Tuesday, May 31, 2011

workouttt may 31st!

so yeah! here is today's workout! :D
5X5X5X5X5 Push Jerk

20 min amrap (i only did 15 mins cos i had to leave early)
15 Ball Slams
10 Pull ups
400 meter run

haah yeah it was pretty difficult, BUT it was fun though! :D amrap means as many rounds as possible btw! Just incase you guys didn't know.

ANYWAYS, i got my braces tightened today..a nd OMG it HURTS! :(:( dannggg LOL oh well! LOL at least i'm done paying! so now when i go back for more adjustments, its "free"! :D YAYYY! :D ahha I actually can't wait now to get them off! :D it would really be nice to not have to wear braces all the time LOL anyways, hope you guys have a good day! :D

Smile! :D oh yeah! today was super hot.... and humid.. but it was nice! LOL

Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011

3 sets of suicides
Deadlifts 80% 1RM (i just used 225lbs)

1Round For Time:
Run 1km
30 Handstand Push-ups
Row 1km

HAHA! this was fun! :) thats all i'm going to say! but tiring! :D you guys should try some of these workouts too! haah they are great!! :D it makes your endorphins become dolphins in your brain! :D haha jk but yeah... everytime i see endorphins, i ALWAYS think of dolphins or something... cos it almost looks like the endolphins or something..... maybe they are related or something... and i don't know how to fix this double spaceness so yeah sorry if this post is too spaced out for you guys!

Smile and be happy ppl! :D

Saturday, May 28, 2011

yesterdays workout

1 Rep Max
Back Squat &
Shoulder Press

20 min. AMRAP
5 Chest to Bar
10 Wall Ball Shots
15 Kb Swings 55/35

so yeah! i forgot to post this! but this was what i did yesterday. LOL i'm not gonna say how many rounds i did because it was pretty bad! HAHAA oh well!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I had to rewrite this cos yeah...i fail at any techy stuff. i found this on tumblr btw so its not mine.

Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Boy: No this is fun.
Girl: No it's not.  Please, it's too scary.
Boy:  Then tell me you love me.
Girl:  Fine, I love you.  Now slow down!
Boy:  Now give me a hug.
Girl: *gives boy a hug*
Boy:  Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself?  It's bugging me.
Girl:  Alright, now slow down.
Boy:  I love you, babe.
Girl:  I love you too.  Just slow down, PLEASE!

In the paper next day...
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of a brake failure.  2 people were on it, but only 1 had survived.  The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes brok, but he didn't want to let the girl know.  Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.

okay yeah! i almost died after reading this! and the second time i read it i almost cried! LOL dannng! *sigh* i don't know if it is actually true, but yeah! i like that kind of love! and yeah! I hope i can do that in the future! agape love! self sacrificial love. anyways. i'll be quiet! just think about the thing above! haha


Crossfit may 26th!

So this was a dumb idea! LOL
today i was still really sick but i still went to crossfit! LOLOL anyways today workout was this!
For time:
20 Calorie row
30 Burpees
40 Two-hand dumbbell ground-to-overhead (45lb / 35lb)
50 Toes-to-bar
100 foot Overhead walking lunge (45lb plate / 25lb)
150 foot Sprint

haha! and i died@ LOl like.. halfway through the dumbell ground-to-overhead thing, i felt like barfing.. LOl but i ended up completing it! HAAH i RX'D THIS BABY!!! AHAH *sigh* im tired and i feel like barfing and dying now! im tired and dead LOl anyways, i'm happy though! it felt good! LOl

Smile! :D

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Rhino - meaning nose and rrhea - meaning discharge/flow, Rhinorrhea is just another name for Runny nose!! haah! u know whats funny, it sounds like diarrhea! and i know a girl named Rhea!! anyways, I have a runny nose and today i blew my nose! no the paper didn't break this time!  I made sure to fold the toilet paper several times before i blew cos i know my nose is powerful! haha
ANYWAYS, my boogers were like... yellow! and i was like YAY! cos i read online that when you first get sick you get a runny nose and your nose discharges clear mucus to clear out the bacteria.  After a couple days, your immune system kicks in and the mucus (boogers) become YELLOW/white!!! and that was the colour of mine! ahah so that means i'm almost over this dumb sickness! once my super strong immune system gets started... OH YEAH! we will win! :) i hope, but if i die, you're all invited to my funeral.  but that won't happen i think!  anyways, if the bacteria grows back, the mucus turns green. so i think by that time, you're like over the sickness! so yeah! i can't wait to get over this! just need those green boogers and i'll be bad bacteria free!!!
anyways, i confirmed taht i'm def sick today.  I touched my lymph nodes.  they were big and bulging out of  the underneath side of my chin/mandibular region! dangg.. id ont like feeling sick.. i think i got sick from taht dumb run/walk i did!.. i think if i just ran i would have been okay! HAH i shouldn't have stopped to think about stuff and get cold and freeze.

smile and be happy! :D hope none of u are getting sick! if you are.. i'm sorry! LOL i hope i didn't pass it to you!


