LOL so yeah i got facebook hacked recently and my "friend" (LOL) made my birtdhay yesterday and everyone said happy britdhay and then he said back to everything that "I like to poop" this reminded me of something i was thinking about a week ago! AHHA
Okay. So imagine this scenario:
You walk into a public washroom and then.. you need to take a dump. SO then you walk into a stall, hand hang your coat and bag up or w/e you are holding cos its weird to poo with a lot of stuff on you. OKAY so you take a dump after cleaning the seat and putting toilet paper on it becasue ur paranoid u'll get aids or osmething.. OR you horse stance and don't even make contact with the toilet seat. EITHER WAY, your butt (not butt know what it is!) is DIRTY LOL and; you need to wipe it. okay so then you wipe it, not with you hand obviously, unless you need to i guess, LOL but you wipe it with toilet paper. okay yay!! now you feel nasty because you just dumped. NOW WHAT?! LOL
I did not make this pic! found it on google LOL
okayy.. so what I USED to do is open the door, wash my hands and then come back for my stuff, praying that no one will steal my stuff or run into the stall and take a dump! WHY? cos think about it! LOL its SOO NASTY to like.. grab ur stuff after u take a dump!! LOL cos then you like... use poo hands to grab ur jacket and yeah... if you don't think its nasty.. then.. don't bother washing ur hands after dumping! LOL but yeah i thought it was nasty.. but thenn.. my friend "puree" told me that she just grabs her stuff with her other hand cos she doesnt wipe her butt with 2 hands! LOl and i'm like.. OHHH GENIUS!!! LOL haah but then yea!! i still feel nasty! LOLOL but i guess its the second best option! LOL best option is to leave ur stuff outside with ur friends or something... just ppl u can trust LOLOL
ANYWAYS, thats all i have to say!!!
oh yeah about a year ago, i saw a guy peeing and eating an apple at the same time in a public washroom! taht was interesting! LOLOL literally just chilling at a urinal and eating an apple... haha!!
SMILE guys and be happy! :D
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