Sunday, October 30, 2011

2 pairs of eyeballs

Sometimes I do things I'm not proud of.  Sometimes I get too close to people when I really shouldn't!  It's just weird sometimes! and it happens to everyone, I think..BUT that isn't an excuse to justify that what you are doing is right.  if you aren't happy about something, or if something tugs against ur conscience, it's like that for a reason!!!.. it probably was not right...

There are supposed to be 2, but i didn't want to draw another one LOL
Going to my 2 pairs of eyeballs thing, the first pair of eyeballs represents God's eyes.  And this is real!  He is actually there, watching everything I do, and there is nothing I can hide from Him...even the smallest sins, such as lies, His eyes are like.. lie detectors! or iunno! but yeah! essentially they can see through anything.  The second pair of eyeballs belong to my DG/(future wife).  This is...made up. But I had someone ask me once, where is it appropriate to touch girls? and I was like.. iunno... then i heard a sermon and decided that, wherever you would touch if your future wife was watching you, assuming that girl isn't ur DG or w/e, is where you should touch.  It makes sense though right?  If you want to honour your future wife AND honour that girl, doing the "eyeball rule" makes sense!  and this rule like.. super applies especially if you are just friends with the other person.  like yeah! i guess when you get a gf/bf, it changes a little, but you should still be honouring your DG and stuff.  I'll have to think more about that!

yeah this post feel confusing! LOL like it makes not much sense! LOL oh well!!

Smile guys! and be happy!!

VOD Oct 29, 2011

1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

So recently, I've really been wondering WHY God let me get into the cheerleading team!  Honestly, I'm sure that that without His help, I wouldn't have been able to get into the team myself.  So i was strongly convicted that He had me there for a purpose....not that everything I do isn't for His purpose or anything, but it just stuck out more than everyday-life stuff.

Going back to the verse, I feel that as christians, we need to really know that we get the opportunity to live only through Jesus and this is only because God loves us so much.  He gave us a way to live, when we really don't deserve it at all.  When people see us, they shouldn't see normal people, they should see Jesus in us.  We should be so happy because of this.. or glad!  I don't really know, but yeah it just makes so much sense!  We are free because of Him!  I think it's just cool!  Some people say that if you truly know/meet God, and truly understand what happened, all you would be doing is either trembling in fear or rejoicing!  God's love always amazes me and challenges me as a christian! It amazes me because it's awesome, unconditional, loving...i'm bad at explaining things.. LOL  It challenges me because I want to love like Him and love people unconditionally!

Anyways, i'm tired now!! i can't think anymore!!! but i hope that I can have Jesus live through me! and i hope that people can see because that is what it means to be a christian!

Smile! :D and be happy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


WHOOO!! i'm 19!!! now i can do ANYTHING in canada!! oh yeahh!! LOL pretty jokes but yeah! i'm happy! :D i actually don't have much to say now except for the fact that i'm pretty tired!
I clean and pressed 185lbs today! and thats a lot for me! so i'm pretty happy about that! LOL its cool i think!! like.. i didn't htink i could do it.. but my friend told me just to try it out.. so i'm like.. screw it.. fine! LOL and i did it! LOl jokesss! LOL

ANYWAYS, hopefully i don't drink too much!! i don't really agree wiht drinking to get drunk. because.... its just bad! cos when ur drunk you cant really think properly... and that is bad!! LOL
i got a verse today! which my next blog will be about.... it is Galatians 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." If i were not a servant of Christ.. knowing my personality, i wouldn't care less if I got so drunk my liver fell out! but yeah! I just don't see how getting drunk, loosing control of your body and falling into carnal pleasures edifies God.
On that note.. i'm probably going to be drinking this saturday... LOL but yeah! hopefully i don't get drunk...either way.. i'm DETERMINED to go to church the next day!!!! even if i'm like.. super hung over or whateve rthe case may be!!!!

So i might not do a VOD, we will see though....

Smile guys! :D and be happy!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

washing hands in public washrooms

LOL so yeah i got facebook hacked recently and my "friend" (LOL) made my birtdhay yesterday and everyone said happy britdhay and then he said back to everything that "I like to poop" this reminded me of something i was thinking about a week ago! AHHA

Okay.  So imagine this scenario:
You walk into a public washroom and then.. you need to take a dump.  SO then you walk into a stall, hand hang your coat and bag up or w/e you are holding cos its weird to poo with a lot of stuff on you. OKAY so you take a dump after cleaning the seat and putting toilet paper on it becasue ur paranoid u'll get aids or osmething.. OR you horse stance and don't even make contact with the toilet seat.  EITHER WAY, your butt (not butt know what it is!) is DIRTY LOL and; you need to wipe it.  okay so then you wipe it, not with you hand obviously, unless you need to i guess, LOL but you wipe it with toilet paper. okay yay!! now you feel nasty because you just dumped. NOW WHAT?! LOL

