...How I feel sooo ready to meet you at times and at other times, i realize how unprepared i am! LOL but honestly, when will I ever feel 100% ready? i dont think i'll ever, because I'll never be perfect!  but yeah! the time will have to come when I start asking someone to date me!  HOPEFULLY, she'll say yes when i ask.. HOPEFULLY she'll be you! LOL but know that my heart will always be for you DG! the one i marry!!! :D

Anyways, i'm tired

SMILE guys and be happy!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

WOD Dec 21, 2011/my day! LOL

So today was fun! :D
AYCE sushi with close friends! and just time to chill with each other! :D i'll admit, i didn't do a very good job planning it, but it was fun regardless! and i kinda wish it lasted longer! LOL

SO i got the bestest christmas gift today! LOL it's def gonna be my faveeee one this year!! HAHA i'll tell you what it is on Christmas! LOLOL yeahhh!! i know... i wasn't able to wait! LOl cos i got it and the person who gave it to me was like.. "I think it's funny! and you'll like it!" HAAH YESS it was! :D and i loved it! :D anyways, u'll see it sooonnn!!

OKAY after that, did some driving around and then CROSSFIT!!!
mann.. haven't done crossfit in sooo a crossfit gym! lol mann!! lol doing it at the gym is so different than just doing it for fun at a random gym! LOL anyways, here is the WOD:

4 rounds for time:
20 pullups
30 KB swings 55lbs
40 sit-ups
50 double unders

LOL it doesn't look too bad when you see it, but then.. boy does it get to you! LOL for me.. the sit-ups were relatively the slowest! LOL and it was 40 reps.. so my time was actually pretty bad! LOL LOL i kind felt like throwing up the AYCE sushi while i was doing it!

OH YEAH!! weird thing!!! at ayce, i didn't like eat anythign! LOLOL sooo weird! my stomach is SOO SMALL NOW!! i think i was getting out-eaten by girls! LOL mannn ... do you know what that does to a man's pride? lol well. nothing really, cos it was kind of funny! but yeah! once i start working out again, i'll be building back my appetite for sure! :)

Anyways! fun day!
I am happy!

Smile and be happy! :D

Sunday, December 18, 2011

updated blog

Hello fellow friends! :D 
just to let you know, i have updated the "terminology" and w/e else it says section of the blog with a brief explanation about who my dream girl is! cos people keep asking and get confused! anyways, it's there so it's easily accessible! just press the page and scroll down if needed! haha 


Smile and be happy! :D

Waiting for forever

So i just finished watching a movie called "Waiting for Forever".
it was really heart-warming!!! and sad.. then happy! but the chances of something like that to happen is so rare...mainly cos of the situations and stuff... anyways, its about this guy and girl who were best friends and at age 10, they got separated because the guy's parents died.  As time went on, the guy still loved the girl, but the girl moved on in life.  And the guy followed her around in life until one day.. where he decides to talk to her again and stuff.

One thing that popped out to me...was when he was hitchhiking with a couple, they asked him if he had a girlfriend/someone... and he's like YEAH! and they asked.. how long they have been together and he was like... i guess you can say forever? and i'm like ... that's cool.  BESIDES the fact that he was a little stalkerish, his heart was in the right place i think! because he cared for her! a lot!... i'm not going to ruin the movie for u guys.. and tell you the complicated stuff.. so u should watch it urself! HAHA

but still...I wanna say to my Dream Girl, that i have loved her forever, and that I will always love her! I hope you know DG, that i do love you forever! at least, as long as i'm in my body, i will love you! cos i'm honestly not sure what happens when we go to heaven!!

Anyways, thats all i ahave to say for now!

SMILE and be happy!

