Friday, May 20, 2011

lol crying!

So i was thinking about why ppl cry last night... well more this morning.  I thought about why ppl cry while i was driving to my clients house today.  it still doesn't make sense to me! haha.  we cry because we are sad, but what does crying achieve? nothing really.  It just brings unnecessary attention to you, that you probalby don't even want because ur sad and want to be left alone, maybe with one close friend, and your eyes go bulgy, your nose runs like a river and everythign is just a mess.  Crying makes no sense to my mind.  One thing crying does do though, is make you feel better. LOL for some reason it does that! i bet it triggers random stuff in your body that just makes you feel better about everything or something!
I have nothing against crying btw. if you got that message from this post, it is wrong! HAHA it's more the opposite.  I believe everyone should cry sometimes, esp when those moments happen, and yes.. im talking to you too (to those who think they are men).  Men cry too.  its weird seeing a guy cry i think.. for some reason, it touches me more when i see a man cry.  Its sad.

Anyways, sadness leads to crying.  Crying leads to something that makes you feel better through w/e.  which then leads you to being happy again!! haha oh yeah! HAHA

anyways, smile, cry, w/e and be happy !:D

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure crying makes your body release endorphins, Jireh :P
