LOL so i tried doing 1000 pushups in 1 hour.. so that didn't happen! :(:(
only ended up doing 551.. :/ i need to work on my pushup so yeah!!! we'll see!!! one day! i'll get it!!!
SMILE and be happy! :D
But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ - Philippians 3:7-8
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
For those that don't know where my name comes from, it's from the Bible! haha if you look at my previous post, Genesis 22:1-18, you'll see the story of Abraham. That version is the NIV version. If you look at the KJV version, you'll see my name's origin in verse 14, "And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen." So yeah, my name means, the Lord will Provide! *sigh* sometimes, I need to truly believe this myself! haha even though my name says it...
Recently... more like the past day, I've really been thinking about the story of Abraham and Isaac. Sometimes, it's just so weird! *sigh* like... God told Abraham and Sarah that they would get a kid when they are like.. super old. They don't trust God, get Ishmael and eventually, God was gracious, and did as He promised and gave Abraham and Sarah a son...Isaac. Then after some time, God tests Abraham... by asking him to kill/sacrifice his own son... like his ONLY son... the son God promised to give to them! You see where I'm getting at? It's just crazy. But, honestly, I truly respect Abraham. If it were me, I don't know if I would be able to just get up and do it the next morning!! I'd be like...questioning God, crying, and honestly, I really wouldn't want to do it! But then, God was testing see if Isaac became..iuno.. an idol in his life. God wanted Abraham to sacrifice his idols in his life for Him. But then, I guess it wasn't much of a problem to Abraham, because he understood taht God is almighty and would provide. I think, in his heart, he knew God was sovereign and whatever would happen, would be part of His will. So he went and got ready to do it! and since he feared the Lord and did what God asked him to do, God sent an angel to tell him not to lay a hand on his son! God provided him with a lamb!
It's interesting.. being tested by God. Being in a relationship with Him isn't all Happy-go-lucky!! there is suffering! but there is also joy!...
Sometimes I think about other things...and it's interesting!
I was listening to a sermon yesterday on was interesting! and something the speaker brought up was that there is NO woman on earth that will complete or heal you! and i thought about that! it's true. God completes and heals me. There is no woman that will fulfill me! because God fulfills me! And my role as a future husband is to love, encourage and cultivate my wife in the ways of God, no matter what. God is what completes, heals, and fulfills both of us.
Recently... more like the past day, I've really been thinking about the story of Abraham and Isaac. Sometimes, it's just so weird! *sigh* like... God told Abraham and Sarah that they would get a kid when they are like.. super old. They don't trust God, get Ishmael and eventually, God was gracious, and did as He promised and gave Abraham and Sarah a son...Isaac. Then after some time, God tests Abraham... by asking him to kill/sacrifice his own son... like his ONLY son... the son God promised to give to them! You see where I'm getting at? It's just crazy. But, honestly, I truly respect Abraham. If it were me, I don't know if I would be able to just get up and do it the next morning!! I'd be like...questioning God, crying, and honestly, I really wouldn't want to do it! But then, God was testing see if Isaac became..iuno.. an idol in his life. God wanted Abraham to sacrifice his idols in his life for Him. But then, I guess it wasn't much of a problem to Abraham, because he understood taht God is almighty and would provide. I think, in his heart, he knew God was sovereign and whatever would happen, would be part of His will. So he went and got ready to do it! and since he feared the Lord and did what God asked him to do, God sent an angel to tell him not to lay a hand on his son! God provided him with a lamb!
It's interesting.. being tested by God. Being in a relationship with Him isn't all Happy-go-lucky!! there is suffering! but there is also joy!...
Sometimes I think about other things...and it's interesting!
I was listening to a sermon yesterday on was interesting! and something the speaker brought up was that there is NO woman on earth that will complete or heal you! and i thought about that! it's true. God completes and heals me. There is no woman that will fulfill me! because God fulfills me! And my role as a future husband is to love, encourage and cultivate my wife in the ways of God, no matter what. God is what completes, heals, and fulfills both of us.
Genesis 22:1-18
Abraham Tested
1 Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied.2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about. 4 On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. 5 He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”
6 Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, 7 Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?”
