Tuesday, May 21, 2013

VOD: Matt 6:33

Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

I feel like everyone knows this verse, but sometimes takes this verse for granted! There is so much power...so much faith involved in living out this verse...To seek God FIRST! to have faith that when you seek God first, all these things (worldly things, and such) will come as well!  It's so true that sometimes, we prioritize other things in our life...Food, school, family, girls/guys, friends...stuff! lol but even the most basic things like food.  You hunger for food physically and you eat it.  Does your spirit hunger God? If you miss a "meal" does your body notice? Or have you become numb? I know that when i don't eat for a day...the first parts are the worst!!! i feel super hungry.. but then, after a little while, i lose my hunger pains and my stomach feels numb...literally! Seeking God first is so important! Being sensitive to the Spirit has so much value! Jesus tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and to have faith that once you do that, all other things will be added to you as well!

Just for clarity, I'm not saying that you should go on not caring about anything except for God because that would be contradictory to what God wants! He doesn't want you to starve your body because you don't care about it...your body is a temple! He doesn't want you to not care about school/work...we are called to work at everything as if working for God! but once you seek God, all these things will make sense...they will sort of fall into place if you truly seek God for seeking God!


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