Saturday, December 31, 2011

WOD Dec 31, 2011


AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) for 20:12
20 LH KB cleans
12 KB swings
20 RH KB cleans
12 pushups
20 TTB (toes to bar)
12 Burpees

So i did really badd!!! lol first round was like. 3 mins though! LOL ike SOOO FAST! LOl but then...during the second round, i developed and ripped 2 blisters.... :/ on the same hand! LOl so when i got back to the left handed KB swings, it took FOREVER! cos just holding the KB hurt my hand like crazzyyy!! i tried to use just like my finger tips to hold it... FAIL! lol so yeah! lol oh wells! only did 2 rounds plus up to TTB... it was kind of sad LOL my cardio and muscles were fine...Limiting factor was my hand (my skin) LOL :(:( so faiiilll!! oh well!!!


SMILE!!! and be happy!! :D
OOHH btww tmr is this blog's...anniversaryy!~ :D haha cos i started blogging in the beginning of 2011!! :D

Thursday, December 29, 2011

WOD Dec 28, 2011

SO today was funnn!! went snowboarding with bff and bro!! :D haah
thennn did crossfit! :D ahah

here is the WOD for those of you who wish to do it! LOL

5 reps, 3 sets of front squat @205lbs


100 Power cleans @135lbs
every min on the min (EMOM), 4 burpees!

YESS this was TIRING! it was actually brutal! HAHA try it out if you have time! LOL it took me 16:43 to do it! if you try it, post ur time!! :D

Smile! and be happy! :D

Monday, December 26, 2011

Last friday!

Last friday was really interesting!!! :D hahah not gonna blog about it cos it's something i'll choose to share or not in the future!! haha but yeah this post is just here to remind me about it! LOL
umm key words...


Friday, December 23, 2011

Sometimes, I wonder why I ever started blogging in the first place.  Was it so I could let out all my emotions onto something because I didn't write a diary? I don't know.. probably not... LOL!  Before I started blogging, I really really always enjoyed reading other people's blogs.  I only really ever followed this one person's blog...but I remember the first time I read that person's blog!  I always thought it was so interesting!  SUPER honest! lol the person didn't care what the world thought!  It was always interesting and funny to me!  Then I found out my bro had a blog and i was like WHAT?! LOL and then I met another person who blogged a lot from uni and I started reading that person's blogs too and they were interesting! lol  I guess i started blogging so i could ... iunno make people happy? or if people want to know me better than they do atm, they can read my blog and get a better glimpse of my personality? LOL obviously, in terms of personality, meeting up with me and actually chilling with me in person is best! LOL but still, I believe a person's blog gives their readers a glimpse of the bloggers personality! lol unless they don't blog like how they are!
I think another reason why I started blogging is because I had so much random stuff in my head and I just had to get it out somehow! IUNOO w/e! blogging is fun! and reading them is fun too! if you just read them, you should blog too! because honestly, i don't think anyone really judges you or w/e...there is no "dislike" or "like" button on my posts or anything! LOL so yeah .. it doesn't even matter and it doesn't even matter what you say! LOL it can be the most random stuff, yet it can touch other people's lives.. like mine!!! or anyone else who reads them! LOl

ANYWAYS, back to that first blog I ever started i thought about it again and one thing the person mentioned is how that person hates that people don't keep secrets anymore and how some ppl are such open books and w/e... I personally don't really know what that person meant by that.. cos i agree that you shouldn't be going around tell everyone your deepest darkest secrets, but I do think those few ppl that are close to you should know/can know and it's should be okay!  I guess it does depend...cos sometimes, some secrets are not yours to share, and that SHOULD be kept a secret!  But iunno, for me, sometimes, i wonder what should be kept a secret? My best friends know my deepest darkest secrets and w/e and they know it because i trust them... so they can help me with w/e situation it is! whether it's advice on girls, sins i struggle with, iunno w/e! LOl but honestly, I'm thinking of the day I get married to my DG.  Personally, I feel like there really shouldn't be any personal secrets between us...Like we are married? iuno maybe i think that because i'm not afraid of sharing my secrets with people whom i trust and who are close to me! Plus, i don't see how any good can come from keeping secrets from your me, all i see is distrust and complications in the future!  But honestly, I don't mind telling everyone my secrets... i just don't want to/have the need to because they are secrets after all.  iunno! I'm pretty sure the person who said the thing thinks similarly... but I don't really know.. that blog post was written over a year ago! LOL so things could have changed.. may not have.. iuno! w/e!

Sometimes I think about you, my DG...How I feel sooo ready to meet you at times and at other times, i realize how unprepared i am! LOL but honestly, when will I ever feel 100% ready? i dont think i'll ever, because I'll never be perfect!  but yeah! the time will have to come when I start asking someone to date me!  HOPEFULLY, she'll say yes when i ask.. HOPEFULLY she'll be you! LOL but know that my heart will always be for you DG! the one i marry!!! :D

Anyways, i'm tired

SMILE guys and be happy!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

WOD Dec 21, 2011/my day! LOL

So today was fun! :D
AYCE sushi with close friends! and just time to chill with each other! :D i'll admit, i didn't do a very good job planning it, but it was fun regardless! and i kinda wish it lasted longer! LOL

SO i got the bestest christmas gift today! LOL it's def gonna be my faveeee one this year!! HAHA i'll tell you what it is on Christmas! LOLOL yeahhh!! i know... i wasn't able to wait! LOl cos i got it and the person who gave it to me was like.. "I think it's funny! and you'll like it!" HAAH YESS it was! :D and i loved it! :D anyways, u'll see it sooonnn!!

OKAY after that, did some driving around and then CROSSFIT!!!
mann.. haven't done crossfit in sooo a crossfit gym! lol mann!! lol doing it at the gym is so different than just doing it for fun at a random gym! LOL anyways, here is the WOD:

4 rounds for time:
20 pullups
30 KB swings 55lbs
40 sit-ups
50 double unders

LOL it doesn't look too bad when you see it, but then.. boy does it get to you! LOL for me.. the sit-ups were relatively the slowest! LOL and it was 40 reps.. so my time was actually pretty bad! LOL LOL i kind felt like throwing up the AYCE sushi while i was doing it!

OH YEAH!! weird thing!!! at ayce, i didn't like eat anythign! LOLOL sooo weird! my stomach is SOO SMALL NOW!! i think i was getting out-eaten by girls! LOL mannn ... do you know what that does to a man's pride? lol well. nothing really, cos it was kind of funny! but yeah! once i start working out again, i'll be building back my appetite for sure! :)

Anyways! fun day!
I am happy!

Smile and be happy! :D

Sunday, December 18, 2011

updated blog

Hello fellow friends! :D 
just to let you know, i have updated the "terminology" and w/e else it says section of the blog with a brief explanation about who my dream girl is! cos people keep asking and get confused! anyways, it's there so it's easily accessible! just press the page and scroll down if needed! haha 


Smile and be happy! :D

Waiting for forever

So i just finished watching a movie called "Waiting for Forever".
it was really heart-warming!!! and sad.. then happy! but the chances of something like that to happen is so rare...mainly cos of the situations and stuff... anyways, its about this guy and girl who were best friends and at age 10, they got separated because the guy's parents died.  As time went on, the guy still loved the girl, but the girl moved on in life.  And the guy followed her around in life until one day.. where he decides to talk to her again and stuff.

One thing that popped out to me...was when he was hitchhiking with a couple, they asked him if he had a girlfriend/someone... and he's like YEAH! and they asked.. how long they have been together and he was like... i guess you can say forever? and i'm like ... that's cool.  BESIDES the fact that he was a little stalkerish, his heart was in the right place i think! because he cared for her! a lot!... i'm not going to ruin the movie for u guys.. and tell you the complicated stuff.. so u should watch it urself! HAHA

but still...I wanna say to my Dream Girl, that i have loved her forever, and that I will always love her! I hope you know DG, that i do love you forever! at least, as long as i'm in my body, i will love you! cos i'm honestly not sure what happens when we go to heaven!!