“Yes, my son?” Abraham replied.
“The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”
8 Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.
9 When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. 10 Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. 11 But the angel of the LORD called out to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!”
“Here I am,” he replied.
12 “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”
13 Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram[a]caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. 14 So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.”
15 The angel of the LORD called to Abraham from heaven a second time 16 and said, “I swear by myself, declares the LORD, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, 17 I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, 18 and through your offspring[b] all nations on earth will be blessed,[c] because you have obeyed me.”
Monday, January 23, 2012
what do you spend 50 mins on?
LOL so recently... PLEASE DONT ASK ME WHY, i started watching dexter!! LOLOL i finished the first season.. and STOPPED! HAHA like... i can't let myself start the 2nd season! LOl or else.. i'll get hooked again!! iunno what intrigues me about it! it kind of makes me feel weird about myself! LOL... that i enjoy watching a drama about some dude who kills criminals that don't get what they deserve! lol LIKE at first, i'm like.. YES that dumb guy got what he deserved!! and then i think to myself again.... yeah i guess he deserved it... but what about second chances?! and then I thought about God.... to Him, we ALL deserve death. I saw a quote on twitter: "There is never a moment in your relationship with God when the love you are getting is the love you deserve" LOL woow so true!! but isn't it CRAZY? okay i'm going off topic now.. but i was listening to a sermon from Matt Chandler yesterday.. and he said that one of our problems with prayer, is that we do NOT understand (CANNOT BELIEVE) that God DELIGHTS in us! HE LOVES US! even though we do the most stupid things ever... even though we constantly break His heart, He loves us! And I thought about that... or what He said and I'm like... i think that is true!!! cos like, I know that God loves me, but do I like.. TRULY think that? and understand the ramifications of sin?? and what it means to God? and the fact that He still loves me through that, ... it's just crazy sometimes.. and to question God's love for you/us/me, is to question the cross. and i'm like wooww that is so true! haha another thing, from a sermon i heard at harvest (in markham), is this... 1 John 4:9 "This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him." God sent His ONE and ONLY Son into the essentially suffer so that we could become children of God. And like.. think about this... Jesus is God's they were the SAME.. same being, entity, sinless...etc...but at the same time, God wanted Jesus to die on the cross for our (humans) sins so that we could have a chance to live through Him!! Another point the pastor made was that.. in our legal system (canada) you can disown your own child (technically)... but you cannot disown a child you adopt because when you adopt a child, you are making a conscious decision to have that child. Okay guys.. do you see the parallel here? We are adopted children of God...He only has ONE Son.. which is Jesus...God CHOSE us!! and He will never disown us! HE loves us! and He delights in us!! and sometimes i find that truly amazing!! LOL
ANyways.. really weird how i got from Dexter to this LOLOL so random! AHAH jokessss!! but yeah!!! Dexter is 50 mins!! but, a sermon is also 50 mins long! ;) haha so yeah!! just saying!!! btw.. if you don't know of a pastor to listen to, matt chandler is greatt!!! i really like the way he preaches the word! (even though i have only listened to a few of his sermons)
Smile and be happy! :D
ANyways.. really weird how i got from Dexter to this LOLOL so random! AHAH jokessss!! but yeah!!! Dexter is 50 mins!! but, a sermon is also 50 mins long! ;) haha so yeah!! just saying!!! btw.. if you don't know of a pastor to listen to, matt chandler is greatt!!! i really like the way he preaches the word! (even though i have only listened to a few of his sermons)
Smile and be happy! :D
Game changer!
HAHA so on saturday (the 21st), I did a competition called Game Day #5 AND boyyyy! it was pretty intense stuff!! HAAH i went into it with already sore triceps, and legs and a messed up wrist... but man was it fun!!! here is a generalization of the workout we did!!!
Essentially, 6 different drills...each drill consisting of 8 rounds....each round consisting of 45 seconds of max reps of a certain workout and 15 seconds of active "rest" LOL after each DRILL, there is a one minute break (real rest) so essentially 8 mins straight with 1 min rest...