Friday, December 16, 2011

God is really cool!!/(VOD)

So yeah! haha! yesterday during my deep thought and prayer with God, i came to a point where...i couldn't exactly say what i was thinking!  i think I talked about this in my previous post, but I wanted to pray about something in my heart that i just didn't know how to express through words! So i was just there... thinking to myself... "GOD, why can't you just read my mind instead of me having to pray to you...but then you can! lol oh well!"... then I'm like "God, read my heart...cos you know what's there and you know exactly what i am trying to say to you...even if I don't know" I kinda just lay there praying and eventually moved on in my thoughts about other stuff that was bothering me.
BUT the coolest thing happened today when i read my verse for the day!

Romans 8:26-27
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.  And he who searches our hearts know the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God."

WOOOW when i read that today i was like....what are the chances this would be the verse I'd read today after praying like i did yesterday! *sigh* Seriously, when i got this verse I was actually amazed! i actually said "wow" out loud in a bus! LOl cos that's where i was reading it! LOL it was a lil awkward but w/e!  I am pretty sure i've read through all of romans before, but this verse never stuck out to me for some reason! ! so i was just really surprised when i read it! "We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans"   I actually found that really cool cos...that's how my prayer was yesterday!.. iunno if it as a literal groan, but yeah! i think u guys get what i mean!

Anyways, i must study more now! 2 more exams!! :D:D haha
SMILE! and be happy!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

mann...I vividly went through this...thing! LOL
So yeah, i woke up today and for some reason, i woke up jealous!  like.. there was literally jealousy burning in my heart! it was really weird and it REALLY bothered might have had something to do with my dream i had last night.. but honestly, i don't remember anything from my dream! I think i did dream, just don't remember what it was about.  i started thinking about girls...cos that's really the only topic that could potentially make me that jealous i guess! haha it was interesting.  though i did not study much today, i will study a lot after this post.  I really needed this day to just pray, read the bible, think and pray and sleep LOL.  I put in sleep there, cos i find that whenever i'm in deep thought or prayer, it just continues into my sleep and when i'm done, i wake up! LOLOL its jokes! LOL so yeah! LOL

A while back, i read a book called "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy.  I really liked that book and I'm like. 99% sure I talked about them before! haha Anyways, there's this one part...the part when Eric had his revelation about his future wife!  Essentially, he figured that his wife he will marry one day is probably alive now..unless he's going to marry someone 20+years younger LOL but yeah! So yeah.. his future wife was living! and hopefully well.. He did not know who she was but he knew that she was out there somewhere. Then, he thought about his girl! LOL and he's thinking.. what if she's out on a date tonight? with another guy!?! and all of the sudden, he got jealous and stuff because she belonged to him.. then he imagined that other guy kissing his wife and stuff and he was not happy! AHHA then.. God showed him that if he yearns for purity in his wife, how much more will his wife long for purity in him?

*sigh* i don't even know what I'm thinking about now!
DG, please be patient with me...right now.

Something I always have a fear of .. is what if I ask too late? was it just not meant to be?  I guess so! LOL What if i ask too early? that also messes things up!  Timing is such an important thing in this relationship stuff!  And knowing God's time and knowing His will, is something I'm still praying for.  It is hard...if you have really strong feelings for someone and you think she must be the one and you find out she isn't.  Sometimes it's hard to accept.. usually it's for the better because someone better rolls around (at least in my case LOL). but then.. what if that person also doesn't like you, but likes someone else?  LOL it sucks, but that's part of being a man i guess haha!

ANYWAYS, i dont know why this blog post seems so depressing LOL or i dont know HOW it got all depressing and stuff! HAHA because nothing has happened yet! LOL it's just my mind playing tricks on me and overthinking stuff that don't necessarily exist! LOL jokeess! I think my brain just likes to...analyze the absolute worst case scenario and the best! (when i say absolute worse case, i mean like.. something likely! AHAH not like.. a cow will fall out of the sky and kill me.. or something..though possible, its quite improbable)

Okay.. i think this is what i was trying to say.
actually.. nope.. no idea! sorry! i have this thought in my mind.. that i can't get out!!!!!! LOLOLOL DANNNNGGG it's quite annoying how i can't really materialize a thought! I rmb in gr 12 english my teacher was like.. "if you can't materialize a thought, is it even a thought?" or somethign weird like that!