Anyways, thats all i ahave to say for now!

SMILE and be happy!

Friday, December 16, 2011

God is really cool!!/(VOD)

So yeah! haha! yesterday during my deep thought and prayer with God, i came to a point where...i couldn't exactly say what i was thinking!  i think I talked about this in my previous post, but I wanted to pray about something in my heart that i just didn't know how to express through words! So i was just there... thinking to myself... "GOD, why can't you just read my mind instead of me having to pray to you...but then you can! lol oh well!"... then I'm like "God, read my heart...cos you know what's there and you know exactly what i am trying to say to you...even if I don't know" I kinda just lay there praying and eventually moved on in my thoughts about other stuff that was bothering me.
BUT the coolest thing happened today when i read my verse for the day!

Romans 8:26-27
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.  And he who searches our hearts know the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God."

WOOOW when i read that today i was like....what are the chances this would be the verse I'd read today after praying like i did yesterday! *sigh* Seriously, when i got this verse I was actually amazed! i actually said "wow" out loud in a bus! LOl cos that's where i was reading it! LOL it was a lil awkward but w/e!  I am pretty sure i've read through all of romans before, but this verse never stuck out to me for some reason! ! so i was just really surprised when i read it! "We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans"   I actually found that really cool cos...that's how my prayer was yesterday!.. iunno if it as a literal groan, but yeah! i think u guys get what i mean!

Anyways, i must study more now! 2 more exams!! :D:D haha
SMILE! and be happy!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

mann...I vividly went through this...thing! LOL
So yeah, i woke up today and for some reason, i woke up jealous!  like.. there was literally jealousy burning in my heart! it was really weird and it REALLY bothered might have had something to do with my dream i had last night.. but honestly, i don't remember anything from my dream! I think i did dream, just don't remember what it was about.  i started thinking about girls...cos that's really the only topic that could potentially make me that jealous i guess! haha it was interesting.  though i did not study much today, i will study a lot after this post.  I really needed this day to just pray, read the bible, think and pray and sleep LOL.  I put in sleep there, cos i find that whenever i'm in deep thought or prayer, it just continues into my sleep and when i'm done, i wake up! LOLOL its jokes! LOL so yeah! LOL

A while back, i read a book called "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy.  I really liked that book and I'm like. 99% sure I talked about them before! haha Anyways, there's this one part...the part when Eric had his revelation about his future wife!  Essentially, he figured that his wife he will marry one day is probably alive now..unless he's going to marry someone 20+years younger LOL but yeah! So yeah.. his future wife was living! and hopefully well.. He did not know who she was but he knew that she was out there somewhere. Then, he thought about his girl! LOL and he's thinking.. what if she's out on a date tonight? with another guy!?! and all of the sudden, he got jealous and stuff because she belonged to him.. then he imagined that other guy kissing his wife and stuff and he was not happy! AHHA then.. God showed him that if he yearns for purity in his wife, how much more will his wife long for purity in him?

*sigh* i don't even know what I'm thinking about now!
DG, please be patient with me...right now.

Something I always have a fear of .. is what if I ask too late? was it just not meant to be?  I guess so! LOL What if i ask too early? that also messes things up!  Timing is such an important thing in this relationship stuff!  And knowing God's time and knowing His will, is something I'm still praying for.  It is hard...if you have really strong feelings for someone and you think she must be the one and you find out she isn't.  Sometimes it's hard to accept.. usually it's for the better because someone better rolls around (at least in my case LOL). but then.. what if that person also doesn't like you, but likes someone else?  LOL it sucks, but that's part of being a man i guess haha!

ANYWAYS, i dont know why this blog post seems so depressing LOL or i dont know HOW it got all depressing and stuff! HAHA because nothing has happened yet! LOL it's just my mind playing tricks on me and overthinking stuff that don't necessarily exist! LOL jokeess! I think my brain just likes to...analyze the absolute worst case scenario and the best! (when i say absolute worse case, i mean like.. something likely! AHAH not like.. a cow will fall out of the sky and kill me.. or something..though possible, its quite improbable)

Okay.. i think this is what i was trying to say.
actually.. nope.. no idea! sorry! i have this thought in my mind.. that i can't get out!!!!!! LOLOLOL DANNNNGGG it's quite annoying how i can't really materialize a thought! I rmb in gr 12 english my teacher was like.. "if you can't materialize a thought, is it even a thought?" or somethign weird like that!

oh yeah.. random thing! my nose isn't working anymoe.. i feel like it's cos i'm still sick, but it makes me feel weird! LOl cos i like smelling things! LOL

SMILE and be happy!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Circadian rhythm

MAN BOTH OF THOSE WORDS ARE HARD TO SPELL! LOL! i actually had to check up circadian cos when i looked at it just now, it looked too much like the word "canadian" but yeah.. thats the right spelling! AND rhythm! LOL i always forget the "h".. look at the word and i'm like.. that looks messed.. then realize the h was missing and i put it here...ryhthm.. then i'm like.. no that's more wrong.. then finally.. i get it... ry... omg.. i just almost screwed up again! LOLOL WOOOOWW rhythm! lol there

Anyways, my circadian rhythm is messed... i'm still awake when i should be sleeping tight, dreaming happily about bunnies jumping on clouds, or rolling hills or sheep flying in a blue sky, bouncing on the poofy clouds with happy music in the background and fairies colouring butterfly wings and yeah! u get it!
what am i doing? just chilling.. waiting for my body to get tired so i can sleep!!!! surre i should make use of my time and study... that's what i thought, but i'm like.. tired of studying.. its messed.. my mentals is tired but my body STILL LIVESS! yup i'm messed.. and i have an exam tmr.. luckily at 9pm.. but still.. i need to study morrrreeeeeee cos i still have a lot of biochem stuff i need to do (cos its my next exam after the one i have tmr)

Usually, when i watch a movie, it puts me to sleep.. so i watched the green hornet.. but IT WAS TOO COOL! so now i'm super awake.. then i played some rapunzel game.. which was super easy.. and my body can't sleep! hopefuly after this blog post, i can feel tired and sleep! ahah i'm actually feeling more tired now! LOL this is good! yay! yay for blogging! it makes me tired! maybe because since i'm typing.. and i don't usually type... my body thinks i'm writing an essay.. and my body hates essays so it wants to shut down! yes.. that is the reason! i am actually getting more tired now... like... an orange! i think

good night for now!
SMILE and be happy!! :D

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My DG will be a Prov. 31 girl/woman! :)

This video is true!  I would want a proverbs 31 girl over a Victoria Secret model any day!! (this assumes that the victoria secret model is not also a prov. 31 girl! LOLOL... cos double wammy isn't too bad either! LOLOL JKJK i actually probalby wouldn't wanna marry a victoria secret model.. like an actual one LOL. BUT oh man.. my DG will be way more pretty/beautiful to me than any victoria secret model!)

I rmb, when i was like.. super young, my mom had me go through a program called true love waits.  It's essentially a thing where we promise to God that we will be abstinent until marriage...and that we will save ourselves for our DG/future spouse.  One thing my mom made our fellowship do was write down characteristics I want to see in my future spouse.. LOL and i was SOOOO biased at the time cos i liked a girl! LOL anyways, my characteristics were probably something like the following:
1. Christian (because i have to)
5. Pretty
6. Good personality
... and so on! LOL i don't actually totally rmb the list, but it was somethign like that.. and it DEF had 1,2 and 3 in it! HAHA cos at the time, i lived in guelph and had no physical attraction to asians! LOL so jokes

Many years down the road, i hit gr 11/12 haha and i have this crush on a girl! and i talk to my mom about it and stuff! LOL and she's like.. do u rmb that list you made back then? and i'm like... yeah.. but it was dumb, because i was like.. gr 5 or 6 or something like that and i didn't really know anything! LOL and yeah that's when my mom showed me Proverbs 31.  She's like.. Jireh! look for a girl like this! and so i read proverbs 31 and it's like.. so true.  Who wouldn't want to have a girl like that? *SIGH* (at least if you are a christian). Anyways, watch the video to understand this concept of a prov 31 girl more...i'm just plain bad at explaining things so i'll like this guy do it! LOL
In the same way as guys shouldn't go for a girl less than a Prov. 31 girl .... or osmething like that, you girls shouldn't go for a guy less than a Godly man described by vody baucham! haha


SMILE and be happy! :D

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dec 9, 2011 WOD

SOO yeah i forgot to blog about my workouts! LOL so yeah... oh well!! here is today's! LOl

Shoulder press
5-5-5-5-5 @110lbs
immediately after the last set, 10 reps @50lbs


Deadlifts @225lbs

time was SOO BAD! LOL lol like.. 9 mins,... LOLOL
compared to my fran time.. its soo bad! LOLOL oh well! gotta work on it!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

guys talk about.. u know what...