Each workout usually consisted of an explosive squat jump and/or chest-to-ground burpee
Each active "rest" was essentially some sort of explosive pushup...(making clapping pushups look easy)
LOL so yeah the min break was probably just for athletes to get water.. cos honestly, all i had time to do was grab my bottle.. drink a little and it was like.. 10...9...8...7... etc LOL and i was like.. shooot! no time to break! w/e.. and i continued! LOl
It was a team thing! and it was really fun! :D haha
but yeah my entire body is SUPER sore! LOLOL walking today was like.. fail! LOl and i missed my bus.. so i was 15 mins late to class LOLOL cos i had to walk! LOL jokes! w/e! my orgo prof is so slow anyways.. i like.. missed nothing! LOL literally! LOL
Went to the gym today.. and it was useless... .LOL i did like.. what... nothing!! some pullups, some sit ups... and 105 pushups!! HAAHA liek a boss! LOL jkjk i took breaks! I just told my friend I'd do 3 times more pushups than him after he finished working out.. so he ended up doing 35 in total.. so i was like.. crap LOLOL anyways! thats really all i ahve for now!! but yeah!! if you guys like intense things and wanna support "Right to Play", DO GAME DAY #6 with me!!! :D:D haha
Smile and be happy! :D
Essentially, 6 different drills...each drill consisting of 8 rounds....each round consisting of 45 seconds of max reps of a certain workout and 15 seconds of active "rest" LOL after each DRILL, there is a one minute break (real rest) so essentially 8 mins straight with 1 min rest...
Each workout usually consisted of an explosive squat jump and/or chest-to-ground burpee
Each active "rest" was essentially some sort of explosive pushup...(making clapping pushups look easy)
LOL so yeah the min break was probably just for athletes to get water.. cos honestly, all i had time to do was grab my bottle.. drink a little and it was like.. 10...9...8...7... etc LOL and i was like.. shooot! no time to break! w/e.. and i continued! LOl
It was a team thing! and it was really fun! :D haha
but yeah my entire body is SUPER sore! LOLOL walking today was like.. fail! LOl and i missed my bus.. so i was 15 mins late to class LOLOL cos i had to walk! LOL jokes! w/e! my orgo prof is so slow anyways.. i like.. missed nothing! LOL literally! LOL
Went to the gym today.. and it was useless... .LOL i did like.. what... nothing!! some pullups, some sit ups... and 105 pushups!! HAAHA liek a boss! LOL jkjk i took breaks! I just told my friend I'd do 3 times more pushups than him after he finished working out.. so he ended up doing 35 in total.. so i was like.. crap LOLOL anyways! thats really all i ahve for now!! but yeah!! if you guys like intense things and wanna support "Right to Play", DO GAME DAY #6 with me!!! :D:D haha
Smile and be happy! :D
Monday, January 16, 2012
WOD: Jan 16, 2012
10 rounds for time:
10 V-ups
15 Pushups
20 Squats
My time was 17:27... my pushups!!! soo slowwww!! HAHAH oh wells! it was a fun workout though! :) got me sweating!! lol my chest is gonna die tmr!! LOL
and for some reason, my right pinky toe went numb for some reason! LOL so it's weird! LOL
SMILE! and be ahppy! HAHA
10 V-ups
15 Pushups
20 Squats
My time was 17:27... my pushups!!! soo slowwww!! HAHAH oh wells! it was a fun workout though! :) got me sweating!! lol my chest is gonna die tmr!! LOL
and for some reason, my right pinky toe went numb for some reason! LOL so it's weird! LOL
SMILE! and be ahppy! HAHA
Sunday, January 15, 2012
CC: Selfless and Caring!
Christ is Selfless and Caring!
Okay, so for those of you who need context, I will summarize what happened!
Essentially, Jesus was innocent because He didn't do anything wrong, but the pharisees (people who had a lot of power and were part of the synagogue - kind of like a church) were jealous of Jesus and wanted to kill Him! They got what they wanted by bribing people in a crowd to tell Pilot (A person in high authority and in charge of people dying and going to prison and stuff...kind of like i judge i guess?) to crucify (the WORST way to die back then...probably one of the worst even now still) Him. Jesus gets flogged first (because pilot thought it would make the crowd feel bad for him and not have him crucified), but still the crowd yelled "crucify Him" and then eventually He was on a cross...dying. Btw...for those that don't know how crucifying works, google it cos i don't wanna describe it! AHAH but essentially, you suffocate to death...but yeah! it's really bad! Anyways, Jesus is there... hanging on that cross, bleeding everywhere, struggling for breath.. and pretty much just dying! Oh yeah...He was also crucified with 2 other criminals...
