Sunday, January 30, 2011


So, right now I really should be doing my calc assignment cos its due tmr... cos i just finished waking up from a GREAT 3 hr nap! :D but yeah! ahah!
Anyways, I just got back from a retreat with my fellowship!! :D so much fun! Lots and lots of stuff I learned through it!
One thing that stuck out to me, during the worship and stuff was "break my heart for what breaks Yours"! oh myyyy!!! I thought about that and im like... it would be pretty cool if I could truly feel that! NO LIES!  My relationship with God would totally be way better! THINK about it! LOL say you're dating your dream girl and whatever breaks her heart breaks yours, then you OBVIously won't do things that will hurt her! and you guys will be like... FOREVER happy! AHAH jkjk! like if it broke your heart to cheat on her, you obviously wouldn't do it! ! ahah iunno! it just makes a lot of sense to me!

Also.. something i really thought about was God's AMAZING love! like... seriously... its pretty sick! (like COOL sick, not.. BLAHG sick)lol It's just so crazy and cool and iunno how to describe it cos im not eloquent and it's just hard to describe in general.. UNCONDITIONAL! that's a good word i think!  Sometimes, when I'm really thinking about His love for me and everyone (even those that don't love Him yet) I really cry! *sigh* so crazy! its like a happy, sad, weird feeling cry! lol but its good! :) I LIKE! :) lol  Something that I've been thinking about is a line from Majesty "Now I've found the greatest love of ALL is MINE" isnt that so amazing? iunno... I used to look so much into finding love through girls (who dont reciprocate LOL which is fine! HAHA) but seriously, who cares? (well actually i kind of do!) lol but in comparison to God's love, nothing is even as close, so that is so much better! and I'm just soo happy that i have found His love cos its crazy and amazing! :D

One more thing... LOL sorry for making this quite long!
Happiness... I seriously dont know why ppl keep on caring so much about the distinction between happiness and Joy.. LOL but thats just me cos when im happy, im joyful too! and i dont think there always has to be a reason why im happy even though there always is! (knowing that God loves me so much makes me happy!) I guess some ppl call that Joy.. but w/e to me same thing! LOL and also, who DOESNT like being happy? LOL i also like being happy, so i am happy! LOL

There's more i learned, but this is enough for now i think! LOl

OHH yeahhh!!! one more thing! one cool thing that we always do at retreats is write "warm and fuzzies"! LOL bascialy, everyone gets an envelope and other ppl fill it with encouraging thoughts about you!  They really make you feel warm and fuzzy on the insidee! :D ahha thank you everyone who wrote one for me!! :D (im so soorry if i didn't write you one! really sorry esp if you wrote me one...LOL)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Dream Girl(s)!

So I have 3 dream girls!
My first dream girl is my fantasy dream girl! LOL my second is my literal "dream girl"(this girl i dated and loved in my dream LOL) and my third is my real dream girl (the one girl that Complements(complete and compliments! haha its roger.. if u know him) me; the girl I'm gonna marry! :D)!

My fantasy dream girl! This is the girl I would marry if I was a Disney character! LOLOL Seriously, I love Ariel! (from the Little Mermaid)  She's just TOO COOL! NO lies! lol!  think about it! her dad owns the seas.. literally! so thats pretty cool!  And her personality is so fun! She's a lil rebellious, but in a good way! ahah and she has a beautiful voice!!! ohh myyy!!! haaha She's sooo pretty!! yeah! i like her! Anyways, I don't really know what else to say! LOL honestly, I'm not that good at describing things! so when i'm trying to describe why i love something or why i feel a way about something, usually i say... just because.. LOL w/e! i warned you guys in my first post that I'm not eloquent! but yeah!

My literal dream girl! :D ahha so there's this girl that is my friend and i had a dream i was dating her! HAHA (if you are a girl and you are my friend, ITS NOT YOU! haha so don't try feeling special! LOL JKJKJK im sorry if i hurt ur feelings... Anyways, if it's you, u'll know because I told you about it! AHAHAH) So i had this dream of her... i'll call her Purée for now.. just cos i dont wanna say her name for privacy reasons i guess... So i had this dream of Purée! lol We were going out and everything was happy! haha! i dont really remember the dream, but IN my dream, she was my real dream girl!  Like.. my real dream girl's ... spirit/personality/inner whatever.. was inside of Purée ! So that was really cool! i felt like I met my real dream girl.. but not really, i just met her in my dream through a "vessel"! LOL jkjk iunno! But yeah.. I remember really liking that dream!