ANYWAYS, i was thinking about the weekend, and how every time a guy talked with other guys, 85% of the time it would have something to do with "doing it" or stuff related to that kind of topic... yes i know... it's kind of weird!  LOL i always thought it was just a super exaggerated stereotype, (which it is, because MOST of my guy friends aren't like that), but yeah, these guys just kept talking sex and all that stuff and how they are ready to get laid and weird stuff...
anyways, what i found cute/interesting from that sex talk stuff, was this one guy! lol... We were talking about getting kids and stuff and he was like... "I want 2 boys, one that will be a pro hockey player, and the other will be a pro football player" or something like that...another guy asked "why not a girl?" and he was like,  "I can't think of my daughter getting "hammered" by random guys" (somethign like that) and like.. at first i thought, awww that's cute! cos he cares about his daughter and stuff LOL.. but then, i thought a lil deeper......If you don't want ur daughter getting "hammered" by random guys, why do you go and "hammer" other people's daughters?...cos honestly, other people's dad's probably feels the same! or quite similar at least.  I don't think there's any father out who loves their daughter and wants to see them "hammered" by random guys.  Yes, they will want their daughter to get married, but hammered by random guys is a different least in my opinion!  LOL anyways, i was just thinking about that kind of stuff for some reason!

Smile! and be happy! :D

Keller on Marriage

So i saw my bro's post on this... and i really enjoyed listening to this guy! haha sure, most of it makes common sense, but it is a great reminder, and he says a lot of things you should truly consider before you get yourself into a relationship!  I also like how this talk isn't necessarily directed to JUST christians! like.. it's good for anyone to listen to!.. that's just what i think!  I personally have never been married, haha or even close for that matter, LOL, but i feel this talk gives us a good idea of what to be prepared for, and how you should be prepared to get married and stuff!

LOL i know its long, but his talk is only like.. 30 mins..... lol the rest is Q&A and yeah that is also really interesting!!! LISTEN TO THIS GUYS/GIRLS! esp if ur considering marriage, or are already married!

Smile! and be happy! :D

Monday, December 5, 2011

18 Dollars!

For those that don't have me on facebook, you should read this post!!! its sooo good!
click the link!

Nationals Day 2

HAHA so yeah! i didn't have much time to do anything this weekend so i'm talking about it now! LOL

ANYWAYS, NATIONALS WAS A LOT OF FUN!! :D we pretty much went there and competed and won! LOL i kind of felt weird cos there were a billion of ppl way better than me that weren't on the western team! LOL but yeah! it was a cool feeling though! winning a national championship! HAHA! ohh yeah! HAHA heres the video if ur interested in watching it! :D haha
Don't look for me though! just watch it! haha and be impressed! :)

anyways, I don't know if this is like this for everyone, but for me, whenever i'm SURROUNDED by Christians, I grow spiritually because i learn from everyone and i just want to spend more time with Him! there's fellowship and personal growth! ... generally, it's pretty amazing and i love seeing people who truly love God! it encourages me!
On the other side of the spectrum, i find that being SURROUNDED by non-Christians and people with different morals (very different btw) makes me rely on God THAT MUCH MORE! and it can be a period where i grow personally with God!  obviously, there isn't much fellowship cos there aren't many other christians!, but thats just makes u really appreciate it when you go to church or fellowship!

Anyways, Last night, during the party, i didn't do anything i regret! and I truly thank God for that!  It really did help having one Christian friend with me! this way, we could keep each other accountable and be there for one another! For sure, it would have been a lot more difficult to resist temptations without that other spiritual friend there! :) but yeah, living with my cheer friends, really helped me understand how much i DON'T want to be like them! LOL (in terms of their drinking, sex, partying, etc...) and it just kind of made me draw closer to God, because i realized that God is so much more worth it and is better!
Some of my friends were like... if you've never tried it, how will you know other things are better... or stuff like.. only ppl who don't drink say they find other things more fun... but for the first one, there are a lot of things I know i WON'T enjoy before i do it! like...jumping into a fire, or cheating on my wife, or iunno jumping off a building or w/e! lol u kinda get what I'm talking about!... in terms of the drinking comment,... sure, i've never been super drunk where i black out and stuff, but I honestly find doing other things so much more fun!  I'd way rather have a serious heart warming talk with a good friend, than get drunk with them! or just have fun, chilling with them! or sharing with them! i find joy in many things other than partying! LOL iunno! maybe it's not a good argument, but I dont find it(getting drunk) worth do things things that you would regret sometimes, it's not good for your body...thats why you puke, puking is NOT cool, its NASTY! and... it doesn't even taste good! LOl w/e lol

I'm just glad God didn't put me into any temptation that i wouldn't have been able to get out of!
It is so true! 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

It's so funny how for morning devotions on that day, i read Ephesians 6 and the night before, i read Ephesians 5! a lot of good stuff in there.. wont talk about it now though! read it on ur own time if you time and you may see why i liked it a lot!

Smile and be happy! :D

Friday, December 2, 2011

Nationals, day 1

OOKAYY!!! sooo all i did today was this:
Wake up early
NOT eat breakfast...
set up floors and matts for the competition, and like everything
not eat lunch...cept for a SINGLE donut!
set up more stuff for the competition
EAT DINNER! :D haah (prob best part of the day) at lone star
Watch ppl cheer (not uni ppl yet)
Come home and yeap! do my assignment! LOL

but yeah! today, while moving the floor stuff and everything, i injured my finger! lol mannn it hurts sooo bad! it's not like i'd DIE or anything, but its just really really quite annoying .. cos it got like.. super pinched in between things and yeah, typing this is hurting every time i press and s... cos my left hand ring fingher is like swollen and messseeedd!!.. prob wont be able to play cello for a month or so.. which is fine cos of winter break! LOL thank GOD! LOL BUUTTT honestly, this kind of reminds me of what i've kind of been learning recently!.. like the Church and God and us... and how the church is the body of Christ and how each one of us has a role that is IMPORTANT! surree. i guessi don't NEED my finger, but man, how i am GLAD i have a functional one and stuff! but yeah! we, as christians, are important to Christ's body!each one is important!!! like..some parts, you may THINK is less important, but no.. everything is important! llol this is actually like a cheer team! LOl even though i almost do nothign, I'm actualy quite important in my team! but yeah! :)
anyways, i lost my train of thought! LOl so yeah! gonna go now! :)

SMILE and be happy! :D

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Nationals! LOL

SOOOO i'm going to nationals now for cheerr!!!! haha pretty excited about it! :) it's gonna be my first cheer competition and apparently it's gonna be like... super fun! HAHAA WHICH IS GREATTT!! :D
I'm happy! lol

But then, there are most likely going to be a lot of hot girls there! = a lot of temptation and stuff.  God help me keep my mind pure and cheer for You!  If i ever get tempted, i'll think of you DG, and how waiting for you is so much more worth it and doing God's will is just so much better! :D Getting ready to PARTY WITH JESUS BABY! or something like that! but that's not till saturday night!

anyways, i'll keep you guys posted about nationals and stuff! :)

BTW if any of u are interested in watching me cheer, i'll be cheering on saturday at the powerade center in brampton!  its starts a lil before noon or something, so yeah! :) COOMEE if you can, i'm part of the western coed team if you come! :D


SMILE and be happy! :D

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Drowning man

Sooo today during ACF, I was thinking about God's grace and His AMAZING LOVE! ... like i usually do! LOL iunno why but His grace an love are just things that amaze me so much! haha! anyways, I thought of this story for some random reason... LOL i don't actually know how it came to my head but it did...