OKAY! so you guys read that and you're like.. what the! LOL But you see, what He does in His last moments of death, shows you how selfless and how caring for others He truly is! Honestly, if I were in that position, I'd probably be complaining like.. "MAN this sucks!" or I'd just be feeling bad for myself beucase my body hurts a lot.. yeah let's look at Jesus now! What did He do?
Luke 23:34 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. OKAY THERE! now.. who would ask God to forgive their EXECUTIONERS for executing them? I'm pretty sure I would have bitter feelings for someone who just flogged me and put me on a cross! LOL Instead, Jesus still loved and cared for them! and asked God to forgive them!....selfless man!!! no lies!
So like i said before, there were two other criminals being crucified with Christ; one criminal insulted Jesus, the other criminal rebuked that criminal because he knew that they are being punished justly, but Jesus did nothing he asked Jesus to rmb him when they are in His kingdom (Luke 23:39-42). The other criminal believed! So what did Jesus say? verse 43! Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." Despite the fact that he was a criminal, in the last moment of his life, he believed in Jesus and guess what, Jesus cared for him!
Now, Jesus is still on that cross...suffering, feeling pain, struggling for breath...dying and He looks around...John 19:26-27 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple (John, for those who don't know!) whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. Okay, for those who don't get this (don't worry i didn't really get it before either), John isn't actually Mary's son... Jesus and John weren't bros!! LOL Jesus, is caring for His earthly mother. Essentially by saying those words to John and his mother, he's telling John, his disciple, to take care of His mother.. and John did!
Jesus is Selfless! and He cares so much for others!
I need to be like that! care for those who...don't like me, for those I don't really know and for those that are close to me!!
SMILE! and be happy! :D
Okay, so for those of you who need context, I will summarize what happened!
Essentially, Jesus was innocent because He didn't do anything wrong, but the pharisees (people who had a lot of power and were part of the synagogue - kind of like a church) were jealous of Jesus and wanted to kill Him! They got what they wanted by bribing people in a crowd to tell Pilot (A person in high authority and in charge of people dying and going to prison and stuff...kind of like i judge i guess?) to crucify (the WORST way to die back then...probably one of the worst even now still) Him. Jesus gets flogged first (because pilot thought it would make the crowd feel bad for him and not have him crucified), but still the crowd yelled "crucify Him" and then eventually He was on a cross...dying. Btw...for those that don't know how crucifying works, google it cos i don't wanna describe it! AHAH but essentially, you suffocate to death...but yeah! it's really bad! Anyways, Jesus is there... hanging on that cross, bleeding everywhere, struggling for breath.. and pretty much just dying! Oh yeah...He was also crucified with 2 other criminals...
OKAY! so you guys read that and you're like.. what the! LOL But you see, what He does in His last moments of death, shows you how selfless and how caring for others He truly is! Honestly, if I were in that position, I'd probably be complaining like.. "MAN this sucks!" or I'd just be feeling bad for myself beucase my body hurts a lot.. yeah let's look at Jesus now! What did He do?
Luke 23:34 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. OKAY THERE! now.. who would ask God to forgive their EXECUTIONERS for executing them? I'm pretty sure I would have bitter feelings for someone who just flogged me and put me on a cross! LOL Instead, Jesus still loved and cared for them! and asked God to forgive them!....selfless man!!! no lies!
So like i said before, there were two other criminals being crucified with Christ; one criminal insulted Jesus, the other criminal rebuked that criminal because he knew that they are being punished justly, but Jesus did nothing he asked Jesus to rmb him when they are in His kingdom (Luke 23:39-42). The other criminal believed! So what did Jesus say? verse 43! Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." Despite the fact that he was a criminal, in the last moment of his life, he believed in Jesus and guess what, Jesus cared for him!