I did not make this pic! found it on google LOL
okayy.. so what I USED to do is open the door, wash my hands and then come back for my stuff, praying that no one will steal my stuff or run into the stall and take a dump! WHY? cos think about it! LOL its SOO NASTY to like.. grab ur stuff after u take a dump!! LOL cos then you like... use poo hands to grab ur jacket and yeah... if you don't think its nasty.. then.. don't bother washing ur hands after dumping! LOL but yeah i thought it was nasty.. but thenn.. my friend "puree" told me that she just grabs her stuff with her other hand cos she doesnt wipe her butt with 2 hands! LOl and i'm like.. OHHH GENIUS!!! LOL haah but then yea!! i still feel nasty! LOLOL but i guess its the second best option! LOL best option is to leave ur stuff outside with ur friends or something... just ppl u can trust LOLOL

ANYWAYS, thats all i have to say!!!
oh yeah about a year ago, i saw a guy peeing and eating an apple at the same time in a public washroom! taht was interesting! LOLOL literally just chilling at a urinal and eating an apple... haha!!

SMILE guys and be happy! :D

Monday, October 17, 2011

i miss crossfit!!

Mann! i miss crossfit!! lol! although cheer is fun and a good workout, i still really miss doing those fun daily wods and the environment of crossfit!! Today just for fun, i did a short "WOD".. it wasn't really anything LOL but it was fun and reminded me of crossfit! LOL it was 100 v-ups and 100 pushups for time! LOL fun stuff! i did it in like.. 9 mins.. which isn't too bad.. but then i have no idea becasue i have no one to compare myself with! LOL oh wells! it was fun and i had a good work out! :D

Sometimes what i find is that when I don't want to study, instead of sleeping, working out is a good way to waste time! LOl and look, this WOD only took.. 10 mins? and im sure i'll be sore tmr!! so this is good! LOL
ALSO, a really great motivator is reminding myself that I'm not living my life for myself! LOL Sometimes, listening to worship music, doing devos, or just spending time with Him helps me refocus my life and helps me put things back into perspective.

anyways, i'm happy! I am grateful that I can have an opportunity to study in university!
NOW time to study cos midterms are ON!!!

SMILE and be happy! :D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Mann ppl with sunglasses scare me sometimes! esp if its like.. a girl or something or.. iunno!!

anyways.. today i was sitting in a bus and there was this girl sitting in front of me with large sunglasses on. and seriously it looked like she was staring into my soul or something! like.... her glasses were staring right at me! and i had no idea what to do or how to react! LOL .. okay so she might not be looking at me. for all i know she could be sleeping, looking behind me or iunno... just looking in my direction, but not LOL  ANYWAYS, I didn't know and i wanted to know! so like.. u know how you like.. stare at sunglasses to try seeing through them?  I tried that! but then i was thinking to myself.. oh shoooott maybe she thinks i'm staring at her.  then i look at her and i'm like.. yeah thats awkward cos ususally i don't look at girls like her. so i looked away.. then i'm like.. mannnn i see her in my peripherals and it truly looks like she's staring at me! so i look back again to see... sunglasses are so hard cos sometimes you think you can see though but you can't!! like.. if it were those shiny ones.. i wouldn't even try because i know its like.. impossible.. but these were the dark ones where, if you look closely enough, you can see through.

In the end she probably wasn't staring at me but it was creepy! lol cos the one time i think i saw through, it looked like she was looking at me.. but honestly, that was probably cos i creeped her out by looking at her too much.  then i got a text.... looked at my texts, looked back up and she was gone! HAHA jokes! LOL I think i will get sunglasses next year for the summer or soemthing... so tthat i may creep ppl out! and like.. pretend stare at ppl.. but actaully be sleeping or osmethign! LOL

Smile and be happy!


Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10 verse!

Deuteronomy 8:17-18
"You may say to yourself, "My power and strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me."  But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today."

Recently, I've really been thinking about what I'm going to do with my life.  Am I going to be a doctor, a physio,  hobo?  Am I going to get married or will I always stay single?  Am I going to die young? LOL I actually thought about that stuff!  I guess I thought that stuff because, I may have lost vision of what God really wants me to do.  I used to think He wanted me to go into med school, but I don't know anymore!  It's just so complicated!  I also feel that sometimes I don't like being independent have having to be responsible for my life.  I like depending on my parents and family members most of the time...just because it's easier.  In that way, I'm still quite immature I guess! LOL Anyways, so I have been praying to God, asking Him to give me a vision of what HE wants for my life (expecting he'd be like.. "jireh i want you to be a doctor"...because honestly, that's really the only thing that matters.  Guess what He told me.. LOL nothing LOLOL! AHAH This is pretty much what I got from Him:  "Jireh, I want you!  I want you to do everything for me."  and that kind of hit me I guess.  Maybe i had this revelation before, but really, it shouldn't matter what exactly God wants me to be, especially at the moment.  God wants me to try my hardest for Him and He will provide!

This brings me to today's verse of the day (VOD) LOL.  I was just thinking that maybe in the future when IF i become a doctor or just excel in life, I genuinely hope that I can praise God in the end and say that EVERYTHING I am is because of Him.  He is the one that gives me wealth, however much it may be, not my power or strength.  "for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth"!