Drowning man
By: unknown

While out to sea, a large boat became shipwrecked and there was only a single survivor. This man prayed and asked God to save his life. Soon thereafter, another boat came by and offered the man some help.

"No thanks," he said. "I'm waiting for God to save me."

The men on the boat shrugged their shoulders and continued. As the man became more deeply concerned, another boat came by. Again, the people aboard offered this man some help, and again he politely decline. "I'm waiting for God to save me," he said again.

After some time, the man began to lose his faith, and soon after that he died. Upon reaching Heaven, he had a chance to speak with God briefly.

"Why did you let me die? Why didn't you answer my prayers?"

"Dummy, I sent you two boats!"

Sooooo This is the typical explanation for this ... parable thing! or just story!

This is actually from a website, i didn't say this stuff

"The Universe is always watching out for the best interests of our spiritual evolution, even when we are too narrowly focused to see all the other opportunities it presents us. Sometimes, all that is needed is a change of perspective."

AND it is a good thing to learn! LOL don't get me wrong! but for some reason, I looked at this story and it just amazed me!! I partially looked at it through a different perspective! LOL okay.. think about i like this:

God is God right? (duh) and He is all-knowing!  He knows EVERYTHING!... okay u see where i'm getting at with this? LOL basically, what I'm saying is that God knew that that man was going to die.  He knew that the man would refuse His help yet He still sent help! ... LIKE isn't like that so much LOVE and GRACE?! like.. even though He knew that guy was going to refuse the help, He still sent the boats anyways, just to give him the chance and choice!  He didn't send one, but 2! haha you know what the probability of that is? LOL i don't.. but its probably pretty small!! BIGG ocean... and one random guy that's treading water... (who is also not flailing to boats asking for help) which means the ppl in the boat would also have to notice him and etc....but that is besides the point. LOL the point is that God, being the God of grace, mercy and love and way more, gave him that opportunity LOL...
anyways, if you guys don't see it already, to me, the story reminded me of the Gospel! and of God's amazing MERCY!  He died for us, when we totally didn't deserve it.  He Loves us, when we don't deserve it. We DESERVE DEATH.  YET, He provides a way out because of His great mercy!  He gives us a choice to love Him and get to know Him...even if He knows that we will not choose Him... HE STILL GIVES US A CHOICE AND THAT TRULY AMAZES ME!.. haha just makes me so happy/emotional! LOL mostly glad that I took hold of the choice and chose Him!

ANYWAYS yup! :D thats what i was mostly thinking! :)

Smile guys! :) and be happy! :D

Thursday, November 24, 2011


LOL so i don't know how much i'm going to be using this account, but YEAH!! here it is!
It's mostly just for fun! LOL
basically, i came up with the idea because my friend steven was like.. "Jireh... how do u make a video" and i'm like "....uhh its so easy" then he's like.. "but then uploading is hard!" and i'm like.. uhhh no! LOL so i started a youtube account !LOLOL

Here is my link though! :D

WATCH IF YOU'RE BORED! but yeah! most of it is gonna be random... like my blog i guess! HAHA

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

dont know what to call this! LOL

SOMETIMES, i feel like i judge people! WHICH IS BAD btw, but for some reason, i just can't help but judge people or even judge myself (or pretend that ppl are judging me or something) LOL But yeah, this only comes down to when people act very..."christiany" BUT you see, I shouldn't be judging ppl for that!  Sometimes, some people creep me out or make me feel uncomfortable because of they way they act..u know? it seems like they are pulling off an act, because in the environment they are in, being a strong christian is COOL and it will get you girls.. or something like that...and honestly, I feel like i shouldn't be judging ppl like that! because there are those people who truly do love God that genuinely that their love for Him just has this...exuberance! LOl or somethign like that! How does one know if another is right with God?... I guess you'll never know! In the same way, this thinking sometimes screws me up too! because I think that whenever i'm acting too "christian" i might be pulling off an act! even when it may not be like that.

I guess what I'm trying to say from this post is this: lol
For those who truly love God, do not be ashamed to show this love to everyone, and be excited about Jesus because He truly is awesome!  At the same time, do not judge others because their relationship with God is between that person and God.
For those who act like they love God, you should just love God because He first loved you and His love for you is wayy more than the love you'll get from anything in this world.  I'm not saying this because I'm judging you...I'm saying this because I feel like I've been like this before!... i guess this judging came from seeing my past self in other ppls bodies or something! LOL

okayyy, obviously guys, i'm NOT asking ppl to act less Christian! LOL James 2:17 "In the same way, faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead" SO YES! i am encouraging you to have deeds with your faith, but JUST MAKE sure you don't mix it up!  because deeds without faith (in this context lol) is nothing...You cannot really have one without the other!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

WOD Nov 21, 2011

Run 10 mins


Bench press
10 @135lbs
9 @140lbs
8 @145lbs


5 rounds for time:
5 power cleans @135lbs
10 Toes to bar
20 double unders

This was fun! HAAH cept my forearms were like.. super hard after... like boners in my arm! LOL so yeah that was the only annoying thing!

then i did 3 tucks for fun in the gym! YAY! :D i can do back tucks on hard surfaces now! :D:D

OHH YEAHHH!! i bought PROTEIN POWDER! lol to try it out!!! LOl it actually tastes good.... LOL like a chocolate milkshake! LOL like. with water, its okay.. but with milk.. MMMMM it tastes good!! i'd drink it for just taste! LOOL not even the protein! LOl but yeah i can't.. LOL to expensive! LOL
anyways! bye now! i'm tired! :D

SMILE and be happy! :D

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dream girl!

I have been thinking about you a lot again recently!
I am praying for you! and I love you!

Lord God,

Please give me discernment and wisdom because I need it!
I love you more, and thank you! :)


Christ's Body

Recently, I have been getting closer and closer to God.  LOL i honestly just find that spending time with Him is just so enjoyable sometimes and relaxing!! but a couple weeks ago, a saw myself thinking the wrong way.. the way Christians aren't supposed to think!  I found myself skipping church because I slept in......and what was my justification to that?  I just said to myself, well, I'm close with God, so it's okay! or i'd say...i probably already knew what the pastor was going to say anyways... or something dumb like that! but honestly, that is not necessarily the reason for going to church!  You go to church because you LOVE God and you wanna spend time with Him!  You go to church to fellowship with others who are also christian!  You go there to worship... you go there for Him and for no other reason!  Today, I went to church in loo with some close friends! and it was just... SO HAPPY! HAHA like i didn't go last week because I slept in.. so going today was just so good and I miss going to church!  Honestly, all my joy and love that I have isn't even mine!  I get it all from God!

Anyways, today the pastor was talking about Jesus' Big Dream! haha and how His dream is for the church! oddly enough, some of the passages that were used in the sermon were aactually from what I was reading from the Bible yesterday! haha i was like.. that sounds familiar! LOl then i saw the reference and i was like. OOHH yeah i was reading that yesterday! HAAH anyways, what I think i'm trying to say is that this life i live isn't for is for God and for the church!  and being part of the church, we are then Christ's body!! As a church, we should act like how God would act and and SERIOUSLY think about "WWJD" What Would Jesus Do? WE ARE CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS! we need to set an example for the world so that the world can see Jesus through us! :)

Smile! :D and be happy! :D

Saturday, November 19, 2011

WOD Nov 18, 11

Bench press (to get bigger man boobs!)
6x3 @ 135lbs
6x1 @ 95lbs


21-15-9 for time!
Thrusters @95lbs

My time was 6:59! LOL so yeah! pretty good for now! but i took quite a few breaks! LOL
hmmm i wanna get my time below 5 mins some day...\LOL

oh yeah! then ... later at ACF, i wanted to see how it feels like to do 100 air squats LOL so i just did it! and i did 100 in a row! LOL i was impressed with myself LOl i should have timed it cos it was fast....!!