oh yeah.. random thing! my nose isn't working anymoe.. i feel like it's cos i'm still sick, but it makes me feel weird! LOl cos i like smelling things! LOL

SMILE and be happy!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Circadian rhythm

MAN BOTH OF THOSE WORDS ARE HARD TO SPELL! LOL! i actually had to check up circadian cos when i looked at it just now, it looked too much like the word "canadian" but yeah.. thats the right spelling! AND rhythm! LOL i always forget the "h".. look at the word and i'm like.. that looks messed.. then realize the h was missing and i put it here...ryhthm.. then i'm like.. no that's more wrong.. then finally.. i get it... ry... omg.. i just almost screwed up again! LOLOL WOOOOWW rhythm! lol there

Anyways, my circadian rhythm is messed... i'm still awake when i should be sleeping tight, dreaming happily about bunnies jumping on clouds, or rolling hills or sheep flying in a blue sky, bouncing on the poofy clouds with happy music in the background and fairies colouring butterfly wings and yeah! u get it!
what am i doing? just chilling.. waiting for my body to get tired so i can sleep!!!! surre i should make use of my time and study... that's what i thought, but i'm like.. tired of studying.. its messed.. my mentals is tired but my body STILL LIVESS! yup i'm messed.. and i have an exam tmr.. luckily at 9pm.. but still.. i need to study morrrreeeeeee cos i still have a lot of biochem stuff i need to do (cos its my next exam after the one i have tmr)

Usually, when i watch a movie, it puts me to sleep.. so i watched the green hornet.. but IT WAS TOO COOL! so now i'm super awake.. then i played some rapunzel game.. which was super easy.. and my body can't sleep! hopefuly after this blog post, i can feel tired and sleep! ahah i'm actually feeling more tired now! LOL this is good! yay! yay for blogging! it makes me tired! maybe because since i'm typing.. and i don't usually type... my body thinks i'm writing an essay.. and my body hates essays so it wants to shut down! yes.. that is the reason! i am actually getting more tired now... like... an orange! i think

good night for now!
SMILE and be happy!! :D

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My DG will be a Prov. 31 girl/woman! :)

This video is true!  I would want a proverbs 31 girl over a Victoria Secret model any day!! (this assumes that the victoria secret model is not also a prov. 31 girl! LOLOL... cos double wammy isn't too bad either! LOLOL JKJK i actually probalby wouldn't wanna marry a victoria secret model.. like an actual one LOL. BUT oh man.. my DG will be way more pretty/beautiful to me than any victoria secret model!)

I rmb, when i was like.. super young, my mom had me go through a program called true love waits.  It's essentially a thing where we promise to God that we will be abstinent until marriage...and that we will save ourselves for our DG/future spouse.  One thing my mom made our fellowship do was write down characteristics I want to see in my future spouse.. LOL and i was SOOOO biased at the time cos i liked a girl! LOL anyways, my characteristics were probably something like the following:
1. Christian (because i have to)
5. Pretty
6. Good personality
... and so on! LOL i don't actually totally rmb the list, but it was somethign like that.. and it DEF had 1,2 and 3 in it! HAHA cos at the time, i lived in guelph and had no physical attraction to asians! LOL so jokes

Many years down the road, i hit gr 11/12 haha and i have this crush on a girl! and i talk to my mom about it and stuff! LOL and she's like.. do u rmb that list you made back then? and i'm like... yeah.. but it was dumb, because i was like.. gr 5 or 6 or something like that and i didn't really know anything! LOL and yeah that's when my mom showed me Proverbs 31.  She's like.. Jireh! look for a girl like this! and so i read proverbs 31 and it's like.. so true.  Who wouldn't want to have a girl like that? *SIGH* (at least if you are a christian). Anyways, watch the video to understand this concept of a prov 31 girl more...i'm just plain bad at explaining things so i'll like this guy do it! LOL
In the same way as guys shouldn't go for a girl less than a Prov. 31 girl .... or osmething like that, you girls shouldn't go for a guy less than a Godly man described by vody baucham! haha


SMILE and be happy! :D

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dec 9, 2011 WOD

SOO yeah i forgot to blog about my workouts! LOL so yeah... oh well!! here is today's! LOl

Shoulder press
5-5-5-5-5 @110lbs
immediately after the last set, 10 reps @50lbs


Deadlifts @225lbs

time was SOO BAD! LOL lol like.. 9 mins,... LOLOL
compared to my fran time.. its soo bad! LOLOL oh well! gotta work on it!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

guys talk about.. u know what...