man... one of the worst things of being sick is the fact that your nose gets PLUGGED! lol yes people i am up at 6:10 am! i actually woke up at 5:30am. not because i wanted to, or becasue i had work, its cos i was sleeping peacefully dreaming about doing snatches (pretty much just dreaming about when i'm not sick and am healthy) and all of the sudden, i stop breathing! LOL i'm like.. *sniff* AGH! and if it wasn't for my mouth, i would be dead right now! LOl i don't know about you guys but without my nose being 100% functional, it's impossible for me to sleep! i kept blowing my nose and wiping it, hoping it would clear up but no! it was just plugged! i bet there some random muscle or something thats just closing my nose or something cos i swear there is no more boogers left in my nose to plug it!.. or.. nvm.. my nose is still running.. dang....so weird thoguh because the nose that runs is usually the one i can breathe through!  Anyways, i'm drinking some jasmine tea right now and just chilling in front of a computer. i just realized that it's actually incredibly boring being up so early! cos no one is online for you to talk to! and my newsfeed on facebook doesn't change much either!

anyways, hope you all have a nice day! :)

Smile! and be happy! :D

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Headache! HAHA

so yeah! i think i've been thinking too much recently! i've recently gotten a headache.  Well, yesterday, when i woke up, i had a headache and a sore throat.  I think i got sick.. and i'm still sick or something.  *sigh* w/e
Anyways, last night, i missed EVERYTHING! haha apparently there were fireworks and everything but i was like.. laying in my bed with a fever, headache, sore throat and super runny nose! :(:( haha i hope i get better soon!  I don't even know how i got sick! i know the past few days i've been feeling a little under the weather... but yeah! i don't know how i got sick.... i used to like never get sick.. now i get sick all the time! :( lol
LOL whenever i jiggle my head it hurts a lot! HAHA w/e! i still have like.. 3 mor estimates i have to do today! i hope i sign at least one of them! :) haha!

ONe GOOD thing though about yesterday was Dumpling Wars! HAAH it was really fun! basically, in my church, the older young adults wanted to get to know the younger young adults so they made an even where we all get together and make dumplings!  It was pretty legit! haha my team came in 2nd! oh yeahhh! :) anyways, it was fun!  I hope i didn't get anyone sick though! haha!

Friday, May 20, 2011

lazy song

Sometimes i just feel like this song! like today! but yeah today was productive anyways since i signed a job! :) haha
btw this is a cover for the actual song.  Sometimes i like covers better as well.

lol crying!

So i was thinking about why ppl cry last night... well more this morning.  I thought about why ppl cry while i was driving to my clients house today.  it still doesn't make sense to me! haha.  we cry because we are sad, but what does crying achieve? nothing really.  It just brings unnecessary attention to you, that you probalby don't even want because ur sad and want to be left alone, maybe with one close friend, and your eyes go bulgy, your nose runs like a river and everythign is just a mess.  Crying makes no sense to my mind.  One thing crying does do though, is make you feel better. LOL for some reason it does that! i bet it triggers random stuff in your body that just makes you feel better about everything or something!
I have nothing against crying btw. if you got that message from this post, it is wrong! HAHA it's more the opposite.  I believe everyone should cry sometimes, esp when those moments happen, and yes.. im talking to you too (to those who think they are men).  Men cry too.  its weird seeing a guy cry i think.. for some reason, it touches me more when i see a man cry.  Its sad.

Anyways, sadness leads to crying.  Crying leads to something that makes you feel better through w/e.  which then leads you to being happy again!! haha oh yeah! HAHA

anyways, smile, cry, w/e and be happy !:D


So last night I had a dream... I wouldn't totally classify it as a nightmare because most people think of frightening stuff.  This dream wasn't frightening, but it was unpleasant!  so it does technically fall under the definition of "nightmare" according to my macbook dictionary! haha
I don't really wanna talk about the dream much...just cos its weird and I hope it never happens or anything close to it ever happens... or like.. even the meaning I got out of the dream ever happens.  I feel like it was just my mind and heart being weird to me.

Anyways, it was a sad dream.  and today, for the first time in 18 years, i woke up sad.  That is weird.

anyways, i'm feeling much better now, cos i just signed a job! HAHA but yeah! hope you all wake up to this beautiful day! cos it's nice today! :D hah no lies! i can already feel the weather seeping into my pores and giving me happy energy again.  I think! HAHA Iunno, im feeling like i'm in my pondering mood.  I feel like if you give me a hammock, or a bed outside with 25 degrees C weather, a nice breeze, no insects or bugs or w/e, i could sit outside all day in the sun just thinking about stuff.

follow ur heart? LOL

Somethign i learned today is that following ur heart is a dumb idea! LOL sometimes its okay, so Disney didn't get it totally wrong! i love disney btw! lol but yeah.. sometimes its better to follow ur head over ur heart cos sometimes ur heart is dumb LOLOL!

anyways,  i went for a 14km run/walk.  that was fun.  another thing i learned is to not take 30 min breaks while running! cos you get really cold!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

God's love inseparable!

