Monday, January 24, 2011

My addiction with granola barres!

So I used to have this addiction with granola barres...LOL well i'm not sure if it's still ongoing, but it's still something I eat every so often!  its complicated, cos although i know theres a lot of other food thats wayy better for me, like salads or fruits or chicken or w/e.. i feel like im still kind of stuck with granola barres!  They are so useful!! good for snacking and eating and they fill you up! (if you eat enough of them! LOL)

A little bit over a year ago, I talked to a nutrition person.. a nutritionist? lol and she said that I should probably stop eating granola barres LOL but the thing about addictions is that.. it's hard to get over them! So I tried to stop eating them! (truly!) but it just wasn't possible! I would get to a period where i stopped eating them for.. lets say a week, then i'd dream about them!! OMG!!!! LOL i would remember how amazing it was to take that bite into that granola barre and when i woke up, all i could do, before i did anything else, was grab a granola barre and eat it!
Recently, i've tried something new and it is this!  I've gotten rid of any granola barre within a 10 m radius of myself! well.. i didn't really do it!  My friends did it for me! LOL  They tried to at least!  It had definitely helped me with my addiction to granola barres! Now, i can say i am mostly out of this addiction, but it's def hard!
Sometimes, I'm driving around and I see advertisements! or I'm in a grocery store and i accidentally pass them down an aisle! haha Sometimes, the friends that don't know about this addiction eat them in front of my face! LOL and thats funny! (kind of) but every time i see a granola barre, it's difficult for me!  I either love or hate it! LOL  It's weird! even though i love eating granola barres, i can ... not like them too! not hate.. thats def a too strong of a word! ... but yeah! like i said! its complicated!... or maybe it really isn't complicated!.. i think i'm just making it complicated for myself for... reasons I don't even know yet myself!

These posts are probably gonna be boring to all of you! LOL


  1. :) Don't worry these post aren't boring.

  2. Wow, I totally didn't know that!

  3. This made me laugh so hard, jireh!

    "lets say a week, then i'd dream about them!! OMG!!!! LOL i would remember how amazing it was to take that bite into that granola barre and when i woke up, all i could do, before i did anything else, was grab a granola barre and eat it!"

  4. aww thanks so much!! :D you just made me happy!! :D
