Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gideon Bibles

So during my job, I've been to many different hotels!!! like, a lot of them! and I find it sooo amazing how often I see a Gideon bible in the rooms!! It's actually so great!! I'm at a hotel in Gravenhurst atm, an the bible is NASB! I find it so wonderful! that they would have a bible in every room! It's actually such a great ministry! Cos God works so powerfully through His Word!! I just really pray that people who don't know God would be interested randomly while staying at hotels, and just read the word!!!
yeahh, i know bibles are all accessible online and stuff, but honestly, even to me, it's so different! reading the bible when its like a book, vs it being online! but yea!!  just makes me happy! :D


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