Now, Jesus is still on that cross...suffering, feeling pain, struggling for breath...dying and He looks around...John 19:26-27 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple (John, for those who don't know!) whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. Okay, for those who don't get this (don't worry i didn't really get it before either), John isn't actually Mary's son... Jesus and John weren't bros!! LOL Jesus, is caring for His earthly mother. Essentially by saying those words to John and his mother, he's telling John, his disciple, to take care of His mother.. and John did!
Jesus is Selfless! and He cares so much for others!
I need to be like that! care for those who...don't like me, for those I don't really know and for those that are close to me!!
SMILE! and be happy! :D
Christ's Character
Today in sunday school, we were talking one knows if they are growing spiritually and stuff like that! LOL apparently, last week was like.. things to watch out for or w/e! lol i kind of forgot !HAHA
but i wasn't there!! so I sort of have an excuse! :) haha! Anyways, it kind of inspired me to start a new "label" or like.. series i guess... called Christ's Character! LOL along with my DG label, VOD, Fitness, My day, thinking stuff and blah blah blah labels! haha...short form for this will be... CC! HAHA
Anyways yeah! I thought this was appropriate because as Christians, we strive to be like Christ... and when I say that, I mean we try to have His character so yeah!
YAY! :D i'm excited! HAHA
Smile! :D and be happy! :D
but i wasn't there!! so I sort of have an excuse! :) haha! Anyways, it kind of inspired me to start a new "label" or like.. series i guess... called Christ's Character! LOL along with my DG label, VOD, Fitness, My day, thinking stuff and blah blah blah labels! haha...short form for this will be... CC! HAHA
Anyways yeah! I thought this was appropriate because as Christians, we strive to be like Christ... and when I say that, I mean we try to have His character so yeah!
YAY! :D i'm excited! HAHA
Smile! :D and be happy! :D
Saturday, January 7, 2012
4-D Goals for 2012!
HAHA okay so i'm making up goals for myself that I will hopefully be able to keep up with!! WHY am i stating them here? so you guys...who know me... can keep me accountable (or try to at least) and hopefully these goals will come through!
I am going to train for the Beast Spartan race that I signed up for! so i guess a goal for this thing is to be able to complete the race with my brothers as a team and not feel like.. DEAD but yeah u know what i mean! :D
Also, in terms of weight lifting LOL i wanna be able to snatch 200lbs+, clean&jerk 225lbs+, squat 315lbs+ and deadlift 405lbs by the end of this year! oh yeah and bench 200lbs+ Also wanna be able to do muscle up on bar.. not just rings! LOL
One day,.. probably next year or the year after, i'm aiming to get into crossfit regionals!! haha that would be sick!! :D i'm going to try out htis year, but i probalby won't get in!! haha! but it'll be a fun/good experience!
For this, I just hope to get at least a 3.9 gpa this semester.
well, i guess it doesn't matter if its 3.9 or not.. as long as i fix my work habits! haah i still remember one of my cheer friends talking to me.. he's currently in the Ivey business program and stuff! and he asked me "How's school coming along?" and i'm like.. "okay i guess.. not as good as it can be.. just cos i'm pretty lazy and stuff" and he was like.. "It's not worth it man!! Work hard now so that you'll live better later on" and i thought it was pretty funny and cool that i heard it from a fellow cheerleader! haha but yeah!
Anyways, what I plan on doing is learning (or trying to learn) the material before the lecture and reviewing it after the lecture.. that day.. probalby in the evening! but yeah! i know this sounds like.. the typical thing everyone SHOULD do but doesnt do... I'm going to do it!!! i don't care if you people think i'm a keener! because I AM!! or will be.. ahah! so yeah! :D
I'm also seeing if i can keep a balance of that and start a business as well! (btw i already started it.. and if ur interested in earning some small cash on the side with virtually no start up cost, msg me and i'll tell you how!) anyways yeah! :D that's kind of it for 2012! by the end of the year.. i'm just aiming to hit silver... like the lowest level possible! AHAH but yea! still! we'll see though! i'm just checking out the products atm!
I've been struggling with this DG thing for the past while... for now, i just pray that God will give me peace in my heart about this issue! Know that everything will happen in His time and just to surrender my life and my love life to Him! I want to keep my heart for God and through Him, my DG as well!