ANYWAYS, Smile guys and be happy! :D

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Heart warming happy movies!

I love heart warming happy movies! ....movies that COULD make you cry, but are happy and don't end sad BUT it CAN be sad..for a short while... and usually have an element of humour in them!... SOOO its like a.. happy, funny, heartwarming movie!  i've watched a couple movies recently.. recently meaning from september LOL:

(500) days of summer (great movie)
The family man (really heartwarming...kind of predictable, but still loved it)
How to loose a guy in 10 days (REALLY cute!! loved it and found it funny! and still heartwarming...)
50 first dates (FUNNY, cute and moving/heartwarming at the same time!)

Seriously, I love all of these movies! and yes.. lol they are now all on my computer! haha so if u ever wanna watch one of them with me and i have my laptop and I'm not busy.. lets do it!! cos i could watch any of those movies like.. a billion times! LOL well not that many.. but still i really enjoyed them!

I used to be into those heartwarming sad movies.. but iunno.. i always feel depressed after LOL that is why i love the heartwarming happy movies! :) makes me smile after i finish the movie and i can go to sleep feeling content LOL!


SMILE guys! and be happy! :D

My spot

So this morning, before orgo and biochem, I went to my thinking/peaceful spot.  Just sat there and thought, prayed and had my quiet time.  It was actually so peaceful!  Not many people know where my spot i find it quite peaceful!  Everytime i go there, it's quiet and just...relaxing.  Honestly, I don't like being alone usually.. i like having company with me. but sometimes, having that spot where you can just relax and God is your only company is nice.  i was sitting and looked at this chimney thing with smoke coming out of it.  Watched the smoke slowly disperse in the air, but wasn't thinking about diffusion! LOL rather ... just thinking about how funny/cool it looked.. seeing the smoke rise and slowly disintegrate into thin air.  It reminded me of when I was young...when I used to look at smoke rise and slowly disappear!  It gave me this warm peaceful feeling in my heart.  Whether you are a christian or not, i recommend having times where you just do nothing (obviously dont do it all day or you waste ur time, but do it for like.. 30 mins a day or something).  Take time off to relax and be amazed by the Creator! the one who made everything! and just spend time with Him.

LOL i saw an ant today on the grass.. walking around!  It reminded me not to be too lazy.. but to work hard... like an ant!  Sometimes ants seem to amaze me! they live with a purpose and they don't let things get in that way! I want to live my life like that! But with my purpose being serving God..and letting His love and joy flow through me to the world!  Part of that is working my hardest for Him and at the moment, doing my best in school!

I want to go to my spot sometime in the morning! to watch the sun rise! and just spend that morning with God the peace and quietness!

This is a verse from my bro's fb profile pic...just bringing it up because it is true! (well everythign in the Bible is true LOL but yeah! this verse kind of related to my spot"
Psalm 46:10 
"Be still and know that I am God" 

Anyways, Smile guys! :) and be happy! haha

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I watched a video today...basically it was a person preaching for about 5 mins.  It was really powerful in my opinion! heres the link if you want! :D!
but yeah theres so much in that! but i'm just gonna talk about one line he mentioned... one of the first things that stuck out to me when we was talk was this line..."I see people living but not surrendering lives" and this just like reminded me of all the stuff that i learned over the weekend!

On friday, a speaker came into acf and talked about his personal testimony.  And the thing that stuck out to me was Who God is to you!...Who is God to me?  The question posed was, is He my just my Saviour or is He also my Lord!  At first I was like. duhhh.. but then i thought about it more.  Christ being your LORD AND SAVIOUR is so much more!  you need that act of surrendering!  He is my Lord.  I honestly can't exactly explain myself atm for some reason... but for those Christians out there.. really think about this... if God is just your saviour or if He is also your Lord! and there is a difference! it makes a difference in the way you should live your life! because your life doesn't belong to you!

Yesterday (sunday), i went to coffeehouse and someone mentioned that verse.  2 Corinthians 12:9 "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." Doesn't this verse kind of make you want to surrender all to Jesus!  For His grace is sufficient fo me! and i want Christ's power to rest on me! like... iuno! i just find this verse connects with what I'm thinking!

Also, another thing to think about is a quote from "Ellerslie" (eric and leslie ludy) my fave authors! LOL jk but yeah! i love their books! :) "you cannot have complete joy without complete surrender".. don't know exactly where it's from, but its from them! LOL and it's so true to me!  LIke i said in my earlier posts, the closer i get to God, the more I get to experience His true joy! and it's amazing!  His true joy is what completes joy and you'll understand what being truly joyful is!.. through Him! 

I know this blog is like all mumble jumble LOL no organized manner or w/e.. but then when are my blogs organized anyways? but yeah these are just things i've been thinking about and i wanted to write it down before i forgot them!  I think God is telling me to surrender my life to Him! haha surrendering my laziness, surrendering my grades, surrendering my DG, whole life!

Anyways, SMILE guys! and be Happy! and surrender to GOD! :D
btw DG! i've been praying lots for u recently!  hope ur doing well out there! :D

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

VOD Galations 5:6b

Galations 5:6
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

Isn't that so true?  As a Christian, we are called to love one another!  In verse 13 it says, "serve one another humbly in love". Faith is so much more than just saying you's actually SHOWING it.  and our faith we have in Jesus Christ should be shown to the world through our love!  "and they'll know we are christians by our love".. thats from a song that stuck out to me before.. mainly because it's true.  But yeah! if you read James 2, you'll see that having faith without deeds/actions makes no sense at all! like i'm serious! haha Knowing something and doing nothing is TOTALLY different from knowing something and doing it!.. The comparison made in James is that even DEMONS know who God is, but that doesn't mean they will be saved.  They don't follow Christ; they don't have true faith.  Here's the verse if you're interested:
James 2:18-19
But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.  You believe that there is one God.  Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.
I just find that so powerful! haah the "show me your faith without deeds"...mannn sometimes i feel like i'm the man who tries to show that, and when you think about it, it's so foolish!  Faith without deeds is meaningless!  verse 26 of that chapter says, "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." 
Anyways, as Christians, we ought to love one another and show to the world that we are different through Christ's love in us.  And if you truly are a Christian and say you love God, make sure your faith and love for Him has deeds as well!  You should be spending time with Him whenever possible!.. If you love God, honestly, how hard can it be to spend a few minutes here and there with Him? just reading His word, just talking to Him, just worshipping Him, just... CHILLIN with Him?  I know i have a lot of time for my friends, so I should def have enough time to spend a few minutes here and there with God!..even if its rather short.

Anyways, Smile guys! be Happy! and LOVE GOD, everyone else and yourself! :)

WOD Nov 9, 2011

So today i worked out with my friend Jerry! he's like a super buff guy! HAHA anyways i worked out between classes! HAH i really liked it!!! i think i might do it more often! haha
anyways, here is the workout:

3x of shoulder press (super set)
8 reps @50lbs dumbells (Jerry did 65lbs and 40lbs)
8 reps @35lbs

3x of lateral raises?... haha (super set)
6 reps @heavyish weight? lol
6 reps @lighter weight? it was like.. a machine.. so i dont know how to measure that stuff

Front raises?
8x3 @45lbs (barbell-like thing)

3x of Back.. flys? (super set)

6 reps @heavyish weight? lol
6 reps @lighter weight?


30 Clean and press @135lbs for time

(i was really slow at this...7:10) LOL
the first 10 took me a minute LOLOL! but then yeah.. weirdness.. i wanna be able to eventually do this in under 3 mins... it shouldn't be taht hard lol

Monday, November 7, 2011

WOD Nov 7, 2011

So i went to the gym today again! HAHA needa get stronger!