ANYWAYS, i was thinking about the weekend, and how every time a guy talked with other guys, 85% of the time it would have something to do with "doing it" or stuff related to that kind of topic... yes i know... it's kind of weird!  LOL i always thought it was just a super exaggerated stereotype, (which it is, because MOST of my guy friends aren't like that), but yeah, these guys just kept talking sex and all that stuff and how they are ready to get laid and weird stuff...
anyways, what i found cute/interesting from that sex talk stuff, was this one guy! lol... We were talking about getting kids and stuff and he was like... "I want 2 boys, one that will be a pro hockey player, and the other will be a pro football player" or something like that...another guy asked "why not a girl?" and he was like,  "I can't think of my daughter getting "hammered" by random guys" (somethign like that) and like.. at first i thought, awww that's cute! cos he cares about his daughter and stuff LOL.. but then, i thought a lil deeper......If you don't want ur daughter getting "hammered" by random guys, why do you go and "hammer" other people's daughters?...cos honestly, other people's dad's probably feels the same! or quite similar at least.  I don't think there's any father out who loves their daughter and wants to see them "hammered" by random guys.  Yes, they will want their daughter to get married, but hammered by random guys is a different least in my opinion!  LOL anyways, i was just thinking about that kind of stuff for some reason!

Smile! and be happy! :D

Keller on Marriage

So i saw my bro's post on this... and i really enjoyed listening to this guy! haha sure, most of it makes common sense, but it is a great reminder, and he says a lot of things you should truly consider before you get yourself into a relationship!  I also like how this talk isn't necessarily directed to JUST christians! like.. it's good for anyone to listen to!.. that's just what i think!  I personally have never been married, haha or even close for that matter, LOL, but i feel this talk gives us a good idea of what to be prepared for, and how you should be prepared to get married and stuff!

LOL i know its long, but his talk is only like.. 30 mins..... lol the rest is Q&A and yeah that is also really interesting!!! LISTEN TO THIS GUYS/GIRLS! esp if ur considering marriage, or are already married!

Smile! and be happy! :D

Monday, December 5, 2011

18 Dollars!

For those that don't have me on facebook, you should read this post!!! its sooo good!
click the link!

Nationals Day 2

HAHA so yeah! i didn't have much time to do anything this weekend so i'm talking about it now! LOL

ANYWAYS, NATIONALS WAS A LOT OF FUN!! :D we pretty much went there and competed and won! LOL i kind of felt weird cos there were a billion of ppl way better than me that weren't on the western team! LOL but yeah! it was a cool feeling though! winning a national championship! HAHA! ohh yeah! HAHA heres the video if ur interested in watching it! :D haha
Don't look for me though! just watch it! haha and be impressed! :)

anyways, I don't know if this is like this for everyone, but for me, whenever i'm SURROUNDED by Christians, I grow spiritually because i learn from everyone and i just want to spend more time with Him! there's fellowship and personal growth! ... generally, it's pretty amazing and i love seeing people who truly love God! it encourages me!
On the other side of the spectrum, i find that being SURROUNDED by non-Christians and people with different morals (very different btw) makes me rely on God THAT MUCH MORE! and it can be a period where i grow personally with God!  obviously, there isn't much fellowship cos there aren't many other christians!, but thats just makes u really appreciate it when you go to church or fellowship!