I think i'll be hanging out with girls less on a one-to-one thing! just cos I feel like I shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff anymore! just saying it here even though i decided that a while back now! but yeah thats it i guess for emotional side of things!
I need to pray more!!! and know God's will! I'm actually thinking about what God's will is! it's actually kind of complicated! but i'm praying and thinking about it for now! so hopefully God will show me an answer! Spiritually, I want to have more of the Bible memorized in my head! so that I can recite verses at will and have His word in my head all the time!! It just makes meditating on His word that much better if you have it memorized because you can meditate on it anytime, anywherree!! :D haha!
I pray that I will continue pursuing God because I love Him and because i know in my heart that He is number 1 in my life!
SMILE and be happy!!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
heyyy peoplee!!
let me know if you find the ads super annoying! LOL if you do, i'll get rid of them!! :D i was just trying it out for jokes!! haha but yeah
let me know if you find the ads super annoying! LOL if you do, i'll get rid of them!! :D i was just trying it out for jokes!! haha but yeah
WOD Jan 3, 2012
HAHA danngg i wrote 2011 first! oh well!
I DID MY FIRST RING MUSCLE UP TODAY!!!!! :D:D yess i am extremely happy!!!! :D hahaa!!
IT made my dayyy! :D and i think it was a good way to start off my new year! LOLOL
ANYWAYS, here was the WOD
3 Rounds for time:
15 Deadlifts @245lbs
1 burpee..then jump over your deadlift bar
20 pushups
1 burpee..then jump over your deadlift bar again...
20 pushups
SOOOo it wasn't the deadlifts that killed me.. it was the pushups man!!! LOL by the end, my triceps were DEAD! lolol
LET me know ur time if you guys ever decide to do this!! my time was 11:43! so yeah!
ALSO! back to the muscle up!! i'm soo happy! AHHA it was like on my checklist of things to do!! haha yess!! :D now i can say i can do a backflip and a muscle up! HAHA ohh yeahhh!! :D
SMILE!! and be happy! :D
I DID MY FIRST RING MUSCLE UP TODAY!!!!! :D:D yess i am extremely happy!!!! :D hahaa!!
IT made my dayyy! :D and i think it was a good way to start off my new year! LOLOL
ANYWAYS, here was the WOD
3 Rounds for time:
15 Deadlifts @245lbs
1 burpee..then jump over your deadlift bar
20 pushups
1 burpee..then jump over your deadlift bar again...
20 pushups
SOOOo it wasn't the deadlifts that killed me.. it was the pushups man!!! LOL by the end, my triceps were DEAD! lolol
LET me know ur time if you guys ever decide to do this!! my time was 11:43! so yeah!
ALSO! back to the muscle up!! i'm soo happy! AHHA it was like on my checklist of things to do!! haha yess!! :D now i can say i can do a backflip and a muscle up! HAHA ohh yeahhh!! :D
SMILE!! and be happy! :D
Recently, I think God has been teaching me patience...and to wait on Him!
Anyways, I'll talk about this...even though it's pretty private, but honestly, I technically only have 20 followers! LOL so this blog is quite private i guess!! lol plus, the person I prefer not reading this blog post doesn't read my blog! haha i think! at least, i don't recall her ever talking to me ever about it!
In a nutshell, i started liking this girl in the beginning of sept/end of august area! and since then, I have been praying for her a lot!...hoping she'd be my DG! praying that if she is my DG, that God would prepare me for her and prepare her for me...spiritually, mentally and physically! ahaha! I've also been determined to grow stronger in my faith...determined to know Him better so i could become a better spiritual leader if I ever entered a dating relationship with this girl. I was being careful not to try to "impress" this girl through showing "how strong a christian i am" kind of thing.. cos that annoys me! LOL in fact... we haven't even talked about much faith related issues because of that i guess! but we still talk about other stuff and laugh! haha ANNYWAYS, I wanted to talk to her about our relationship yesterday (Jan 2, 2012) also (1/2/12) just saying! If you're a close friend of me, you'd know why i chose that day! haha! anyways! that didn't work out! as in.. me talking to her! BTW for those thinking weird things.. i wasn't going to ask her out or anything! ... I'm not really going to go into any more detail... so don't assume things that I didn't type out! HAHA Anyways, because of the way it didn't work out, i learned that either...1, she is my DG but it is not the right time or 2...she isn't my DG and it's not the right time. AHAH yeah! pretty obvious options! but what is common in both!?