Shoulder press 5x5 @105 (yes i know its weaksauce)


For time:
42 pullups
21 overhead squats @95lbs
30 pullups
15 overhead squats @95lbs
18 pullups
9 overhead squats @95lbs
Time: 14:48


One arm snatch at 95lbs (took me 2 tries LOL first try was just FAIL, second time, i ALMOST bailed but i was like.. NOOOOO!!! and pushed it up LOL)

ABS contest!

HEYYY!! soooo i'm trying out the paleo diet! for those taht don't know what it is... GOOGLE IT! ahha
basically, you eat food that was accessible to cavemen! haha
I'm BASICALLY going to do it wiht like.. a few exceptions: MILK and left over food i still have in my fridge that i dont want to waste and hot cereal/oatmeal for breakfast.
BUT yeah i think thats pretty good still! just means no more eating fast food for me! :( ahha oh wells!

I'm ON A RACE with my friend elton to see who can get a 6 pack the fastest... well kind of.. we set a date in the future when we will compare abs to see which one looks the best.  What is the motivation? FREE DINNER! AHAH loser pays for a dinner for the winner <$25.01 before tax! which is. pretty good! thats like.. all you can eat ribs/wings/sushi/hotpot/a decent steak/GOOD MOTIVATION! so yeah! this will be fun! hopefully it will be a tie.. or i win so that i get a free meal HAHA!

I feel like he has an advantage cos he's skinnier and has less fat, he think i have an advantage becaseu my ab muscles are bigger... but still i have more fat!! LOl oh well! we will see!!!!

basically, my plan to win is to eat paleo and do a lot of back flips LOL (yes, i know you can read this elton! I just know u won't copy me though..unless u can do back flips)

I'd post pics of my progression, but .. i'm not going to! LOL


Sunday, November 6, 2011

WOD Nov 6, 2011

So i worked out today after cheerleading! LOL i've decided that all my blogs will just go into this blog.. not the jirehfit one! just because I think its not needed to separate it! I'll have different labels.. so you can look at that if you want to find stuff... whether you wanna read about my dream girl, my day, verse blurbs or fitness stuff! haha

OH YEAH! so the reason i'm doing this again is because I need to work out more! LOL my coach was like... "jireh you got smaller than what you were at tryouts" and i'm like.. oh.. really? LOLOL so yeah! AHHA

ANYWAYS this is what i did at the gym after practice:

8x3 bench press @135lbs
8x3 inclined press @95lbs
(yes guys, i know my pecs are weak LOL)


5 rounds for time
5 Deadlifts @275lbs
10 Chest to ground Burpees


1 Clean and press @185lbs
(i got it on my 3rd attempt) LOL 1st time was just bad cos i didn't do cleans all day so it was messy, 2nd time, my push press wasn't strong enough... 3rd time.. you know! OH YEAH!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sleep Paralysis!

So guys, LOL if you don't know what sleep paralysis is, basically, you wake up, but you can't move...but ur awake still!  According to my google research, lol, the body will inhibit movements sometimes while you are sleeping to avoid the body of hurting itself while sleeping and basically, it just gets delayed or something and its still inhibiting body movement while you are awake! so then you feel paralyzed for a while.

From many Christians I've talked to who had this, a couple of them would say they were attacked by evil spirits, and sometiems, they would see demons creeping around them.  So i just thought it was interesting. They would mutter things like "in the name of Jesus, get out" or something, or actually they would THINK that because they couldn't speak.. because their bodies were paralyzed! creepy feeling eh?

ANYWAYS, getting on to me.  SO today I was studying biochem on my sofa and i got drowsy and fell asleep! LOL (FAIL) but no worries, I'll study more after this post and after cheer tonight! okay.. and then i was dreaming. then i woke up and i'm like.. CRAPP!! AHAH cos i actually couldn't friggin move! here was the weird thing...I swear i could have heard evil spirits or demons or satan or something like that trying to talk to me.  So i opened my eyes (mind you, this was actually REALLY difficult) opening my eyes took me a good like.. 10 seconds to think about it. But then i saw nothing.. it was just like nothing! LOL oh well! but i could still hear weird creepy sounding voices yelling into my ears.  and at that moment, i was thinking to myself...There are only 2 explanations for this:

1. i have sleep paralysis, which means in like a couple mins from now, all will be normal and this was all just a i was calm still.  IN this case it was almost quite enjoyable because its like my body telling me, "sleep more Jireh! your body needs rest!" (even thoguh it didn't atm)

2. There is a spiritual world and demons and satan are trying to creep me out because recently, i've been getting closer and closer with God.  It was like a spiritual warfare i guess?  Which in THIS case, I was still calm because I was thinking, even though this is scary, I'm already on the winning team, so no worries.  I tried muttering "Jesus" but that didn't come out! LOL nope! i could not speak.  So I just started praying to God and that was enjoyable because I knew He was there comforting me.

So then I woke up from this, started moving my body again, the strange voices in my head were gone and i'm like.. *sigh* "nice! its over!" LOL and then i fall back to sleep! OL THAT WAS THE WEIRD PART! LOL and then it happened again.  This time, the demons were even louder and muttering really creepy sounding stuff.  I tried looking this time, but i couldn't open my eyes. and i pretty much just saw this scrumpled up static-like thing of red and black in my head. (I kind of tried drawing it below my bed thing in the pic.. but it didn't look like that.. but its close enough! AHAH use ur imaginations! and it was everything in my didn't look like a messy ball of yarn!! LOL)  NO lies it was quite creepy.  Couldn't move like last time, but it was worse this time.  I started to pray to God again, and He was there for me, comforting me.  He gave me Psalm 23..only the part where it said "I will fear NO evil, for you are with me"  I tried reciting the whole chapter, but i forgot it LOL that was funny i found.. but yeah that calmed me down and just seeing how much more powerful God is than satan was enjoyable! it was comforting, because He is amazing!

Anyways, I eventually woke up from that, was able to open my eyes, move and stuff and iunno why, but it looked like there was a demon in a tile near the fireplace i was sleeping by LOL.  So i'm like w/e thats weird.  Iw as exhausted, so i fell back to sleep again LOL, kind of praying to God that it won't happen again because I just want to feel awake so i can study.  So i climbed into my bed, set an alarm and went back to sleep.  I woke up normally and all was good!

For me, this experience was cool, becasue I got to really see God's power at work! and stuff!

ANYWAYS guys, SMILE and be happy!
LOL and don't get scared after reading this, because I am not!  I know God will always be there for me!

OH YEAH! you i forgot to mention this!.. you know how people say they feel a weight of something on their chest?  its true! lol i felt it both times.. it was heavier the second time i think! it just made it a lil more difficult to breathe, but it was okay i think!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

VOD 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20

1 Corinthians 6:19b-20
You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

I find it difficult sometimes, to really just surrender all I am to God:  All my worries, my pride, my love life, my relationships, my education, my jobs, my life!  Some things, I want to just...think I have control over them because...I dont know...It gives me a false sense of security? but in the end, what I need to remember is this.  "You are not your own; you were bought at a price."  OH SHOOOT!! lol it seems kind of weird at first, because you don't usually think about it like that, but it's not weird.  We (all christians) were bought at a price!  Jesus' BLOOD/LIFE is what it costed!  and this isn't like a master buying a slave thing...instead of a master buying a slave to "imprison" him, God bought us and freed us from sin so that we could become His CHILDREN! and all He asks us to do is have a relationship with Him and love Him.  I don't even see how that's hard, I'd find it quite easy to love someone who just saved my life.  "Therefore honor God with your bodies."... i think i can do that.  How? by surrendering all I am to God.  I know i'm kind of taking this verse out of context, but I think it makes sense.  In this context, we need to honor God with our bodies through fleeing from sexual immorality.  But still, we can honour Him by surrendering our lives to Him and knowing that "I(we) have been crucified with Christ and I(we) no longer live, but Christ lives in me(us).  The life I(we) now live in the body, I(we) live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me(us) and gave Himself for me(us)." --Galations 2:20.