Romans 8:35a asks the question "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?"
the answer is.. NO ONE/ Nothing! His love is too crazy man! it is true Agape love! true unconditional love! true selfless love!
Romans 8:37 says for "we are more than conquerors through HIM who LOVED us!" and yeah the rest of the chapter, verses 38-39 just expand on it! "For I (being Paul) am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any other powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Amazing! haha by the end of that. i'm like.. okay Paul I get the point! LOl just say nothing! LOL but yeah! this is COOL! :)

Smile guys! and be happy!

Monday, May 16, 2011

love story!

SO yeah! i was on facebook and saw this link to a shirt that says, "God is writing my love story"
heres the link if you wanna see it! http://jcluforever.bigcartel.com/product/my-love-story
anyways, I REALLIY wanted to comment and like it on facebook BUT the person who posted it isn't my friend! LOLOL it was on my newsfeed though cos like.. 4 of my firends liked it! haha!
although that shirt is meant for girls, guys need to hear the same thing (including me)! "BE PATIENT Jireh!, God is writing your love story!"

one reason i really loved it a lot was because i love the book "when God writes your love story" by eric and leslie ludy! and it just reminded me of that book and everything!  It reminded me of my dream girl and how I need to wait on God for her!  but yeah! if you guys ever are bored and want to read something, this is a great book! it will make you want to get married, but at the same time, make you want to wait for that perfect someone! in my case, my dream girl!  but it's not all about just being patient and waiting.  In that mean time while you are waiting, you need to shape yourself and become your dream person's dream person.. LOl if that makes sense.. so for me, be my dream girls dream guy!  that is what I want to do!  Also, grow closer to God so that the foundation of my relationship with my dream girl will be on him.. not on emotions that come and go!

I'm excited! i want to get married! but not now cos i know I'm def NOT ready for that yet or any kind of dating relationship.  But when i am ready, when I am my dream girls dream guy, I WILL FIND YOU DREAM GIRL! :D and we will get married and God will write our love story and its going to be amazing! :D

SMILE and be happy! :D

Saturday, May 14, 2011

ppl are confused about my DG LOL

this is to ppl who read this blog: lol

So yeah, I believe I write things confusing so it is not your fault.  But yeah!  My dream girl is a person, but I don't know who she is. LOL if that even makes any sense... but yeah.  She is whoever my future wife is.  She isn't the girl i currently like (well it's possible..IF i like anyone), or w/e.. it's this person, who exists, if i get married one day. lol but yeah... thinking about it now,.. LOL if i stay single forever, i guess i don't have  a dream girl...! LOL oh wells! just wanted to make it clear that it is a specific person, but its not someone who I have in mind necessarily, but someone God has in mind for me!!

LOL so, yeah! oh yeah.. also, atm, i'm not her dream guy either, I am her Dream Guy in the making! (hopefully) and my dream is to become my dream girl's dream guy! that would be cool! cos theres really no point meeting ur "dream girl" if ur not her dream guy! lol cos yeah!

anyways, for ppl who read this blog, i have a question for you ppl!
What do u guys think is the difference between a crush and true love? and how would you be able to tell on urself, or is it not possible to assess it by urself? LOL
Although saying God's love is true love is a correct answer, you guys know what i'm talking about! LOl thanks! :)

SMILE and be happy ! :D
and think about love for me! :)

Friday, May 13, 2011


After 6 hrs of painting, then going to colluni (smelling bad), i took a shower! :D
OH YEAH! that was good! now i feel clean! :D ahha but then my house is so warm cos we haven't turned on AC yet, i think i'm going to start sweating soon! LOL oh well!
I'm thinking about opening my window... BUT i really don't like those small little bugs that somehow squish their way through the screen! its so weird! like... i swear they are slightly bigger than the screen holes, yet, they get though! LOL oh wells! LOL maybe, i'll open them anyways,.. just to get some fresh cool air! :) wait...
oh yeah!
lol now its noisy... and you can hear cars going by! haha i wanted to do one of those imagery things you read in books, but i can't.. LOL sorry!

okay.... The night was young and serene with cars swooshing by.  The sound of the night was like a man saying "whaaaaa".  An old man...yeah....
okay i fail at english and u know it! I also can't think of things to say.. w/e!

i'm feeling tired... i want a granola barre so i can eat it then sleep! lol

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

changing it up!

So yeah!  I really got sick of the green colour! haha! even though the previous template looks happier and all, I like theses colours SOO much more! HAHA! So I just decided to change up the colours and etc! *sigh* i am truly happy exams are over! even though i didn't do so well in school, I'm just happy it is over! I can always just do better next time!  right now, LOL I'm busy with managing a business! AHAH this is intense stuff guys! trust me! AHAH *yawwn* yeah this is tiring !HAHA on the samme topic... IF anyone needs their house painted, call for a free estimate! toll free number is 18004060014! :D yess i'm advertising on my blog! AHH even though no one reads my blog! HAHA w/e!

okay! yeah! i dont have much to talk about right now! haha
Just hope you're all having an AWESOME SUMMER! :D
or... if ur in highschool! :) haha too bad for you! HAHA jkjk