Wednesday, October 5, 2011

(500) days of summer!

So yesterday i watched 500 days of summer! haah its a really great movie!! it really got me thinking about my DG again and all of that kind of stuff!!! like... is there really just that one person for me? who is she? and all that jazz! LOL I know that when the time comes, God will show her to me and we will know.. but honestly I am so scared of dating the wrong girl!... like yeah! aah the movie!!  this movie was acutally so funny but like sad at the same time! lol funny becuase there were a lot of just like.> LOL JOKES moments and sad because the guy literally got his heart broken because he thought she was the one... but she wasn't!  like i got pretty emotional when i saw him see her with that ring on her finger! .. mannnnn ahah depressing news man! depressing but happy? happy because at least now he will really find the person he was meant to be with!
I'm glad i watched this movie! it gave me that warm feeling iin my heart.. of like.. sadnesss and happiness at teh same time! LOL its weird! lol the actors actually did a really nice job with their parts! :D i liked it! haha

i feel like its scary to like someone...becasue you never know if they are the one for you!... well even before that.. you don't know if they like you back! but yeah.. the main thing is that i dont know if that girl is my DG or not! lol honestly i will probably never know until the day I marry her! haah I feel like my DG has to be able to like... not get bored easily! LOL becasue 90% of my life, i'm doing nothing! LOL like.. literealliy i'm just ...sitting down mindinng my own business becasue i usually don't know what to talk about! LOL i find that i'm bad at chilling iwth ppl one on one! OL but if theres just one more person there.. it somehow becomes a lot easier (to talk at least)! LOLOL haha I actually doon't mind just chiling and being around ppl! LOl without talking that much! depending on the situation and my feelings at the moment i guess! company is always nice

anyways, if you guys haven't watched 500 days of summer you should! haha its good!
SMile and be happy! :D

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