Anyways guys, I hope you are all doing well!
Smile and be happy! :D

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jesus gives me Joy!

Honestly, I can say this so much because it's so true!! Whenever I'm down, He's always just friggin there! LOL in a GOOD way! and yes! i honestly see a very STRONG and POSITIVE correlation to "how close you are with God" and "Joy"!  2 Corinthians 1:3 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort" His love is so amazing and He just always knows how to comfort me when I absolutely need it!  Sometimes, I think that He just like.. ditched me, but then I realize that He was always there! and its sometimes! this reminded me of the poem "footprints"
Here it is if you want to see it:! everytime i read it its like.. so true! HAHA.. oh i just noticed now.. theres an author?! LOL i always thought it was anonymous LOL! oh well! haha thats cool!

Anyways, He just has His ways of doing things! haha and its interesting! :D 

Smile guys! and be happy!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


God's love is truly amazing!  I was listening to my itunes today and it was on shuffle and i heard this song...
honestly it hit me! when i FIRST heard this song, it really impacted my life.. maybe it was just cos of the environment i was in atm, but yeah!  Anyways, recently i've really been thinking about this topic... love!  Love towards my DG, close friends, God, and just everyone in general. This topic is actually sooo distracting, but yeah! I like the lyrics of this song.

LOL i bolded things that stook out to me!
Verse 1
Now Hollywood wants to make you think they know what love is. But I'm a tell you what true love is. Love is not what you see in the movies. Its not the ecstasy, its not what you see in that scene, you know what I mean? I'm telling you right now, true love is sacrifice. Love is thinking about others before you think about yourself, love is selfless not selfish. Love is God and God is love. Love is when you lay down your life for another, whether for your brother, your mother, your father or your sister, its even laying down your life for your enemies, that's unthinkable, but think about that. Love is true. Think.


I'll put you in front of me
So everybody can see
My love, this is my love

I know that I'll be alright
As long as you are my guide
My love, this is my love

Verse 2
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, it always perseveres. 
Love never fails. Love is everlasting, its eternal, it goes on and on, it goes beyond time, love is the only thing that will last when you die, but ask the question why? Do you have love? 


Verse 3
There is no greater love than this than he who lays down his life for his friends. Now are you willing to lay down your life for your friends? You're probably willing to lay down your life for your mother, your father, or your best friends, but are you willing to lay down your life for even those that hate you? I'm going to tell you who did that, the definition of love is Jesus Christ. He is love. The nails in his hands, the thorns in his brow, hanging on a cross for your sin my sins, that is LOVE he died for you and me while we still hated him, that is love. God is true love, and if you don't know this love, now is the time to know, perfect love. 


Sunday, October 30, 2011

2 pairs of eyeballs

Sometimes I do things I'm not proud of.  Sometimes I get too close to people when I really shouldn't!  It's just weird sometimes! and it happens to everyone, I think..BUT that isn't an excuse to justify that what you are doing is right.  if you aren't happy about something, or if something tugs against ur conscience, it's like that for a reason!!!.. it probably was not right...

There are supposed to be 2, but i didn't want to draw another one LOL
Going to my 2 pairs of eyeballs thing, the first pair of eyeballs represents God's eyes.  And this is real!  He is actually there, watching everything I do, and there is nothing I can hide from Him...even the smallest sins, such as lies, His eyes are like.. lie detectors! or iunno! but yeah! essentially they can see through anything.  The second pair of eyeballs belong to my DG/(future wife).  This is...made up. But I had someone ask me once, where is it appropriate to touch girls? and I was like.. iunno... then i heard a sermon and decided that, wherever you would touch if your future wife was watching you, assuming that girl isn't ur DG or w/e, is where you should touch.  It makes sense though right?  If you want to honour your future wife AND honour that girl, doing the "eyeball rule" makes sense!  and this rule like.. super applies especially if you are just friends with the other person.  like yeah! i guess when you get a gf/bf, it changes a little, but you should still be honouring your DG and stuff.  I'll have to think more about that!

yeah this post feel confusing! LOL like it makes not much sense! LOL oh well!!

Smile guys! and be happy!!

VOD Oct 29, 2011

1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

So recently, I've really been wondering WHY God let me get into the cheerleading team!  Honestly, I'm sure that that without His help, I wouldn't have been able to get into the team myself.  So i was strongly convicted that He had me there for a purpose....not that everything I do isn't for His purpose or anything, but it just stuck out more than everyday-life stuff.

Going back to the verse, I feel that as christians, we need to really know that we get the opportunity to live only through Jesus and this is only because God loves us so much.  He gave us a way to live, when we really don't deserve it at all.  When people see us, they shouldn't see normal people, they should see Jesus in us.  We should be so happy because of this.. or glad!  I don't really know, but yeah it just makes so much sense!  We are free because of Him!  I think it's just cool!  Some people say that if you truly know/meet God, and truly understand what happened, all you would be doing is either trembling in fear or rejoicing!  God's love always amazes me and challenges me as a christian! It amazes me because it's awesome, unconditional, loving...i'm bad at explaining things.. LOL  It challenges me because I want to love like Him and love people unconditionally!

Anyways, i'm tired now!! i can't think anymore!!! but i hope that I can have Jesus live through me! and i hope that people can see because that is what it means to be a christian!

Smile! :D and be happy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


WHOOO!! i'm 19!!! now i can do ANYTHING in canada!! oh yeahh!! LOL pretty jokes but yeah! i'm happy! :D i actually don't have much to say now except for the fact that i'm pretty tired!
I clean and pressed 185lbs today! and thats a lot for me! so i'm pretty happy about that! LOL its cool i think!! like.. i didn't htink i could do it.. but my friend told me just to try it out.. so i'm like.. screw it.. fine! LOL and i did it! LOl jokesss! LOL

ANYWAYS, hopefully i don't drink too much!! i don't really agree wiht drinking to get drunk. because.... its just bad! cos when ur drunk you cant really think properly... and that is bad!! LOL
i got a verse today! which my next blog will be about.... it is Galatians 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." If i were not a servant of Christ.. knowing my personality, i wouldn't care less if I got so drunk my liver fell out! but yeah! I just don't see how getting drunk, loosing control of your body and falling into carnal pleasures edifies God.
On that note.. i'm probably going to be drinking this saturday... LOL but yeah! hopefully i don't get drunk...either way.. i'm DETERMINED to go to church the next day!!!! even if i'm like.. super hung over or whateve rthe case may be!!!!

So i might not do a VOD, we will see though....

Smile guys! :D and be happy!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

washing hands in public washrooms

LOL so yeah i got facebook hacked recently and my "friend" (LOL) made my birtdhay yesterday and everyone said happy britdhay and then he said back to everything that "I like to poop" this reminded me of something i was thinking about a week ago! AHHA

Okay.  So imagine this scenario:
You walk into a public washroom and then.. you need to take a dump.  SO then you walk into a stall, hand hang your coat and bag up or w/e you are holding cos its weird to poo with a lot of stuff on you. OKAY so you take a dump after cleaning the seat and putting toilet paper on it becasue ur paranoid u'll get aids or osmething.. OR you horse stance and don't even make contact with the toilet seat.  EITHER WAY, your butt (not butt know what it is!) is DIRTY LOL and; you need to wipe it.  okay so then you wipe it, not with you hand obviously, unless you need to i guess, LOL but you wipe it with toilet paper. okay yay!! now you feel nasty because you just dumped. NOW WHAT?! LOL

I did not make this pic! found it on google LOL
okayy.. so what I USED to do is open the door, wash my hands and then come back for my stuff, praying that no one will steal my stuff or run into the stall and take a dump! WHY? cos think about it! LOL its SOO NASTY to like.. grab ur stuff after u take a dump!! LOL cos then you like... use poo hands to grab ur jacket and yeah... if you don't think its nasty.. then.. don't bother washing ur hands after dumping! LOL but yeah i thought it was nasty.. but thenn.. my friend "puree" told me that she just grabs her stuff with her other hand cos she doesnt wipe her butt with 2 hands! LOl and i'm like.. OHHH GENIUS!!! LOL haah but then yea!! i still feel nasty! LOLOL but i guess its the second best option! LOL best option is to leave ur stuff outside with ur friends or something... just ppl u can trust LOLOL

ANYWAYS, thats all i have to say!!!
oh yeah about a year ago, i saw a guy peeing and eating an apple at the same time in a public washroom! taht was interesting! LOLOL literally just chilling at a urinal and eating an apple... haha!!