My real dream girl!.. *Sigh* I have no idea who she is! but all I know is that when I meet her i'll be really happy!!! Seriously! but yeah! NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE! LOL well.. there probably are some.. but like i said, im not eloquent so LOLOL JKJK but yeah!

Monday, January 24, 2011

My addiction with granola barres!

So I used to have this addiction with granola barres...LOL well i'm not sure if it's still ongoing, but it's still something I eat every so often!  its complicated, cos although i know theres a lot of other food thats wayy better for me, like salads or fruits or chicken or w/e.. i feel like im still kind of stuck with granola barres!  They are so useful!! good for snacking and eating and they fill you up! (if you eat enough of them! LOL)

A little bit over a year ago, I talked to a nutrition person.. a nutritionist? lol and she said that I should probably stop eating granola barres LOL but the thing about addictions is that.. it's hard to get over them! So I tried to stop eating them! (truly!) but it just wasn't possible! I would get to a period where i stopped eating them for.. lets say a week, then i'd dream about them!! OMG!!!! LOL i would remember how amazing it was to take that bite into that granola barre and when i woke up, all i could do, before i did anything else, was grab a granola barre and eat it!
Recently, i've tried something new and it is this!  I've gotten rid of any granola barre within a 10 m radius of myself! well.. i didn't really do it!  My friends did it for me! LOL  They tried to at least!  It had definitely helped me with my addiction to granola barres! Now, i can say i am mostly out of this addiction, but it's def hard!
Sometimes, I'm driving around and I see advertisements! or I'm in a grocery store and i accidentally pass them down an aisle! haha Sometimes, the friends that don't know about this addiction eat them in front of my face! LOL and thats funny! (kind of) but every time i see a granola barre, it's difficult for me!  I either love or hate it! LOL  It's weird! even though i love eating granola barres, i can ... not like them too! not hate.. thats def a too strong of a word! ... but yeah! like i said! its complicated!... or maybe it really isn't complicated!.. i think i'm just making it complicated for myself for... reasons I don't even know yet myself!

These posts are probably gonna be boring to all of you! LOL

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Calculus Hurts my brain!!!

So I'm studying calculus in Taylor with a friend and it's intense!!  I think my brain is going to explode!  I've been working for 2 hours already and only finished half of my online assignment! :( ahha so sad! lol  Oh wells!  Doing math is pretty good though... at first at least!  I find it SO satisfying when you solve a problem! ahha makes you feel like you are smart (even if ur not jkjk)!  But yeah... when you get to those problems where you swear you were right but aren't...IT'S SO FRUSTRATING! lolol! haha oh well!

I like hurting my brain, kind of!  It makes me feel like im actually using it! instead of like.. letting it degrade in my skull! lol  It's like working out!  When you work out and your muscles hurt, its a good thing! It means you aren't getting fat by doing nothing!  so... my brain hurting now must be a good thing too! LOL so i'm happy! LOL


Saturday, January 22, 2011

I like dreaming!

mannnnn i just ate so much foodd!!! so full now!!.. litereally.. a lot of beef, frozen veggies and an egg... but yeah... trust, thats a lot!

Anyways, before i ate, i was sleeping!  I decided to take a nap in the afternoon and i dreamed about something!  It was something good! thats all i remember!  It was pretty awesome!!! haha then i woke up about 2 hours later... then i was like.. that was interesting!... and even though i wasn't tired anymore, I went back to sleep just so I could dream more about whatever comes to my head!  I dreamt again and that was fun again! i love dreams!!! makes me happy cos most of them are happy dreams! 
The only downer about sleeping too much is that.. you don't get your work done... LOL and you wake up SOOO THIRSTYY!! its crazyy! :( oh well, it's fun stuff though!

You know how in Inception, you move so much faster in ur dreams? like I dont rmb, but all i rmb is that it's like Narnia.  like.. one year in a dream is like a day in real life or something... i realy don't find that! LOL.. i dream for so long... and only one scene really happens! it feels so short! oh well

Anyways... I have soo much work to do now! lol i think im going to die! HAHA but its okay i guess! :D


YAY! :D this is my first blog ever!! :D haha so funny!  I was just reading other people's blogs and I got inspired to start blogging myself! Seems pretty fun!  I'm not very eloquent so if you don't know what I'm talking about...just think about it... LOL or you can just ask me to reword or something.  For some reason, when I'm talking to someone or typing, when I get to the point where I think the person I'm talking to gets what I'm talking about, I stop! sooo if that happens, I'm sorry!

anyways right now I'm chilling and I'm happy! :D  I don't know why I'm happy! just am! LOL

I don't really know what to say, so I'm just  going to stop.... hopefully I get better at this blogging thing! lol