Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oct 5th verse

So i have an app on my phone that just gives me a daily bible verse! haah i guess i'll start talking about them sometimes LOLOL like.. not EVERYDAY! ahah that would be too intense for me! my goal is to meditate on them everyday.. but i probably wont have the time or feel like blogging about it everyday!

LOL so todays verse!
Job 1:21 (ESV)
And he said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

The story of Job always amazes me! He was super wealthy, had a family and pretty much had every thing you could ever want from this world. He's just living his merry life when Satan looks at him and goes to God and is like, "I bet if i take away his possessions he will turn away from you!" and God was like, "You can try, but he will not". So Satan does A LOT of bad stuff like.. in the end he lost all of his property, all his money, his whole family, all his friends and he had boils.. which sucks! so this is like.. SUPER opposite side of the spectrum! Yet he's like.. "blessed be the name of the Lord"!!!! that is crazy coool! people nowadays blame God for everything yet don't acknowledge what God has done for them! and most of the time... when people are suffering, they don't say "blessed be the name of the Lord".. they'll say other stuff that's not as nice...I want to have a heart like Job. Someone who truly understands his place in respect to God. Although it sounds weird, God can do whatever he wants with us. Obviously he won't do really bad stuff or stuff we cannot handle because He loves us. If he didn't love us LOL we'd be screwed...that's just a fact LOL He also won't let Satan tempt us beyond what we can take (1 Corinthians 10:13). Like...Satan had to ASK God for permission to do this stuff before he could do it! LOL its actually kind of funny when you think about it from that way. It's almost like.. every bad thing that might happen to you is happening because God knows you can get out of it and He is there to help you! Then you'll ask... why get tempted in the first place or w/e... honestly that's a totally different question and maybe i'll address that later in my blogs kind of.... or you can do research on google! AHAH I still to really figure out that answer for myself too so yeah!

Honestly, some things are complicated and don't make sense. Most of the time, all you have to do is trust in Him and try your hardest. I want to have that heart Job had... a thankful heart! "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" seriously this is awesome because God is awesome! Smile and be happy! :D

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