Wednesday, September 18, 2013


HI hannahhh!! this is for you!!! haha

Anyways, so this morning I woke up and realized that I had a stuffed nose and a sore throat... and i'm like... DANNNGGG cos honestly, I haven't felt sick in the longest time!!! like actually though! I usually don't get sick! and i realized that physical sickness is like...such a humbling experience LOL hmm i don't know how to explain! but if you haven't been sick in a long time, you sort of feel strong/independent/good and stuff you know? but once you get sick, all those feelings disappear and you feel week/dependent/crappy LOL and yeah!! it's definitely humbling! you realized that you can't do everything by urself, you realize that you start wanting to depend on something else and yeah!! its like a good thing!

Iunno why, but it sort of gave me a new perspective of God! or, a good reminder of who God is because when i am weak, I am strong!  When I don't depend on myself, but depend on God to get me through the day, I am strong! When I stop saying "i can" and say "He can", I am strong!

but yeah! eating a Halls now! haha and it feels pretty great!  I always love it how God uses the most random things in my life to remind me to depend on Him...and Him alone! nothing else!

okay dang, i don't know what to talk about now LOL

HI HANNAH! :D:D haha you're probably the only one reading this! haha

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