Smile Guys!! and be happy! :D

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oct 5th verse

So i have an app on my phone that just gives me a daily bible verse! haah i guess i'll start talking about them sometimes LOLOL like.. not EVERYDAY! ahah that would be too intense for me! my goal is to meditate on them everyday.. but i probably wont have the time or feel like blogging about it everyday!

LOL so todays verse!
Job 1:21 (ESV)
And he said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

The story of Job always amazes me! He was super wealthy, had a family and pretty much had every thing you could ever want from this world. He's just living his merry life when Satan looks at him and goes to God and is like, "I bet if i take away his possessions he will turn away from you!" and God was like, "You can try, but he will not". So Satan does A LOT of bad stuff like.. in the end he lost all of his property, all his money, his whole family, all his friends and he had boils.. which sucks! so this is like.. SUPER opposite side of the spectrum! Yet he's like.. "blessed be the name of the Lord"!!!! that is crazy coool! people nowadays blame God for everything yet don't acknowledge what God has done for them! and most of the time... when people are suffering, they don't say "blessed be the name of the Lord".. they'll say other stuff that's not as nice...I want to have a heart like Job. Someone who truly understands his place in respect to God. Although it sounds weird, God can do whatever he wants with us. Obviously he won't do really bad stuff or stuff we cannot handle because He loves us. If he didn't love us LOL we'd be screwed...that's just a fact LOL He also won't let Satan tempt us beyond what we can take (1 Corinthians 10:13). Like...Satan had to ASK God for permission to do this stuff before he could do it! LOL its actually kind of funny when you think about it from that way. It's almost like.. every bad thing that might happen to you is happening because God knows you can get out of it and He is there to help you! Then you'll ask... why get tempted in the first place or w/e... honestly that's a totally different question and maybe i'll address that later in my blogs kind of.... or you can do research on google! AHAH I still to really figure out that answer for myself too so yeah!

Honestly, some things are complicated and don't make sense. Most of the time, all you have to do is trust in Him and try your hardest. I want to have that heart Job had... a thankful heart! "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" seriously this is awesome because God is awesome! Smile and be happy! :D

cheering hurts! LOOL

so yeah! i feell like i haven't gotten out of a practice yet feeling.. not hurt! LOL i've been hit in the balls (last friday), butt in the face (several occasions), kicked in the hea by a girl falling form liek 15-20 feet in the air (yesterday), elbowed in the neck (yesterday), landed on my head ( a while back), scraped my face (a while back), injured my thumb (last week), screwed up my ankles (a while back), kneed in the fleshy area of my knee and yeah.. more LOLOL! just doesnt stop coming! LOLOLOL but its okay! these are all minor stuff! LOL if anything, i find it so much more fun to do this than to not do it! so its like.. worth it! :D YESTERDAY i could finally toss my stunt partner and catch her feet!! she's a lot more stiff and tight now! os its easier when i throw her and stuff! its good! i've also learned what i was doing wrong before !LOL.. usefull!!!! anyways yeah! hope you guys have having a nice day today! Smile people! :D and be happy!! hope ur not as injured as i am! LOL

(500) days of summer!

So yesterday i watched 500 days of summer! haah its a really great movie!! it really got me thinking about my DG again and all of that kind of stuff!!! like... is there really just that one person for me? who is she? and all that jazz! LOL I know that when the time comes, God will show her to me and we will know.. but honestly I am so scared of dating the wrong girl!... like yeah! aah the movie!!  this movie was acutally so funny but like sad at the same time! lol funny becuase there were a lot of just like.> LOL JOKES moments and sad because the guy literally got his heart broken because he thought she was the one... but she wasn't!  like i got pretty emotional when i saw him see her with that ring on her finger! .. mannnnn ahah depressing news man! depressing but happy? happy because at least now he will really find the person he was meant to be with!
I'm glad i watched this movie! it gave me that warm feeling iin my heart.. of like.. sadnesss and happiness at teh same time! LOL its weird! lol the actors actually did a really nice job with their parts! :D i liked it! haha

i feel like its scary to like someone...becasue you never know if they are the one for you!... well even before that.. you don't know if they like you back! but yeah.. the main thing is that i dont know if that girl is my DG or not! lol honestly i will probably never know until the day I marry her! haah I feel like my DG has to be able to like... not get bored easily! LOL becasue 90% of my life, i'm doing nothing! LOL like.. literealliy i'm just ...sitting down mindinng my own business becasue i usually don't know what to talk about! LOL i find that i'm bad at chilling iwth ppl one on one! OL but if theres just one more person there.. it somehow becomes a lot easier (to talk at least)! LOLOL haha I actually doon't mind just chiling and being around ppl! LOl without talking that much! depending on the situation and my feelings at the moment i guess! company is always nice

anyways, if you guys haven't watched 500 days of summer you should! haha its good!
SMile and be happy! :D