SMILE guys and be happy! :D

Monday, October 17, 2011

i miss crossfit!!

Mann! i miss crossfit!! lol! although cheer is fun and a good workout, i still really miss doing those fun daily wods and the environment of crossfit!! Today just for fun, i did a short "WOD".. it wasn't really anything LOL but it was fun and reminded me of crossfit! LOL it was 100 v-ups and 100 pushups for time! LOL fun stuff! i did it in like.. 9 mins.. which isn't too bad.. but then i have no idea becasue i have no one to compare myself with! LOL oh wells! it was fun and i had a good work out! :D

Sometimes what i find is that when I don't want to study, instead of sleeping, working out is a good way to waste time! LOl and look, this WOD only took.. 10 mins? and im sure i'll be sore tmr!! so this is good! LOL
ALSO, a really great motivator is reminding myself that I'm not living my life for myself! LOL Sometimes, listening to worship music, doing devos, or just spending time with Him helps me refocus my life and helps me put things back into perspective.

anyways, i'm happy! I am grateful that I can have an opportunity to study in university!
NOW time to study cos midterms are ON!!!

SMILE and be happy! :D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Mann ppl with sunglasses scare me sometimes! esp if its like.. a girl or something or.. iunno!!

anyways.. today i was sitting in a bus and there was this girl sitting in front of me with large sunglasses on. and seriously it looked like she was staring into my soul or something! like.... her glasses were staring right at me! and i had no idea what to do or how to react! LOL .. okay so she might not be looking at me. for all i know she could be sleeping, looking behind me or iunno... just looking in my direction, but not LOL  ANYWAYS, I didn't know and i wanted to know! so like.. u know how you like.. stare at sunglasses to try seeing through them?  I tried that! but then i was thinking to myself.. oh shoooott maybe she thinks i'm staring at her.  then i look at her and i'm like.. yeah thats awkward cos ususally i don't look at girls like her. so i looked away.. then i'm like.. mannnn i see her in my peripherals and it truly looks like she's staring at me! so i look back again to see... sunglasses are so hard cos sometimes you think you can see though but you can't!! like.. if it were those shiny ones.. i wouldn't even try because i know its like.. impossible.. but these were the dark ones where, if you look closely enough, you can see through.

In the end she probably wasn't staring at me but it was creepy! lol cos the one time i think i saw through, it looked like she was looking at me.. but honestly, that was probably cos i creeped her out by looking at her too much.  then i got a text.... looked at my texts, looked back up and she was gone! HAHA jokes! LOL I think i will get sunglasses next year for the summer or soemthing... so tthat i may creep ppl out! and like.. pretend stare at ppl.. but actaully be sleeping or osmethign! LOL

Smile and be happy!


Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10 verse!

Deuteronomy 8:17-18
"You may say to yourself, "My power and strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me."  But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today."

Recently, I've really been thinking about what I'm going to do with my life.  Am I going to be a doctor, a physio,  hobo?  Am I going to get married or will I always stay single?  Am I going to die young? LOL I actually thought about that stuff!  I guess I thought that stuff because, I may have lost vision of what God really wants me to do.  I used to think He wanted me to go into med school, but I don't know anymore!  It's just so complicated!  I also feel that sometimes I don't like being independent have having to be responsible for my life.  I like depending on my parents and family members most of the time...just because it's easier.  In that way, I'm still quite immature I guess! LOL Anyways, so I have been praying to God, asking Him to give me a vision of what HE wants for my life (expecting he'd be like.. "jireh i want you to be a doctor"...because honestly, that's really the only thing that matters.  Guess what He told me.. LOL nothing LOLOL! AHAH This is pretty much what I got from Him:  "Jireh, I want you!  I want you to do everything for me."  and that kind of hit me I guess.  Maybe i had this revelation before, but really, it shouldn't matter what exactly God wants me to be, especially at the moment.  God wants me to try my hardest for Him and He will provide!

This brings me to today's verse of the day (VOD) LOL.  I was just thinking that maybe in the future when IF i become a doctor or just excel in life, I genuinely hope that I can praise God in the end and say that EVERYTHING I am is because of Him.  He is the one that gives me wealth, however much it may be, not my power or strength.  "for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth"!

Smile Guys!! and be happy! :D

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oct 5th verse

So i have an app on my phone that just gives me a daily bible verse! haah i guess i'll start talking about them sometimes LOLOL like.. not EVERYDAY! ahah that would be too intense for me! my goal is to meditate on them everyday.. but i probably wont have the time or feel like blogging about it everyday!

LOL so todays verse!
Job 1:21 (ESV)
And he said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

The story of Job always amazes me! He was super wealthy, had a family and pretty much had every thing you could ever want from this world. He's just living his merry life when Satan looks at him and goes to God and is like, "I bet if i take away his possessions he will turn away from you!" and God was like, "You can try, but he will not". So Satan does A LOT of bad stuff like.. in the end he lost all of his property, all his money, his whole family, all his friends and he had boils.. which sucks! so this is like.. SUPER opposite side of the spectrum! Yet he's like.. "blessed be the name of the Lord"!!!! that is crazy coool! people nowadays blame God for everything yet don't acknowledge what God has done for them! and most of the time... when people are suffering, they don't say "blessed be the name of the Lord".. they'll say other stuff that's not as nice...I want to have a heart like Job. Someone who truly understands his place in respect to God. Although it sounds weird, God can do whatever he wants with us. Obviously he won't do really bad stuff or stuff we cannot handle because He loves us. If he didn't love us LOL we'd be screwed...that's just a fact LOL He also won't let Satan tempt us beyond what we can take (1 Corinthians 10:13). Like...Satan had to ASK God for permission to do this stuff before he could do it! LOL its actually kind of funny when you think about it from that way. It's almost like.. every bad thing that might happen to you is happening because God knows you can get out of it and He is there to help you! Then you'll ask... why get tempted in the first place or w/e... honestly that's a totally different question and maybe i'll address that later in my blogs kind of.... or you can do research on google! AHAH I still to really figure out that answer for myself too so yeah!

Honestly, some things are complicated and don't make sense. Most of the time, all you have to do is trust in Him and try your hardest. I want to have that heart Job had... a thankful heart! "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" seriously this is awesome because God is awesome! Smile and be happy! :D

cheering hurts! LOOL

so yeah! i feell like i haven't gotten out of a practice yet feeling.. not hurt! LOL i've been hit in the balls (last friday), butt in the face (several occasions), kicked in the hea by a girl falling form liek 15-20 feet in the air (yesterday), elbowed in the neck (yesterday), landed on my head ( a while back), scraped my face (a while back), injured my thumb (last week), screwed up my ankles (a while back), kneed in the fleshy area of my knee and yeah.. more LOLOL! just doesnt stop coming! LOLOLOL but its okay! these are all minor stuff! LOL if anything, i find it so much more fun to do this than to not do it! so its like.. worth it! :D YESTERDAY i could finally toss my stunt partner and catch her feet!! she's a lot more stiff and tight now! os its easier when i throw her and stuff! its good! i've also learned what i was doing wrong before !LOL.. usefull!!!! anyways yeah! hope you guys have having a nice day today! Smile people! :D and be happy!! hope ur not as injured as i am! LOL