This really bothered me! HAHA because I seriously thought I was ready! I talked to many people I respected to see if they thought I was "ready" and they all gave me an "okay". I thought in my heart that I was ready to lead a Godly relationship (even though i was SUPER nervous about it! LOL) so everything just sort of added up for me as "this is a good start now/super soon"...
Yesterday, I was at McDonalds doing some devos with my siblings... its a habit we started since Christmas break started.
During prayer my sister was praying for me to God and was like "God, thankyou for Jireh and I have seen how much he has grown in you recently... like its obvious" something like that! and then i started talking to God after that. First i laughed and i'm like.. no i didn't !LOL then i started talking to God in my head while my sister was praying! LOL (SORRY!) "God...I guess i did grow a lil didn't I...*sigh*" God was like.. "yes you did! :) why though?" and i was like.. uhhh LOL becaause i wanted to become a good father, husband and spiritual leader....God was like "not a bad, ur saying, that you love me because you want to love your family?" LOL i was like.. FAIL! and He kept going "Jireh.. i know your thoughts! I want to be #1 in your life! If you desire a Christ centred relationship, I need to be the centre of your life...I need to be #1, not your future family, not your DG, not one of your crushes, not your future kids!" haha and yeah! during that prayer time, God told me all this stuff! and i was like.. wooow! I am totally not ready for a relationship yet! I need to wait on God! I need to love Him ... because I love Him! haha!
BTW...please don't ask me who it is... or say who it is if you know! I only mentioned it as a background thing to what i really wanted to say! lol so yeah! thanks!
SMILE and be happy!! :D
Anyways, I'll talk about this...even though it's pretty private, but honestly, I technically only have 20 followers! LOL so this blog is quite private i guess!! lol plus, the person I prefer not reading this blog post doesn't read my blog! haha i think! at least, i don't recall her ever talking to me ever about it!
In a nutshell, i started liking this girl in the beginning of sept/end of august area! and since then, I have been praying for her a lot!...hoping she'd be my DG! praying that if she is my DG, that God would prepare me for her and prepare her for me...spiritually, mentally and physically! ahaha! I've also been determined to grow stronger in my faith...determined to know Him better so i could become a better spiritual leader if I ever entered a dating relationship with this girl. I was being careful not to try to "impress" this girl through showing "how strong a christian i am" kind of thing.. cos that annoys me! LOL in fact... we haven't even talked about much faith related issues because of that i guess! but we still talk about other stuff and laugh! haha ANNYWAYS, I wanted to talk to her about our relationship yesterday (Jan 2, 2012) also (1/2/12) just saying! If you're a close friend of me, you'd know why i chose that day! haha! anyways! that didn't work out! as in.. me talking to her! BTW for those thinking weird things.. i wasn't going to ask her out or anything! ... I'm not really going to go into any more detail... so don't assume things that I didn't type out! HAHA Anyways, because of the way it didn't work out, i learned that either...1, she is my DG but it is not the right time or 2...she isn't my DG and it's not the right time. AHAH yeah! pretty obvious options! but what is common in both!?
This really bothered me! HAHA because I seriously thought I was ready! I talked to many people I respected to see if they thought I was "ready" and they all gave me an "okay". I thought in my heart that I was ready to lead a Godly relationship (even though i was SUPER nervous about it! LOL) so everything just sort of added up for me as "this is a good start now/super soon"...
Yesterday, I was at McDonalds doing some devos with my siblings... its a habit we started since Christmas break started.
