So guys, LOL if you don't know what sleep paralysis is, basically, you wake up, but you can't move...but ur awake still! According to my google research, lol, the body will inhibit movements sometimes while you are sleeping to avoid the body of hurting itself while sleeping and basically, it just gets delayed or something and its still inhibiting body movement while you are awake! so then you feel paralyzed for a while.
From many Christians I've talked to who had this, a couple of them would say they were attacked by evil spirits, and sometiems, they would see demons creeping around them. So i just thought it was interesting. They would mutter things like "in the name of Jesus, get out" or something, or actually they would THINK that because they couldn't speak.. because their bodies were paralyzed! creepy feeling eh?
ANYWAYS, getting on to me. SO today I was studying biochem on my sofa and i got drowsy and fell asleep! LOL (FAIL) but no worries, I'll study more after this post and after cheer tonight! okay.. and then i was dreaming. then i woke up and i'm like.. CRAPP!! AHAH cos i actually couldn't friggin move! here was the weird thing...I swear i could have heard evil spirits or demons or satan or something like that trying to talk to me. So i opened my eyes (mind you, this was actually REALLY difficult) opening my eyes took me a good like.. 10 seconds to think about it. But then i saw nothing.. it was just like nothing! LOL oh well! but i could still hear weird creepy sounding voices yelling into my ears. and at that moment, i was thinking to myself...There are only 2 explanations for this:
1. i have sleep paralysis, which means in like a couple mins from now, all will be normal and this was all just a i was calm still. IN this case it was almost quite enjoyable because its like my body telling me, "sleep more Jireh! your body needs rest!" (even thoguh it didn't atm)
2. There is a spiritual world and demons and satan are trying to creep me out because recently, i've been getting closer and closer with God. It was like a spiritual warfare i guess? Which in THIS case, I was still calm because I was thinking, even though this is scary, I'm already on the winning team, so no worries. I tried muttering "Jesus" but that didn't come out! LOL nope! i could not speak. So I just started praying to God and that was enjoyable because I knew He was there comforting me.

So then I woke up from this, started moving my body again, the strange voices in my head were gone and i'm like.. *sigh* "nice! its over!" LOL and then i fall back to sleep! OL THAT WAS THE WEIRD PART! LOL and then it happened again. This time, the demons were even louder and muttering really creepy sounding stuff. I tried looking this time, but i couldn't open my eyes. and i pretty much just saw this scrumpled up static-like thing of red and black in my head. (I kind of tried drawing it below my bed thing in the pic.. but it didn't look like that.. but its close enough! AHAH use ur imaginations! and it was everything in my didn't look like a messy ball of yarn!! LOL) NO lies it was quite creepy. Couldn't move like last time, but it was worse this time. I started to pray to God again, and He was there for me, comforting me. He gave me Psalm 23..only the part where it said "I will fear NO evil, for you are with me" I tried reciting the whole chapter, but i forgot it LOL that was funny i found.. but yeah that calmed me down and just seeing how much more powerful God is than satan was enjoyable! it was comforting, because He is amazing!
Anyways, I eventually woke up from that, was able to open my eyes, move and stuff and iunno why, but it looked like there was a demon in a tile near the fireplace i was sleeping by LOL. So i'm like w/e thats weird. Iw as exhausted, so i fell back to sleep again LOL, kind of praying to God that it won't happen again because I just want to feel awake so i can study. So i climbed into my bed, set an alarm and went back to sleep. I woke up normally and all was good!
For me, this experience was cool, becasue I got to really see God's power at work! and stuff!
ANYWAYS guys, SMILE and be happy!
LOL and don't get scared after reading this, because I am not! I know God will always be there for me!
OH YEAH! you i forgot to mention this!.. you know how people say they feel a weight of something on their chest? its true! lol i felt it both times.. it was heavier the second time i think! it just made it a lil more difficult to breathe, but it was okay i think!