Anyways, Last night, during the party, i didn't do anything i regret! and I truly thank God for that!  It really did help having one Christian friend with me! this way, we could keep each other accountable and be there for one another! For sure, it would have been a lot more difficult to resist temptations without that other spiritual friend there! :) but yeah, living with my cheer friends, really helped me understand how much i DON'T want to be like them! LOL (in terms of their drinking, sex, partying, etc...) and it just kind of made me draw closer to God, because i realized that God is so much more worth it and is better!
Some of my friends were like... if you've never tried it, how will you know other things are better... or stuff like.. only ppl who don't drink say they find other things more fun... but for the first one, there are a lot of things I know i WON'T enjoy before i do it! like...jumping into a fire, or cheating on my wife, or iunno jumping off a building or w/e! lol u kinda get what I'm talking about!... in terms of the drinking comment,... sure, i've never been super drunk where i black out and stuff, but I honestly find doing other things so much more fun!  I'd way rather have a serious heart warming talk with a good friend, than get drunk with them! or just have fun, chilling with them! or sharing with them! i find joy in many things other than partying! LOL iunno! maybe it's not a good argument, but I dont find it(getting drunk) worth do things things that you would regret sometimes, it's not good for your body...thats why you puke, puking is NOT cool, its NASTY! and... it doesn't even taste good! LOl w/e lol

I'm just glad God didn't put me into any temptation that i wouldn't have been able to get out of!
It is so true! 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

It's so funny how for morning devotions on that day, i read Ephesians 6 and the night before, i read Ephesians 5! a lot of good stuff in there.. wont talk about it now though! read it on ur own time if you time and you may see why i liked it a lot!

Smile and be happy! :D

Friday, December 2, 2011

Nationals, day 1

OOKAYY!!! sooo all i did today was this:
Wake up early
NOT eat breakfast...
set up floors and matts for the competition, and like everything
not eat lunch...cept for a SINGLE donut!
set up more stuff for the competition
EAT DINNER! :D haah (prob best part of the day) at lone star
Watch ppl cheer (not uni ppl yet)
Come home and yeap! do my assignment! LOL

but yeah! today, while moving the floor stuff and everything, i injured my finger! lol mannn it hurts sooo bad! it's not like i'd DIE or anything, but its just really really quite annoying .. cos it got like.. super pinched in between things and yeah, typing this is hurting every time i press and s... cos my left hand ring fingher is like swollen and messseeedd!!.. prob wont be able to play cello for a month or so.. which is fine cos of winter break! LOL thank GOD! LOL BUUTTT honestly, this kind of reminds me of what i've kind of been learning recently!.. like the Church and God and us... and how the church is the body of Christ and how each one of us has a role that is IMPORTANT! surree. i guessi don't NEED my finger, but man, how i am GLAD i have a functional one and stuff! but yeah! we, as christians, are important to Christ's body!each one is important!!! like..some parts, you may THINK is less important, but no.. everything is important! llol this is actually like a cheer team! LOl even though i almost do nothign, I'm actualy quite important in my team! but yeah! :)
anyways, i lost my train of thought! LOl so yeah! gonna go now! :)

SMILE and be happy! :D

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Nationals! LOL

SOOOO i'm going to nationals now for cheerr!!!! haha pretty excited about it! :) it's gonna be my first cheer competition and apparently it's gonna be like... super fun! HAHAA WHICH IS GREATTT!! :D
I'm happy! lol

But then, there are most likely going to be a lot of hot girls there! = a lot of temptation and stuff.  God help me keep my mind pure and cheer for You!  If i ever get tempted, i'll think of you DG, and how waiting for you is so much more worth it and doing God's will is just so much better! :D Getting ready to PARTY WITH JESUS BABY! or something like that! but that's not till saturday night!

anyways, i'll keep you guys posted about nationals and stuff! :)

BTW if any of u are interested in watching me cheer, i'll be cheering on saturday at the powerade center in brampton!  its starts a lil before noon or something, so yeah! :) COOMEE if you can, i'm part of the western coed team if you come! :D


SMILE and be happy! :D