During prayer my sister was praying for me to God and was like "God, thankyou for Jireh and I have seen how much he has grown in you recently... like its obvious" something like that! and then i started talking to God after that. First i laughed and i'm like.. no i didn't !LOL then i started talking to God in my head while my sister was praying! LOL (SORRY!) "God...I guess i did grow a lil didn't I...*sigh*" God was like.. "yes you did! :) why though?" and i was like.. uhhh LOL becaause i wanted to become a good father, husband and spiritual leader....God was like "not a bad, ur saying, that you love me because you want to love your family?" LOL i was like.. FAIL! and He kept going "Jireh.. i know your thoughts! I want to be #1 in your life! If you desire a Christ centred relationship, I need to be the centre of your life...I need to be #1, not your future family, not your DG, not one of your crushes, not your future kids!" haha and yeah! during that prayer time, God told me all this stuff! and i was like.. wooow! I am totally not ready for a relationship yet! I need to wait on God! I need to love Him ... because I love Him! haha!
BTW...please don't ask me who it is... or say who it is if you know! I only mentioned it as a background thing to what i really wanted to say! lol so yeah! thanks!
SMILE and be happy!! :D
Sunday, January 1, 2012
VOD: Colossians 3:15-17
Colossians 3:15-17
15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
I was thinking about this verse today! Recently, I've been a little anxious about things that I cannot say! LOL and I am just worried sometimes..i guess! But really, I find that I truly need to "let the peace of Christ rule in my heart"! And just be matter what! And just remember, that no matter what I do, I should do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus! and give thanks to God through Him!
Yeah! i know i sort of paraphrased the passage, but it's so true! I need to have a thankful heart and do everything for Him! and let Christ's peace rule over my heart!
I think one of my resolutions for 2012 is to have a thankful matter what happens! Whether good or bad...let Christ's peace rule in me so that I can be thankful! Either way, God has a plan for me...and I know it His plan is always better than mine! I might think that one this is better than another, but if God doesn't think that for me, then it's probably not better! God knows everything and loves us! No matter what life throws at us, we have to be thankful, learn from the experience and move on...and grow!
Dear God,
I ask for your peace to rule my heart so that I may be thankful no matter what happens today, tomorrow, or anytime in the future. I want to be able to continuously sing to you with gratitude in my heart! A heart of thanksgiving and peace! And let everything I do, be in Your name! If good things happen to me, let me praise Your name...If bad/sad things happen to me, let me praise Your name! for you are worthy to be praised! And Your plan for me is great! God, you know my know what I'm struggling with! Please give me peace so that I can truly be thankful to You!
OH! AHAH i was just reading something! and this is a really good verse!!
Philippians 1:20
"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death."
this is true!!
WOOW!! so jokes! i didn't know that devotion existed in Utmost of His Highest when i wrote THIS blog! LOL
SMILE!!! and be happy! :D
15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
I was thinking about this verse today! Recently, I've been a little anxious about things that I cannot say! LOL and I am just worried sometimes..i guess! But really, I find that I truly need to "let the peace of Christ rule in my heart"! And just be matter what! And just remember, that no matter what I do, I should do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus! and give thanks to God through Him!
Yeah! i know i sort of paraphrased the passage, but it's so true! I need to have a thankful heart and do everything for Him! and let Christ's peace rule over my heart!
I think one of my resolutions for 2012 is to have a thankful matter what happens! Whether good or bad...let Christ's peace rule in me so that I can be thankful! Either way, God has a plan for me...and I know it His plan is always better than mine! I might think that one this is better than another, but if God doesn't think that for me, then it's probably not better! God knows everything and loves us! No matter what life throws at us, we have to be thankful, learn from the experience and move on...and grow!
Dear God,
I ask for your peace to rule my heart so that I may be thankful no matter what happens today, tomorrow, or anytime in the future. I want to be able to continuously sing to you with gratitude in my heart! A heart of thanksgiving and peace! And let everything I do, be in Your name! If good things happen to me, let me praise Your name...If bad/sad things happen to me, let me praise Your name! for you are worthy to be praised! And Your plan for me is great! God, you know my know what I'm struggling with! Please give me peace so that I can truly be thankful to You!
OH! AHAH i was just reading something! and this is a really good verse!!
Philippians 1:20
"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death."
this is true!!
WOOW!! so jokes! i didn't know that devotion existed in Utmost of His Highest when i wrote THIS blog! LOL
SMILE!!! and be happy! :D
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