Sunday, July 10, 2011

GB?...this is weird!

So I took a nap today, not thinking about really anything.. just about how tired I was and I ended up dreaming about Granola Barres! LOLOL this time it was weird... cos in my dream, I dated granola barres! LOL like... i asked it out and somehow it said yes.. LOL  Anyways, this happening in real life is next to 0%! LOL like.. i would never ever ask granola barres to date me and 2.. even if i did.. there's no way it would say yes to me.. 

Anyways, for some reason, those dates I had with the granola barre reminded me of my DG because her personality was there.  I liked it and I miss seeing you in my dreams! so even though you were in a GB, i'm happy i gotta chill with you in my virtual world!  haha! I rmb in my dream, i told you I loved you and hugged you and you blushed LOL!  I guess you were just new to the fact we were dating or something.  Anyways, I do love you! and I would hug you if i could.  and no, i'm not talking to a GB, im talking to you DG!

anyways, I'm really thirsty! cos for some reaosn my room is hot.. so when i wake up after sleeping, I feel parched! LOL so yeah! time to get some nice water and eat supper! *sigh* then i'm doing more production tmr!  I'm actually kind of nervous about it but I do pray that everything goes well!


  1. I laughed so hard as I read this!
    my stomach hurts from laughing D:
